Meeting started by popey at 21:02:15 UTC.
Meeting summary
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda (popey, 21:03:03)
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda (popey, 21:03:15)
- REPORT] People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report. (popey, 21:05:03)
REPORT] AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website (popey, 21:05:45)
LINK: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/website (AlanBell, 21:06:29)
LINK: http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/ (popey, 21:06:35)
LINK: http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/where-are-we/ is a map mashup, developed by another Ubuntu member initially (AlanBell, 21:07:58)
LINK: http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/ should point to todays IRC logs in an iframe (AlanBell, 21:08:47)
ACTION: AlanBell to choose a day to hack on the ubuntu-uk website, and mail the list to gather interested parties (popey, 21:18:50)
REPORT] AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, provisionally for Thurs 16th (popey, 21:19:03)
LINK: http://kingscross.the-hub.net/public/ (AlanBell, 21:20:07)
LINK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk/events (popey, 21:20:30)
- REPORT] danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event (popey, 21:21:38)
- Any other business
Meeting ended at 21:40:38 UTC.
Action items
AlanBell to choose a day to hack on the ubuntu-uk website, and mail the list to gather interested parties
Action items, by person
AlanBell to choose a day to hack on the ubuntu-uk website, and mail the list to gather interested parties
People present (lines said)
- popey (65)
AlanBell (48)
- Biglesp (10)
- tombrough (9)
- danfish (8)
- dutchie (7)
- meetingology (4)
- freesitebuilder (3)
- Seeker` (3)
- mattt (1)
- jacobw (1)
Full Log
21:02:15 <popey> #startmeeting
21:02:16 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov 2 21:02:15 2010 UTC. The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.
21:02:16 <meetingology> Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.
21:02:22 <popey> \o/
21:02:24 <popey> who's here?
21:02:26 <popey> o/
21:02:27 <AlanBell> o/
21:02:30 <mattt> o/
21:02:48 <Biglesp> o/ Hi!
21:03:03 <popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda
21:03:13 <dutchie> semi-o/
21:03:15 <popey> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda
21:03:22 <popey> one day I'll learn to drive this bot
21:03:41 <AlanBell> it is quite a quiet bot
21:04:16 <AlanBell> if you give it ops it will sort out the /topic too
21:04:34 <popey> ok
21:04:49 <popey> ok, first things first..
21:05:03 <popey> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report.
21:05:11 <popey> as always.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/October
21:05:17 <popey> and now of course https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/November
21:05:45 <popey> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website
21:05:49 <popey> AlanBell: over to you..
21:06:07 <AlanBell> ok, so work has started on the website, we have knocked about a number of ideas
21:06:29 <AlanBell> http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/website
21:06:30 <popey> oo, you got the side bar working..
21:06:35 <popey> http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/
21:06:54 <AlanBell> and the twittery thing
21:07:31 <AlanBell> at the top are some major pages to work on
21:07:49 <popey> ooooo map
21:07:58 <AlanBell> http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/where-are-we/ is a map mashup, developed by another Ubuntu member initially
21:08:05 <AlanBell> spads I think it was
21:08:23 <AlanBell> and we can tweak that for our "where is everyone" kind of thing
21:08:47 <AlanBell> http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/ should point to todays IRC logs in an iframe
21:09:05 <AlanBell> to expose those a bit more to casual browsers
21:09:13 <popey> thats a great idea
21:09:24 <AlanBell> and http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/join-the-conversation/ embeds the freenode webchat
21:09:39 <popey> maybe we could have an additional "join-the-meeting"
21:09:49 <AlanBell> yes, we could indeed
21:10:02 <dutchie> possibly a whole meeting sub-hierarchy?
21:10:12 <dutchie> with links to the agenda/last meeting logs
21:10:13 <AlanBell> yes, I did ponder meeting minutes
21:10:27 <AlanBell> those are also being pondered in the context of the loco directory
21:10:34 <AlanBell> much pondering was done at UDS on that
21:11:20 <AlanBell> that is about it for the moment, UDS sucked up a lot of free messing with Ubuntu time over the past week
21:11:32 <popey> thats looking great
21:11:38 <popey> any specific help you're looking for?
