The Ubuntu Testing day is a special day where the Ubuntu Community comes together with a shared goal of testing an specific set of ISO images (Alpha, Beta, RC, Gold or Point releases). Taking the idea from the UbuntuBugDay, we want to apply the same concepts to ISO testing.

Join the Testing Day

Who can join the Testing Day? Everyone. You don't need to be a developer. You don't need to know how to code. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know how to help, then just stop on by and we'll explain everything to you. In fact, one of the objectives of the Testing Day is to help people willing to start testing Ubuntu to make it better.

Where to join the Testing Day? Come to #ubuntu-testing on freenode IRC. Normal testing activity takes place in #ubuntu-testing at other times also.

Which release we will be testing?

We are testing the Intrepid Beta release. We will be focusing on upgrade testing. If you want to upgrade your Hardy (Ubuntu 8.04) to Intrepid (Ubuntu 8.10) this is a great way to help on your way.

How do I help?

  • If you are running Ubuntu Server 8.04, you can help by upgrading to Ubuntu Server 8.10 and reporting any bugs you might have. You can follow the test case described at Testing/Cases/ServerUpgrade

  • If you are running Ubuntu Desktop 8.04, you can help by upgrading to Ubuntu Desktop 8.10 and reporting any bugs you might have. You can follow the test case described at Testing/Cases/DesktopUpgrade

Please don't test the upgrades on production or mission critical systems unless you are happy doing so.

Filing bugs

Please file the bugs you might find during the upgrade process at Launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+filebug) and tag your bug as $dist-upgrade (i.e. ubuntu-upgrade, kubuntu-upgrade). Please attach all the files you find at /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to your bug report.


We will be running some introductory sessions about the tools and procedures to make testing easier and more efficient.

Use your IRC client (such as xchat, irssi or mIRC) to connect to the Freenode IRC network at irc.freenode.net. You can do this manually by typing:

/server irc.freenode.net

Then join #ubuntu-classroom for the time and date of the session you want to attend (see the timetable below). You can manually join the channel by typing:

/join #ubuntu-classroom

You should also join #ubuntu-classroom-chat which is the general discussion channel for the session. Questions should be posted there. You should prefix your questions with QUESTION: to make them easier to spot.

Time table




Testing Infrastructure

15h (UTC)

Marc Tardif (cr3)

Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20081006 (last edited 2008-10-08 07:18:32 by static-101-137-235-87)