Translated from French to English by Wassim Derguech

21/03/2009: Youth Club of Ras Jebel

1.1 Introduction

This day was organized by Association "Assistance Informatique" Ras Djebel in collaboration with the LoCo Team ubuntu-tn. We thank them very much and I hope we can make other similar days in the next future.

1.2 10am: Start of the day

We (Karim, Rached, Chourouk, Ghassen) accessing the conference room: a room of 15m * 7m, we install our PCs on the tables, a video projector, and two digital cameras (the one of Chourouk and the one of Karim Fathallahs uncle ).

1.3 10:20: Presentation 1

Chourouk Lahiani began the introduction of Ubuntu (the presentation is the framcophone community one, updated by Rached Aleya, during the trip to RasJebel). He exposed different subjects such as : Ubuntu, open source, four liberties defined by Richard Stallman, linux, Linus Trovalds, Mark shuttelworth and and his foundation Canonical (it was an answer to the question of MBB:)), applications of Ubuntu: desktop, internet, development, graphic design , playing music and videos .. and of course she presented how to find assistance by joining the community: mailig list, chanel irc, launchpad ...

1.4 11:40: Presentation 2

Normally Mohamed Ben Bouzid has to begin his presentation on AptOnCD, but he has spoken about Ubuntu-tn and spirit of the community for 10 minutes, so we took the opportunity to end this ”representation” and take a break: paw + coffee + cookies :)

command line typing: sudo apt-get install PackageName, explaining of course what is sudo apt-get. This presentation was done through a demo.

1.5 12:40: Presentation 3

Before starting his presentation, Rached Alaya launched VirtualBox. He began playing with Compiz effects by writing Ras Jebel with fire effect, changing desktop and then asking :

Some said windows, others said Ubuntu and 3 or 4 of them already know VirtualBox, so they replied that it is a virtual machine running under Windows.
Now he starts the presentation, by defining virtualization, its use and its benefits, ending with a demonstration by installing kubuntu on a virtual machine. He also explained how to make a ”snapshot” and its usefulness, it was great to see the crash of windows (although it failed because I forgot the procedure, in short, it worked the next day :)). The presentation ends at 13:45.

2 22/03/2009: Youth Club of Ras Jebel

2.1 10:00: Joomla Presentation

Karim FATHALLAH gave a presentation on Joomla 1.5.9. He printed the slides that he prepared for that and distributed them to the attendees. The presentation was performed via a demo where he created a website with the minimum necessary. The presentation was very active: there were lots of interventions, questions and answers too.

2.2 11:30

End of this session, and this is the pleasant surprise, many questions from those who attended the previous day about Ubuntu, some of these questions were: I installed VirtualBox, then Ubuntu but it is not displayed in full screen. Another question: I tried to install ubuntu in dual boot, but I made a mistake → it was a great opportunity to make a very mini install party :), other questions about registration to Mailing List, and launchpad ... it was really great.

3 Ambiance

3.1 20/03/2009

3.2 21/03/2009

3.3 22/03/2009


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