
Revision 3 as of 2012-11-27 17:08:51

Clear message


We are hosting regular hangouts on and we will do our best to have them at

  • Tuesdays at 16:00 UTC and
  • Thursdays 9:00 UTC.


  • 27th Nov, 16 UTC: TBD
  • 29th Nov, 9 UTC: TBD
  • 4th Dec, 16 UTC: TBD
  • 6th Dec, 9 UTC: TBD
  • 11 Dec, 16 UTC: Iain Lane, Ubuntu and Debian Developer will chat with us about desktop stuff, motu stuff, release team, backports and all that jazz
  • 13 Dec, 9 UTC: TBD
  • 18 Dec, 16 UTC:
  • 20 Dec, 9 UTC: TBD