
Differences between revisions 6 and 24 (spanning 18 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2007-12-12 09:46:44
Size: 5152
Editor: static-81
Revision 24 as of 2011-01-22 11:15:16
Size: 4592
Editor: static-81
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was copied from UbuntuSmallBusinessServer
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 * '''Packages affected''':  * '''Packages affected''':
 * Depends:,
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This spec describes Ubuntu's Small Business Server, a configuration utility aimed at making it easy for non-technical businesses set up an Ubuntu based server for basically company catalog and general fileserver. This spec describes Ubuntu's Small Business Server storage, a solution aimed at making it easy for non-technical businesses set up an Ubuntu based server for a simple but scalable storage solution.
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Packages and tools to make configuring of a Small Business Server for Ubuntu as easy as possible. Packages for easy configuration of a directory server (OpenLDAP) and a file server and packages for joining clients (configure pam, change numeric userid etc). Packages and tools to make configuring of a Small Business Server for Ubuntu as easy as possible.
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 * Files server protocol includes nfs, openafs, sshfs and other (not necessary Samba)
 * Configuring in Gnome environment (LAT for LDAP)
 * Easy configuration of a Xen-server with shorewall/LDAP/DHCP/DNS in Dom0 and DomU Fileserver, Internal/external web, e-mail, LTSP etc
 * Easy configuration of clients and lap-top
 * Strategies for backup and redundancy
 * Strategies for security and maintenance (pamusb seems to be very interesting for authentication)
 * Easy configuring and distributing document store and other mountable filesystem resorces for local and remote users
 * Easy configuring and distributing generic diskresources for virtual machines
 * Scalability, adding new resources with no limits and as little computer outage as possible
 * Scalability, scale when the company start up other locations
 * Security; encrypted, distributed, redundancy and backup-strategy

The process for investigation:

 1. Indentify best-of-bread solutions on the Ubuntu-platform for Ubuntu-servers and clients
 1. When this is done, check how to involve other client operatingsystems, check if there is any feature in Microsoft Small Business Server not adressed
 1. Make a full scale test
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 * Jane is responsible primary for accounting, and secondary, IT at a small business and want to create a server for basic needs and join a couple of Ubuntu workstations and laptops already at service. She wants to centralize user and rights management, the backup service, internet gateway and wants to add storage and security with minimum of distortion for her company fellows. She also want to make workstations at the office shareable so when John logges in as John at Roses workstation he finds his home catalouge, mail configuraton etc intact and can continue his tasks there.
 * John wants to be able to work at home and on the train on his laptop and at his workstation at office using the same documents at home and at office. Sometimes he forgets his laptop at home and continues work at his office workstation. Jane has to deliver a solution that replicates Johns home catalog to his fileserver home catalog as automagic as possible.
 * John finds out that he has done some major deletes by accident some days ago in one of the documents hes working with. He is then able to recover to an earlier version of his document using the file manager (Nautilus).
 * Rose wants to share documents with a) her colleagues in management b) all of her colleagues at office.
 * Jane is responsible primary for accounting, and secondary, IT at a small business and needs storage for Open ERP and indirect PostgreSQL.
 * John wants to be able to work at his home-desktop and on the train on his laptop (offline) and share the same documents that he has at his office workstation.
 * Steven finds out that he has done some major deletes by accident some days ago in one of the documents hes working with. He wants to be able to recover to an earlier version of his document using the file manager (Nautilus).
 * Rose wants to share documents with a) her colleagues in management b) all of her colleagues at office. This without compromise the integrity of information between these groups.
 * Matt discover that one storage server have severe hardvare malfunctions. The service agreement states that he has to send the computer to the service workshop. When he do so hes not compromising the business or industrial secrets, nor he creates computer outage.
 * Cathrine wants to add storage resources to the company network, she founds a storage server that can handle more disks so she buys some more large disks and adds them.
 * Tony is starting a branch office and connects his small network to cooperate with company network.
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User management and file server

The following services will be included(in no particular order):
 * DHCP/DNS/FireWall/IDS/Internet gateway/Xen-bundle
 * nfs/sshfs
 * Backup
 * Mail and calendar
 * Jabber or IRC server
Storage and file servers. Announcing services, adding users and workstations. Administrating rights and adding resources. Implementing backup, redundancy and distribution.
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The single most important keyword is simplicity. * Avahi?
* OpenAFS, GlusterFS....?
* iSCSI ?
* When to share and when to replicate
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The interface will be debutils and Gnome-based for administration === Backups of home-directories ===

