
Revision 15 as of 2008-04-26 16:47:24

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April 2008 Team Reports


If your team is not making team reports, see [:BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting:these guidelines] for how to do so.

Ubuntu Development Teams

Community Council

  • Meeting: April 15th:
    • Fixed Meeting times: Daniel Holbach is going to ask all CC members to agree on 1st Tuesday of the month 11:00 UTC and 3rd Tuesday of the month 20:00 UTC
    • Move-On date for Regional Membership Boards April 18th. Daniel to solicit outstanding feedback.
    • Updating ["CommunityCouncil/TeamReport"] now is a fixed agenda item. Daniel Holbach to get in touch with Team Councils to participate in TeamReports.

    • LoCo Council was agreed on. Loco Council members are to meet, set up meeting times, wiki pages, etc. and report back with that.



  • [https://launchpad.net/~scottritchie Scott Ritchie] patiently worked on Wine in Ubuntu for a long time. He has demonstrated he has all it takes to become a MOTU and joined the team.

  • In just 6 short months of being involved in the MOTU process, Andrea has displayed what it takes to be an outstanding member of the MOTU community. With an interest in games and science, Andrea wasn't fulfilled and has since then taken a liking to the QA process, spending countless amount of hours fixing FTBFS, unmetdeps, as well as library transitions, stuff you typically see seasoned MOTUs go after. It is this dedication that makes [http://launchpad.net/~warp10 Andrea Colangelo] a member of the MOTU community.

  • Having worked on Xubuntu quite a lot, we're happy to welcome [https://launchpad.net/~cody-somerville Cody Somerville] to the MOTU team.

  • After outstanding feedback from all people [http://launchpad.net/~mok0 Morten Kjeldgaard] worked with, he was deemed ready for MOTU membership.


  • warp10 is now a MOTU and offered himself as a Mentor. He has now been assigned two contributors, congratulations and thanks Andrea!
  • pitti is now mentoring mattismyname, thanks Martin, you ROCK!
  • dktrkrantz now mentors dudus, way to go Luca!
  • We have received six new requests for a mentor since the last report; we have now 11 contributors on our waiting list.

Desktop Team

  • Suspend/resume should now work on a lot more machines. (pitti)
  • GNOME session startup is now faster again. (seb128, mvo, pitti)
  • GNOME has been updated to the new 2.22.1 version

Mobile and Embedded

The full report is [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ReportingPage here]

  • Visual improvements this month with work on:
    1. A Moko Finger Scroller
    2. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rdesktop rdesktop] panning support

    3. cairo + xcompmgr
    4. interface integration for treb
  • Linked into this UI work is easier access for the backgrounds applet. If there are 10 or more photos in the backgrounds applet a slider to the right of the dialog allows the user to quickly move through them all. It also has a button on top that jumps to the first photo and a button on bottom that jumps to the last photo. Background images now load much faster.
  • It should now be fairly easy to create a lpia VM image; as a next step we fill it with moblin-image-creator's output and add some fset's for vmware and/or qemu support
  • Merged Firefox beta5 RC code into Midbrowser.
  • Some debate about the choice of Java runtime. We should use openjdk but the web plugin will still be gcj's and this is not feature complete
  • And, of course lots of bugfixing particularly on the now stabilized Moblin kernel

Include(ServerTeam/ReportingPage/2008-04,"Server Team",3,from="## ReportStart", to="## ReportEnd")

Wine Team

  • Wine 1.0 will be coming out within the Intrepid timeframe. It's an excellent candidate for ubuntu-backports.
  • Photoshop CS2, WoW, most Steam Apps, and many others work out of the box on Hardy.
  • Wine may be able to use launchpad to help translate Wine in anticipation of the 1.0 release. Wine doesn't yet use the gettext .pot/.po files required by launchpad; instead Wine uses the Windows resource file (.rc) format. Someone has written a .rc to .po converter, however it's a bit of a hack and won't make it into Wine 1.0. As an interim solution, Wine can have its translation files forked, converted to .po files, translated on launchpad, converted back, and then sent upstream. This approach is fairly efficient, however dialog box sizes in the .rc files will need to be manually adjusted since both launchpad and the converter don't support them.


  • Release 8.04 in 2 versions - KDE 3 and KDE 4 Remix
  • Guidance fixes
  • Bug fixes


  • Ubuntu and Kubuntu documentation released with translations
  • Xubuntu and Edubuntu documentation fixes and additions (translations?)

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Chicago Team

Japanese Team

  • Released Japanese Remix Desktop CD 8.04 RC on 22nd April.
  • Planning release of Japanese Remix Desktop CD 8.04 on 25th April.

Tamil team

  • KDE 4.1 translations going Upstream
  • Monthly Ubuntu Intro One day class scheduled at NRCFOSS, Chennai on 26 Apr 2008
  • Team Lead change proposed.

UK Team

Full Circle Magazine

  • Issue #12 is being checked by the Ubuntu Marketing Team and on schedule for release this Friday (25th).
  • French, Italian and Chinese translations of #10 are available for download.
  • Still looking in to having an HTML edition (as well as the PDF version) of the magazine but our current wiki software (pmwiki) may not be suitable. Investigation on-going...


  • Revamping all artwork
  • Last minute bug fixing
  • Introduce tasks for alternate disk

Team Name

  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item
  • Report Item