Meeting opened by TheOpenSourcerer at 21:00

Review of action items from last meeting

candtalan and barrydrake to report back about approaches to Novatech and Maplin?

Create an Etherpad style page in the first instance to collect ideas and "messages" to use.

People who have achieved something in February, please place it in the report.

AlanBell - Quiz night

Quiz should be part drinking game too

AlanBell to do a doodle picking several dates including 9th, 16th April and some others

Any Other Business

popey would ideally like a policy set and it be reused

team effort to try and garner some more candidates for two weeks. Closing date 17th March 12:00

Date of next meeting

Next Meeting 17th March at 9:00PM UK Time.

Chair for next meeting

popey to chair next meeting.

Meeting closed at 22:04

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110303 (last edited 2011-03-03 22:09:27 by 81-178-65-1)