
Differences between revisions 38 and 40 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 38 as of 2008-08-06 16:26:42
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Editor: localhost
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Revision 40 as of 2008-08-11 19:56:07
Size: 7585
Editor: 97-81-102-1
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 * [[|Georgia nonprofit teams up with school district to provide laptops with Ubuntu to students]] -- [[bpitts]] <<DateTime(2008-08-11T14:56:06-0500)>>

Do you have any ideas for the newletter? Got some news for us? Drop it all here

Dell Vostro 1000, now fully supported with the latest updates for Hardy Heron!

Until recently I had to use the windows driver to get the wireless working. With the latest updates to 8.0.4 I have been able to drop the windows drivers and use the drivers presented at boot time. The driver only has support for WPA personal at this point, but that is enough to get my wireless working reliably. If you need a more secure protocol you may need to wait.

The Vostro 1000 is a good buy at a reasonable price and works very well with Ubuntu on it. Good sound for a laptop, DVD burner, 80 gig drive. It is beefy enough for me to load the windows cd that came with the laptop into a virtual window using Virtual Box ose. All in all I would recommend the 1000 and ubuntu. The only caveat is that you have to install the operating sysem in Video safe mode until you can install the ATI drivers. After updating that and getting all the latest updates, everything works !



News Items

Let us know what is going on in the Ubuntu world. Please do not use this as a place to get hits on your website, as we do not pimp for google ads. Sorry. -- sign your name (put @SIG@ It will be expanded when you save the changes, so don't worry when you don't see the timestamp and username in the preview)

In the Blogosphere

  • Add item.

Out of Date News items

  • MartinPitt: An IRC seminar about "How to patch source packages" has been held in the MOTU school. This has been turned into a nice wiki page (PatchingSources) for future reference.

  • ColinWatson: The venerable infrastructure used for setting up the keyboard and fonts on text consoles has been supplemented in Edgy with the brand new console-setup, by Anton Zinoviev. This allows the text console keyboard maps to be generated from X keymaps, which should produce much better results for people whose keyboards have not been well-supported at the console up to now (particularly those which are very different from "standard" US keyboards). You can configure it using the file /etc/default/console-setup. Please report teething problems in Launchpad (

  • CraigKempson: FON were featured on the BBC Click programme recently - - in which they discuss their approach to business and being part of an open-source community. They only use Linux and open source software; and during the clip, they show François Legendre logging into Ubuntu on his laptop. We all belong to a community and it's good to see broadcasters making mention of this, and to see other 3rd parties with Ubuntu involved.


  • MartinPitt: mount local file systems with Gnome has been implemented in Feisty.

  • MartinPitt: zeroconf networking has been implemented in Feisty.

  • Chris_c2: as well as bug stats, stats on number of users, by architecture also most and least popular packages, this info is available somewhere but I can never remember where its buried and could stand including in the stats section of the newsletter

General Ideas

  • Add a Team of the Week section
  • Tip of the Week
  • NickEllery: Do interviews similar to the Ubuntu Forums Interviews, but with Developers and other various contributers instead.

Feature of the Week Ideas

In an effort to have the feature of the week be useful and relevant to the widest possible audience here are some guide lines to follow when writing your proposal.

  1. Try to use applications that are available via Applications -> Add/Remove... (GAI) or secondly Synaptic. These are easier for users to find.

  2. We would like to try to stay away from features that require users to use the command line or edit sensitive configuration files. This is not a strict rule, but more friendly GUI apps are easier for newer users to try. There is a greater chance of someone following your directions and making use of the app if it is easy to install.
  3. We like to focus on good apps/features that are simply lesser known. We like to give these lesser known gems there time in the lime light too.
  4. Try to provide links to the app main web site where readers can find additional information about the app.
  5. Tell the readers why the feature is so useful, maybe how it has helped you. This helps readers understand the reason the app is so great and will increase the likely hood of the reader giving it a try for themselves.
  6. Try to use simple language. This is a newsletter, not a technical API reference Wink ;) .

  7. The OEM installation mode (new in 5.10)
  8. Translating menu entries using Rosetta and language packs (new in 6.06)
  9. Booting from USB devices (new in 6.06)

Major proposals

Add things that require major structural changes to the way UWN operates or looks

  • Several users are not able or don't want to use gobby (due to port restrictions, the package for Dapper is missing, dependencies from gnome libs). Therefore, I propose to leave the UWN at the wiki. If the marketing-team wants to stick with gobby due to its advantages though, we should enable an alternative way to submit articles (on the marketing-list?), make regular copies of the gobby version on a website for translation teams and give more information on the uwn-wikipages on how to submit articles.

Implemented Stuff

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas (last edited 2019-04-09 01:49:36 by bashing-om)