21:11:57 <AlanBell> more ideas of stuff to put on the site
21:12:17 <AlanBell> and if people want to pick up a specific task and run with it (like the map for example) then give me a shout
21:12:43 <dutchie> is it going to be used as a team blog too?
21:12:52 <dutchie> to announce events and so forth?
21:13:02 <Seeker`> AlanBell: ponies!
21:13:19 <dutchie> unicorns!
21:13:20 <AlanBell> yes, for specific types of posts, events would be a good example
21:13:20 <Seeker`> AlanBell: that an maybe a gallery of ubuntu-uk events
21:13:41 <Seeker`> someone must have taken a picture at one of the launch parties
21:13:50 <AlanBell> yup, gallery of events and ponies sounds good
21:15:53 <popey> anything else of note to discuss about the website?
21:16:07 <Biglesp> AlanBell: If its any help you can use some of my Ubuntu Installfest pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/45703688@N07/
21:16:10 * dutchie has a proofreading account
21:16:11 <AlanBell> not from me right now
21:16:16 <AlanBell> thanks Biglesp
21:16:36 <popey> any action items?
21:17:29 <AlanBell> maybe we should do a bit of a hack day on the website
21:18:04 <popey> i like the sound of that
21:18:09 <AlanBell> or a sprint
21:18:18 <AlanBell> action me to pick a day and mail the list
21:18:50 <popey> #action AlanBell to choose a day to hack on the ubuntu-uk website, and mail the list to gather interested parties
21:18:50 * meetingology AlanBell to choose a day to hack on the ubuntu-uk website, and mail the list to gather interested parties
21:18:56 <popey> win!
21:19:03 <popey> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, provisionally for Thurs 16th
21:19:06 <popey>
21:19:18 <AlanBell> no update really
21:19:23 <popey> ok
21:19:24 <AlanBell> still on for the 16th I think
21:19:32 <popey> is the hub where we were last year?
21:19:36 <popey> mince pies and olpcs?
21:19:41 <AlanBell> different branch of the hub
21:19:45 <popey> ah okay
21:19:52 <popey> maybe worth announcing to keep in peoples minds?
21:19:55 <popey> people get booked up
21:20:07 <AlanBell> http://kingscross.the-hub.net/public/
21:20:30 <popey> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk/events
21:20:31 <AlanBell> yes, I will give the venue a call tomorrow, they were trying to get several groups together
21:20:33 <popey> maybe it needs adding?
21:21:02 <AlanBell> I will add it when I confirm with the venue
21:21:29 <popey> ok
21:21:38 <popey> [PROGRESS REPORT] danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event 21:22:00 * popey storms danfishs brain
21:22:07 <danfish> ouch!
21:22:09 <tombrough> ok I work for a local authority so if I can help let me know.
21:22:17 <danfish> tombrough: definitely
21:22:24 <danfish> pad at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/OSSinPublicSector
21:22:30 <danfish> feel free to edit
21:22:57 <danfish> we've made a start and a friend of mine specialises in organising public sector conferences
21:23:10 <tombrough> note my experience is very negative my boss is an ex ibm man and has moved to the "nobody got sacked for using microsoft" model.
21:23:17 * AlanBell needs to have a chat with danfish about this
21:23:32 <AlanBell> tombrough: yeah, but that was pre-comprehensive spending review
21:23:55 <danfish> AlanBell: much appreciated
21:24:17 <AlanBell> tombrough: cabinet office is *very* keen on open source right now, and so are a number of local authorities
21:24:39 <tombrough> AlanBell: My boss is STILL trying to push through sharepoint licensing (as we type).
