Important Note: This is an internal assessment done by Ubuntu GNOME Team and it has nothing to do with any user feedback at all - Thank you! |
The Internal Assessment of Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 and the Team for Utopic Unicorn Cycle |
Starting from Vivid Vervet (15.04) Cycle, Ubuntu GNOME Team will start, at the beginning of each new cycle, to do a full assessment for Ubuntu GNOME technical wise and community wise. This is in short like a full report for the previous cycle. A report to highlight our weak points, areas to be improved, achievements, future plans, and so on.
The Scale
The scale of this assessment will be (10) points where 10/10 is excellent and 1/10 is very bad. 0/10 means N/A.
To be reviewed/edited by Tim (darkxst), Ubuntu GNOME Technical Manager.
Ubuntu GNOME 14.10
The Operating System |
Stability |
8/10 |
Simplicity |
9/10 |
Buggy |
3/10 |
New Features |
6/10 |
Overall |
7/10 |
Only few bugs with the release of Ubuntu GNOME 14.10. 3/10 score means it is a bit buggy due to the bugs mentioned on the release notes.
- Not so many new features with Ubuntu GNOME 14.10.
Developers Team
GNOME 3.14 |
0/10 |
GNOME 3.12 |
7/10 |
GNOME 3.10 |
3/10 |
Developers Tasks Competition |
/10 |
Developers Team Evaluation |
/10 |
QA Team
QA |
Bug Reporting |
7/10 |
Bug Triage |
5/10 |
Use of ISO Tracker |
4/10 |
QA Tasks Competition |
7/10 |
QA Team Evaluation |
6/10 |
- Despite the QA sub-team showed a great deal of commitment and hard work during the Release Candidate of Ubuntu GNOME 14.10, it wasn't active enough for the rest of the Utopic Unicorn Cycle.
- Although the number of reporting bugs but only those who contributed to testing is good/accepted, the triage process was weak at some point and okay at some other point.
- More testers are needed.
- There must be two groups within the QA Team: (1) Bug Reporting Group (2) Bug Triage Group
- QA Team need to use the ISO Tracker more often. It has been used by very few.
Artwork Team
Artwork & Design |
Themes and Icons |
5/10 |
Logo |
5/10 |
3/10 |
Website Design |
1/10 |
Artwork Tasks Competition |
4/10 |
Artwork Team Evaluation |
6/10 |
- There is Team Leader and Acting Team Leader but it seems real life is getting into the way.
- This team has a communication problem. More communications are needed and required.
- Has done a great job to include new themes and icons but the packaging team failed to include that by default.
- Failed to re-design the logo as planned previously.
- Plymouth needs some attention. Failed to stick to the plan and did not change it for 14.10 cycle.
- In general, this is a great team with great members but it needs more active contributors.
- For the 2nd cycle, managed to complete the wallpaper contest which is great.
Packaging Team
Packaging & PPA |
Stability |
/10 |
Usability |
/10 |
Compatibility |
/10 |
Packaging Tasks Competition |
/10 |
Packaging Team Evaluation |
/10 |
To be reviewed/edited by Ali (amjjawad), Ubuntu GNOME Community Manager.
Human Resources
HR |
Recruiting |
8/10 |
Recruited Members Remained |
3/10 |
HR Team Functionality |
1/10 |
HR Team Evaluation |
5/10 |
- Despite all the hard efforts to recruit new bloods to Ubuntu GNOME Team, only few have remained.
Although this was a one-man-team where only Ali/amjjawad was recruiting, the importance of this team is increasing. Hence, this is one of the most important sub-teams.
- This team needs an active Team Leader.
- I think I figured out what is wrong and why only few remained around. Hope we could avoid that with the next cycle.
Brainstorming & Blueprints |
Brainstorming |
1/10 |
Blueprints Usage |
3/10 |
Brainstorming Team Functionality |
0/10 |
Brainstorming Team Evaluation |
1/10 |
- Sadly, this sub-team was a huge disappointment for Utopic Unicorn Cycle.
- Since the establishment of this sub-team until now, there were only 3 members active on the blueprints.
Most of the activities on the blueprints and the planning side have been done by only one, that is the leader of this team (Ali/amjjawad).
- I'd suggest to put this team on hold for the next cycle due to the fact that there was no serious activities and the brainstorming process is generally done by the whole team - if required - and there is no urgent need for this team based on the above figures.
- Lack of many areas are the main reason why this is a dead team or a one-man-team.
Wiki & Documentation |
Information |
9/10 |
Useful |
9/10 |
Organization |
10/10 |
Wiki & Docs Team Functionality |
8/10 |
Wiki & Docs Team Evaluation |
10/10 |
As always, the best sub-team ever was and still the Wiki & Docs Team.
- However, the team was a bit lazy for the Utopic Unicorn Cycle due to real life, etc.
- More contributors are always recommended for any team.
- This team has active/semi-active members and they are almost available whenever needed.
- Those active members are Acting Team Leader for this team.
Marketing & Communications |
Mailing List Activities |
5/10 |
Website Activities |
5/10 |
Social Media Activities |
7/10 |
Twitter Interaction |
3/10 |
Google+ Interaction |
8/10 |
Facebook Interaction |
5/10 |
Marketing & Communications Team Functionality |
1/10 |
Marketing & Communications Team Evaluation |
1/10 |
- For Utopic Unicorn Cycle, the mailing list was quiet most of the time and the activities were less than average or average.
- Same goes for the website.
- Despite the lack of communications on the website and the mailing list, our social media channels were active and publishing whenever possible. Yet, not as good as required.
- Google+ has always the best interaction between the users and Ubuntu GNOME Team. Twitter is the worst. Facebook is okay.
Due to the fact that only Ali/amjjawad - the Team Leader of this team - was almost the only one who is in charge or active within this team, the very weak score is not a surprise and reasonable.
- Without a doubt, this team needs lots of attention and much more activities.
Wiki & Documentation |
14.10 Release Notes Translations |
7/10 |
Website Translations |
0/10 |
Wiki Translations |
1/10 |
LoCo Teams |
1/10 |
Translations Team Functionality |
6/10 |
Translations Team Evaluation |
7/10 |
- Ubuntu GNOME Translations Activities have never started until the release of Ubuntu GNOME 14.10.
After sending this call for translations, the activities have started.
- Despite the activities are very recent and new, the translators showed a great deal of interest and commitment and this is very promising and encouraging to take this to the next level.
There is no active Team Leader for this team yet.