 * Backintime, dirvish ???
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=== sbs-standalone ===

Small Business Server standalone, one deb-package that installs ubuntu-xen-server, a dom0 with DHCP, DNS-cache/server, Shorewall, OpenLDAP and a DomU as fileserver (nfs and/or sshfs/openssh-server). This requirer a server with at least two nic. One nic for Internet one internal for DMZ (DomU with external services) and the third (second physical) as the local DHCP-driven network.

=== sbs-ldap ===

Small Business Server LDAP-configuration. Configuration using debutils.

=== sbs-nfs, sbs-nfs-domu ===

=== sbs-client-join ===

 * Dependent on NetworkAuthentication with a prober profile
 * Ideally finds LDAP-server using avahi. At every boot or cache/configure permanent LDAP-server info?
 * Change numeric user id for already locally configured users, change owner at home catalouge and files
  * Optionaly check the whole disk and locally mounted devices
 * Install LAT for centralized administration
 * Install Sabayon for rights management and desktop profiles

==== Unresolved issues ====
 * How to synchronize /home-catalouge with /srv/home/-catalouge? unison / rsync ? once an hour or when loggin in/out?
 * How to distribute sabayon profiles?
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 * UbuntuEasyServer
 * [[EasyLDAPServerHardy]]
 * UbuntuEasyBusinessServer
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 * NetworkAuthentication
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 * []
 * []
 * ["Obuntu"]
 * smbldap-tools
 * [[]]
 * [[]]
 * [[Obuntu]]

Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


This spec describes Ubuntu's Small Business Server storage, a solution aimed at making it easy for non-technical businesses set up an Ubuntu based server for a simple but scalable storage solution.

Packages and tools to make configuring of a Small Business Server for Ubuntu as easy as possible.

Some goals:

  • Easy configuring and distributing document store and other mountable filesystem resorces for local and remote users
  • Easy configuring and distributing generic diskresources for virtual machines
  • Scalability, adding new resources with no limits and as little computer outage as possible
  • Scalability, scale when the company start up other locations
  • Security; encrypted, distributed, redundancy and backup-strategy

The process for investigation:

  1. Indentify best-of-bread solutions on the Ubuntu-platform for Ubuntu-servers and clients
  2. When this is done, check how to involve other client operatingsystems, check if there is any feature in Microsoft Small Business Server not adressed
  3. Make a full scale test


The free software universe in general, and Ubuntu in particular, already provides most of the tools and infrastructure components needed to fulfill the needs of small businesses. What we need is good integration between these components and easy configuration.

Use Cases

  • Jane is responsible primary for accounting, and secondary, IT at a small business and needs storage for Open ERP and indirect PostgreSQL.
  • John wants to be able to work at his home-desktop and on the train on his laptop (offline) and share the same documents that he has at his office workstation.
  • Steven finds out that he has done some major deletes by accident some days ago in one of the documents hes working with. He wants to be able to recover to an earlier version of his document using the file manager (Nautilus).
  • Rose wants to share documents with a) her colleagues in management b) all of her colleagues at office. This without compromise the integrity of information between these groups.
  • Matt discover that one storage server have severe hardvare malfunctions. The service agreement states that he has to send the computer to the service workshop. When he do so hes not compromising the business or industrial secrets, nor he creates computer outage.
  • Cathrine wants to add storage resources to the company network, she founds a storage server that can handle more disks so she buys some more large disks and adds them.
  • Tony is starting a branch office and connects his small network to cooperate with company network.


Storage and file servers. Announcing services, adding users and workstations. Administrating rights and adding resources. Implementing backup, redundancy and distribution.


* Avahi? * OpenAFS, GlusterFS....? * iSCSI ? * When to share and when to replicate

Backups of home-directories

  • Backintime, dirvish ???


Everything in this spec will likely be done as deb-packages that will fit in well with other Ubuntu distributed software.

BoF agenda and discussion


CategorySpec CategoryServerTeam

UbuntuSmallBusinessServer/usbs-storage (last edited 2011-01-22 11:15:16 by static-81)