Texas Team Wiki Team
Welcome tot he wiki team page, we have quite a bit to do.
To do list
Finish all the pages in the NavRibbon
- Clean up the goals page
- Set the projects up with an activity log.
- Create a help wanted section that pulls from projects.
- Write up a "get involved section.
Set up a ToolBox page so that we can create different shortcuts, templates, and the like for easy access.
- Design Templates
- Meeting stuff
- Meeting Description
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Images
- Event Templates
- Event Description
- Event Images
- Meeting stuff
- Improve Our Header set up
- Create different Headers for different page styles
- Try and make the header code pretty?
TexasTeam/Projects/WikiTeam (last edited 2009-12-13 04:45:12 by cpe-70-114-209-17)