April 2014 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Community Council
- Meeting 2014-04-03
- Check in with Doc Team
- Meeting 2014-04-17
- Check in with IRC Council
Developer Membership Board
- Chair: Benjamin Drung
- Present: Benjamin Drung, Scott Kitterman (partially), Micah Gersten, Stéphane Graber
Logs: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-03-24-19.27.html
Review of previous action items
The discussion about "Review of previous action items" started at 19:27.
- stgraber to add the new DMB members, update the IRC bot, wiki, mailing-list subscriptions, IRC ACLs, ...
- This was all done, except updating the DMB-ping. Robert Wall was updating the DMB-ping when we discussed this action item.
Xubuntu packageset/MOTU application from Jackson Doak
The discussion about "Xubuntu packageset/MOTU application from Jackson Doak" started at 19:32.
Vote: Should Jackson Doak become MOTU?
- Motion denied (For/Against/Abstained 1/3/0)
Vote: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights to the Xubuntu packageset?
- Motion denied (For/Against/Abstained 1/1/2)
Vote: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights for catfish, gthumb, parole, and mugshot?
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0)
- Scott voted +1 after the meeting had finished.
Any other business
The discussion about "Any other business" started at 20:50.
- Next chair will be Brian Murray.
- #ubuntu-meeting: DMB, 7 Apr at 15:00 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-07-15.03.moin.txt
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-07-15.26.moin.txt
Meeting summary
- Chair: Brian Murray
- Present: Scott Kitterman, Iain Lane, Dimitri Ledkov, Stephane Graber
Review of previous action items
All items have been done at this time.
Per Package Uploader Application: Benjamin Kerensa
Benjamin did not make it to the meeting.
Ubuntu Core dev application: Adam Stokes
The discussion about "Ubuntu Core dev application: Adam Stokes" started at 15:26.
Vote: Adam Stokes for Ubuntu Coredev (Carried with 4/0/1)
Forum Council
An update from the Forums Council for April 2014
The Forum Council gave an update on where we stand with regard to the new process for nominating forum members for moderator positions.
With only 2 self nominations and 4 nominations put forward by the council, the overall feeling was for polling to be abandoned this time around with the 6 current nominees appointed to the moderation team. Learning points to be appraised and the process revisited for next time around.
Full logs can be found here. http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-06-20.01.log.html
Congratulations to mc4man, caboose885, deadflowr, steeldriver, slickymaster and sudodus on their appointments.
Mobile Forum Theme
s-fox will contact Canonical IS with regard to improving the mobile theme of the forum.
Next Forum Council Meeting
FC to discuss meeting times for next 6 months (continue with first Sunday of the month).
Should you wish to add items to the agenda here is the link.
IRC Council
LoCo Council
Membership Boards
Technical Board
Meeting 2014-04-14:
- Chair: Steve Langasek
- Attendees: Adam Conrad, Kees Cook, Marc Deslauriers, Stéphane Graber
- Apologies: Martin Pitt
- Review our current "provisional" Micro Release Exceptions
- [ACTION] slangasek to work with SRU team to get a list of how the provisional MREs have/haven't been used
Ubuntu Kylin/Ubuntu Kylin Archive
Vote: ratification of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu%20Kylin/Ubuntu%20Kylin%20Archive (Carried)
- (4 votes for, 0 against, 1 abstention)
- Chair for next meeting: Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
- Released 14.04 LTS on April 17th
- Team Meetings
- Team Updates
- Wallpaper issues fixed - thanks to xnox
- IBus should be now dropped by default and not cause problems
- knome fixed the website archives
- xfce4-indicator-plugin patched and uploaded to start the indicators.
knome started writing the release annoucement/notes: http://pad.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu1404Final
- David Pires (slickymaster) is the new Xubuntu documentation lead
- Motion carried to cover pleia2's printing costs for Start Ubuntu flyers
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
Asturian Team
Australian Team
Belgian Team
Cameroonian Team
Canadian Team
9 April 2014 - Ubuntu Canada Team member Aruna Hewapathirane organized some activities for the local kids while on vacation in Sri Lanka (E-mail, Photos)
17 April 2014 - Ubuntu-ca Virtual Release Party: We were joined by members of the LoCo Council, who put our feed on UbuntuOnAir! (YouTube Video).
17 April 2014 - KW Ubuntu Release Hour: A Release Party and Ubuntu Hour rolled into one!
17 April 2014 - Trusty Tahr Toronto Release Party (Photo 1, Photo 2)
24 April 2014 - Online Meeting for Ubuntu Canada (April Agenda and Minutes, YouTube recording)
Catalan Team
- April 1st: irc meeting about what to do the next UGJ.
- April 5th: Ubuntu Global Jam in Barcelona.
- April 12th: Opened a ticket for upgrade to Trusty in Caliu (Catalan GNU/Linux Users) Ubuntu server.
- April 16th: irc meeting about speeches on next Ubuntu release party in Lleida.
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Czech Team
Danish Team
Dutch Team
Ecuador Team
French Team
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
Indian Team
Ubuntu Ireland
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
- Writings
- Software Design
- Ubuntu Weekly Topcis
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe
Korean Team
Montenegro Team
Nicaraguan Team
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
- April 10, 2014 at 6:00PM PHT - Meeting
- Agenda: Team Reports and 14.04 Release Party Planing
- April 30, 2014 at 6:00PM onwards - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr Release Party - Manila
Forum Announcement: by kidsodateless
Mailing list Announcement: kidsodateless
LoCo event page: by kidsodateless
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
* Ubuntu hour - lectures for beginners were held in Belgrade haklab, every Tuesday.
* On Thursday 17th April, Linux in practice was haled in Privredna Komora Beograda.
* On Monday 29th April, Ubuntu Install Day was held in Belgrade haklab.
* Preparation for May 1st Ubuntu Serbia barbecue gathering.
* On Saturday 5th, 12th, 19th 26th April, Administration team meeting was held.
South African Ubuntu team
Tue, 29 April: Monthly IRC Meet -- Minutes
Swedish Team
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
- Ubuntu-touch workshop at "National Engineering School of Sousse"
- Participation in the international conference JCERTIF Tunisia at "National Engineering School of Sousse"
- Ubuntu Global Jam 14.04 at "Studies Institute Technology of Mahdia"
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
- Team Meetings
- Ubuntu Hours
- Release Parties
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Iowa Team
New York State Team
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Oregon Team
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Wisconsin Team
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
Ubuntu Classroom Team
Hosted UbuntuOpenWeek for Trusty
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women Team
Team Meeting April 8th
- Hosted 6th Career Days session, this time with Laura Czajkowski, EMEA Community Manager for MongoDB
- Worked with mailing list admins to enable moderation on mailing list
- Svetlana Belkin and Elizabeth K. Joseph hosted an Ubuntu Open Week session on the Ubuntu Women project