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Revision 7 as of 2005-11-08 17:32:02
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Editor: host-66-202-95-170
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== Meetings ==
 * UbuntuInstantServerMeetingsAgendas
 * UbuntuInstantServerMeetings

Ubuntu Instant Server



Ubuntu Instant * Servers are specialized Ubuntu installations with pre-configured software sets geared toward specific services such as a Web Server, Groupware Server, or Source Control Server. Ubuntu Instant * Servers are aimed at providing users and administrators with a very simple method of very quickly installing servers and services on their network without needing to be an expert using the server/services in question. These Ubuntu Instant Servers would provide their intented service as well as a complete management interface for the service it provices.

These pre-configured software sets are not strictly enforced in that if someone would like to add or remove some package, they are free to do so. These sets are meant to get you up and running in the quickest possible time while providing you with a robust feature set. There are no strict rules. You can always customize further if you need.

Additionally, these will not all be ISO's. We would like to see some of the most popular software sets become Install and/or Live CD ISO's so that they are easy to use for new comers. We don't want to make a whole bunch of images, that would be to dauting to new users (which do i choose?!?), we would just like to make it even easier to get Ubuntu Servers up and running specific services quickly. All Ubuntu Instant Servers will mostly be meta-packages and only have an Install/Live CD ISO if they are very popular and provide a real benifit.


Get people new to Ubuntu, up and running with their own specific servers in under 30 minutes. Provide additional proof of Ubuntu's flexability and ease of use.

Scope and Use Cases

  • MattCo needs a new web server. Finds this neat Ubuntu Instant Web Server. Pops the live CD in the cd drive of his new machine to try it out. WOW, this ROCKS! Everything I need is here. And hey its easy to install new things I need too. Installs (via installer or UbuntuExpress) the Ubuntu Instant Web Server and is hosting web pages in under 30 minutes.

  • Galvin Bros Inc, has a new software project they are working on. They buy a new machine to act as their source code repository. They are not apache/subversion/trac admins and have never setup a source code repository before. They research their options and find the Ubuntu Instant Source Control Server. They install SCS, and within a half hour they can share their project on their new source control server and be able to manage their project via trac and manage their shiny new server with webmin.

The Ubuntu Instant * Servers

IRC channel

  • irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-instant

Maintainers contact



  • The docteam are working on a Server Starter Guide (see ServerGuide) for Dapper that aims to be a beginner/semi-advanced guide to installing and configuring a Ubuntu server. If this project ends up going ahead it would be great to be "kept in the loop" so we can include information on it in the guide. - RobertStoffers

UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/UbuntuInstantServer (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:27 by localhost)