21:24:52 <Biglesp> AlanBell: DWP as a whole is warming to the idea of thin clients and open source software
21:25:12 <jacobw> speaking of OSS in the public sector, I think there is some dabbling with Asterisks in the ambulance service
21:26:04 <danfish> I think this is a ripe area, but needs v careful planning and the experience of peeps like AlanBell
21:26:21 <popey> sounds like more brainstorming to be done
21:26:31 <danfish> yep
21:26:58 <Biglesp> I'd be happy to help out here, I work in the public sector so have first hand experience.
21:27:06 <popey> ok, I'll leave it on the agenda to keep it in our minds
21:27:23 <popey> anything else to say on this topic?
21:28:01 <tombrough> Problem with public sector is a lot of areas will be farmed out to "social enterprise" this will create an even less coordinated service with everybody having to get their own IT resources etc....
21:29:11 <popey> ok, finally..
21:29:18 <popey> [TOPIC] Any other business
21:29:18 <meetingology> TOPIC: Any other business
21:29:58 <popey> Anyone?
21:30:05 <tombrough> Internet Cafe's as a source of income / contact point for open source development in the community
21:30:09 <AlanBell> not I said the chicken
21:30:38 <popey> you thinking of setting one up tombrough ?
21:30:49 <popey> I cant recall the last time I saw an internet cafe!
21:31:06 <freesitebuilder> quite a few in swindon
21:31:18 <freesitebuilder> mainly for people from abroad
21:31:28 <popey> ahh
21:31:44 <tombrough> yes after 10+ years in IT in the Public Sector (most of which I have tried to get movement on Open Source with no joy) I am thinking of bailing and setting up a cafe / workshop / consultancy for local community on a non-profits basis.
21:32:26 <freesitebuilder> I think the free access through public libraries has made for a fall in internet cafes in general
21:32:33 <Biglesp> tombrough: Good idea mate, good luck!
21:32:58 <tombrough> Yes well on public libraries I cant get to use the meeting rooms and plug in my computer without a PAT certificate.
21:33:09 <tombrough> And I work for the ....
21:33:56 <AlanBell> oh, an item of AOB, next UDS is in Budapest
21:34:02 <tombrough> ask for help on computers at a public library and you will be shown where they are and told to get on with it.
21:34:04 <popey> oh yes
21:34:08 <AlanBell> 9th May 2011 for a week
21:34:53 <popey> tombrough: if you need help with that project I'm sure people on the list would be willing
21:35:04 <popey> I think we're done?
21:35:19 <Biglesp> If I may add this to AOB? We are in the initial stages of planning another UCubed event for April 2011, early work is going on to organise promotion and resources so we can put on a bigger and better event. Our website is ucubed.info and we are currently designing and sourcing content.
21:35:32 <popey> nice
21:35:32 <AlanBell> excellent
21:35:43 <AlanBell> loco directory event
21:36:01 <popey> ok, so when shall we have the next meeting?
21:36:05 <popey> did we go for 3 weeks?
21:36:33 <popey> 2 it seems
21:36:49 <Biglesp> 2 weeks is good
21:36:59 <AlanBell> some time week commencing 22nd perhaps
21:37:10 <popey> any particular reason?
21:37:21 <AlanBell> that would be three weeks
21:37:26 <popey> ok
21:37:28 <popey> lets do it
21:37:40 <popey> next meeting Tuesday 23rd at 21:00 GMT
21:37:45 <AlanBell> sure
21:37:49 <popey> done
21:37:50 <Biglesp> ok
21:37:56 <popey> volunteer chair?
21:38:35 <AlanBell> Biglesp: want to have a go?
21:39:02 <Biglesp> AlanBell: No thanks Alan, lets not run before I can walk
21:39:24 <AlanBell>
21:40:03 * popey looks at AlanBell
21:40:08 <popey> then back to me
21:40:10 <AlanBell> in the absence of anyone else leaping forward
21:40:22 * AlanBell leaps forward
21:40:27 <popey> ta
21:40:33 <Biglesp> I'll leap forward once I learn more about IRC
21:40:38 <popey> #endmeeting
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20101102 (last edited 2010-11-03 08:22:01 by 98)