Differences between revisions 21 and 22
Revision 21 as of 2013-08-01 11:11:32
Size: 4158
Editor: cable-207
Comment: Section "Eager to try Ubuntu GNOME 13.10": point to 13.10 alpha2 instead of alpha1
Revision 22 as of 2013-08-03 18:19:27
Size: 4195
Editor: 94
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= Introduction =
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= Introduction =



Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavour of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME desktop environment.

Ubuntu GNOME (formerly Ubuntu GNOME Remix) is a mostly pure GNOME desktop experience built from the Ubuntu repositories. Our first (unofficial) release was 12.10 ("Quantal Quetzal"), released in October 2012. See the Release Notes. As the 12.10 release was our first release, there are still a few minor issues, but we proudly recommend Ubuntu GNOME to anyone interested in using Ubuntu with the best of what GNOME has to offer.

The first official release, 13.04 ("Raring Ringtail").

Please join us and contribute to an exciting, International, Free and Open Source Software project. We look forward to working together with you.

System Requirements

It is recommended to have at least 1 GB of RAM or more (we shall soon do re-assessment for further specific details). If you have an old machine, you may consider other alternatives like Lubuntu.

Get Ubuntu GNOME 13.04

Please head over Get Ubuntu GNOME Page for more details.

Features of 13.04

  • While Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 will ship with GNOME 3.6 by default (like 12.10), GNOME 3.8 will be available in the GNOME 3 PPA.
  • Mozilla Firefox will be the default Web browser, instead of Web (epiphany-browser).

  • LibreOffice will be included as the office suite, replacing AbiWord and Gnumeric.

  • Ubuntu Software Center and Ubuntu's Software Updater will be available for use instead of GNOME's software application.

Upgrading from last release

When upgrading, it is highly recommended that you back up your own data.

The update manager GUI will offer you the next release of Ubuntu GNOME; Alternatively, launch Terminal and enter

sudo do-release-upgrade

Eager to try Ubuntu GNOME 13.10

If you're itching Please join us and contribute to an exciting international Free and Open Source Software project. We look forward to working together with you. to try the next version, check out the daily images of Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 ("Saucy Salamander"). The second alpha version of 13.10 was released mid-July: Release Notes Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 Alpha 2.

Your Contribution is needed

Thank you for choosing and using Ubuntu GNOME. Your help, support, and contributions are highly appreciated. Would you like to help make Ubuntu GNOME even better? Please read Getting Involved Section for more information.


Would you like to help with Testing? Testing is a real fun, don't miss it. Please head over our Testing Section Smile :)

Contact Us

Please head over Contact Us for more information.

See Also

You can find out more about Ubuntu on the Ubuntu website and Ubuntu wiki. You can find out more about GNOME on the GNOME website.

The GNOME logo and GNOME name are registered trademarks or trademarks of GNOME Foundation in the United States or other countries. Ubuntu GNOME is not directly produced, endorsed, or supported by the GNOME Foundation.

UbuntuGNOME (last edited 2018-01-18 14:47:11 by jbicha)