About Me

My name is Thomas, at the time of this writing I'm 32 years old, married, living in NRW, Germany. Among other things I enjoy travelling, spending time with friends and family, I do read a lot and try to workout regularly (although I'm pretty bad at keeping a regular cadence there :)).

I have been a Debian user before boarding the Ubuntu train at Warty, 4.10. Since then, I have been using Ubuntu for my day to day work and personal computing needs. With joining Canonical around 11.10, I started working on Ubuntu full-time.

Contact Information


tvoss on irc.freenode.net








Future Goals

I would like Ubuntu to be the first operating system/platform that is able to power a whole zoo of form-factors and provide users with a beautiful and efficient UX, that is consistent and seamlessly adapting to different usage scenarios, form factors and devices. At the same time I want to make sure that Ubuntu stays as open and accessible as possible, welcoming to newcomers, embracing diversity, offering a place for people to collaborate and build awesome things.


ThomasVoss (last edited 2013-03-28 22:06:33 by seb128)