Ubucon Sevilla, University of Seville, Sevilla, Spain - Saturday 5th May 2007 |
"Five years after touch-down!" |
Todo list:
Figure out how to do <strike>in moinmoin wiki</strike>, ask the ubuntu-doc team. PaulSladen 2007-03-26
Mail the sysadmins to ask for a simple, quick easy 'ubucon-sevilla@' mailing list Done waiting for response, PaulSladen 2007-03-26 (2007-03-29: still waiting...).
Contact "John Mark" about the previous Ubucons. Melissa Draper 2007-03-26.
John Mark Waller <>
Writeup of Mountain View here: (Mountain View)
About the existing mail mailing list:
Better wording/introduction. There's some good wording on the following which says: Part un-conference, part installfest, and part user group meeting, The UbuCon will take place simultaneously in one large auditorium and 3 - 6 small (~20 people) conference rooms. and sums things up really well in one sentence. From
Catering. We've got funding for 50-100 people, and up-front funding to cover at least 50 people. This means that we can go to the caters and sign-up for food/buffet for a minimum of 50 people and tell that there final numbers will likely be bigger. [*] Done, Luis de Bethencourt 2007-03-27, trying to decided what/when to have for drinks/lunch.
- Need an RSVP page to give an idea of numbers and help people to car-share.
This could be done using a group in launchpad and people "signing up" to it or a proper 'Sprint/Event' thing. 2007-03-27, Paul Sladen. Go to
- Find out central-point-of-contact for the University. Eg. The building is locked and we need to get in... [*] [Ask Guadalinex].
- Contact for the IT department at the University for network/bandwidth details. [*] [Ask Guadalinex]. luisbg has emailed Guadalinex 2007-03-26.
- Work out format for talks (eg. 45minutes talk+questions and 15minutes faff/gap between sessions).
- Work out time-table, a Spanish local tells me people have breakfast at 09:00, lunch at 14:00. So if we run 10:00-17:30 that should allow people to travel from Madrid on the morning.
- What do we need for a party?
Answer: "<luisbg> everybody there... food, internet, drinks (coffee's and beers) and cool stuff to do"
Contact the local LUGs. Done GatoLoko (I've wrote to all LUGs listed in 2007-03-30
- Write a mail "calling for assistance/helpers" and it'll get seen by the spanish linux community.
Somebody (PaulSladen?) to draft in English and send to luisbg to translate/copy around everyone.
- Poke Rob/Lifeless about an "ubuntu on tap" (box setup to do net-installs), useful for not only any new users that may be around, but anyone who wants to reinstall, and especially those without functional cd drives,
Poster for the Ubucon
Melissa Draper did a poster that is available for download at
- Poster was posted in various places through the university and some computer stores that support us.
- ensure proper promotion on-campus at the University. Easier to target the locals than pursading people to come from Barcelona.
- Publicity:
- Melissa might be able to do, OSTG, Newsforge and they will also publish Press Releases on spec
- Use material from hopefully interviewing John Mark about experiences of organizing the previous one
LWN, (and our own Fridge). <1 months means it's probably too short notice for the paper press.
- Ask Slashdot: How to throw a party. What do we need, what are your worst install-fest experiences.
Ant30 publish a spanish introduction on a style in spanish and on a Digg like system .
- Melissa might be able to do, OSTG, Newsforge and they will also publish Press Releases on spec
- On the day:
- Organise Posters
- Direction signs (to Ubucon, Food, Toilets...)
- On-going: Translation, keeping everything in sync.
* - ask guadalinex
Ask Slashdot
TheUbucon/Sevilla/TODO (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:22 by localhost)