

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #104 for the week August 10th - August 16th, 2008. In this issue we cover: Intrepid Alpha-4 released, New UWN translation team, Global Bug Jam: Retrospective, MOTU School sessions for developer week wanted, MOTU News, North Carolina Mental Health Proposals: Open Source VistA Only, Open Sesame: Entering the Realm of Open Source Technology, and much, much more!

UWN Translations

In This Issue

General Community News

"Intrepid Ibex" Alpha-4 released

Alpha 4 is the fourth in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Intrepid development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of showstopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Intrepid.

Pre-releases of Intrepid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs. You can download it here:

For other information on testing, bugs, and bug reporting, refer to the link below.

New translation team for the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter

The translation work of the UWN (Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter) is hard and sometimes frustrating work, it is never the less very important for the local communities who like to read the news in their own native language. From this necessity, emerged the UUTT (United UWN Translators Team).

It's goal is to unite the translation teams from around the world and help them with translating the weekly newsletter, adding their own content and news elements, and to help them aquire tools for better support and integration of their translations.

Experience has shown that 1 to 1 translations of the UWN are not very useful and it has been recommenced to pick out the interesting topics from the UWN, translate them and mix them with local news. Now we need the local users to found teams for their language! The new local translation teams will be organized as sub-teams of the UUTT.

If you are interested in helping you can contact us on Launchpad or use the mailing list:

Global Bug Jam: Retrospective

Global Bug Jam had people from twelve nations and 20+ locations meeting for the event and a big hand to all who organized and participated last weekend. WOW! 846 bugs! That’s a lot of bugs, especially when you consider that lots of newcomers attended the bug jam events. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed fixing bugs and making new friends. To check out the Global Bug Jam Stories visit this link: You should also visit to get Daniel's thoughts on why we need to have more of these events.


MOTU School sessions for Ubuntu Developer Week wanted

In preparing for another Ubuntu Developer Week, James Westby is asking for volunteers to present MOTU School sessions. A list of possible sessions exists [1], and he suggests a couple that either he will do or he would like to see done. Those interested in presenting on one of the topics should add their name to the list [2], or contact dholbach or James to discuss it.




Nicolas Valcárcel (also known as nxvl) has joined the MOTU team. He has done great work in the Server team, is the star of a Spanish packaging video and is involved in various places in the MOTU team.

MOTU Interview of Emanuele Gentili(emgent)

Emanuel started with Linux in 1999, and moved to Ubuntu in April 2005. His first work with the MOTU team was in 2007, with the Ubuntu Security Team. Prior to that, he had been working in Gentoo and Aurox development. Some of the resources he's used to learn to become an MOTU were the DebianMaintainer guide, Ubuntu packaging guide, the Ubuntu School logs and the Debian Policy. He is now working on Rapache, a GUI for configuring and managing apache2, which is available in the Intrepid Universe.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Hardy

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron," see more at:

5-a-day bug stats

Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days

Top 5 teams for the past 7 days

Global Bug Jam stats

Top 5 teams for the past 7 days

5 A Day and Global Bug Jam stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See

Launchpad News

Joey Stanford has reported that changes have been made to the Launchpad Legal page [1].

  1. The Launchpad Logo, previously unlicensed, is now licensed as “Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales”. “No Derivative” was chosen to preserve our branding integrity.

  2. The Launchpad Help wiki documentation and the Launchpad News blog, previously unlicensed, are now licensed as “Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales”.

This was done to assist users and commercial entities to be able to use/remix/display the logo and material. Please see the legal page for more information.


In The Press

In The Blogosphere

In Other News

North Carolina Mental Health Proposals: Open Source VistA Only

A brief post to LinuxMedNews by Ignacio Valdes, MD, MS, reports that "North Carolina’s Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services Division has issued a request for proposals to vendors to install a commercially supported, open-source version of the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture, or VistA". They intend to first install it in 3 hospitals and 3 clinics, but eventually expand it to 12 facilities. They hope to start the first 6 in the next 3 years. The actual article is in Modern Healthcare [1], and requires registration to view it.


Open Sesame: Entering the Realm of Open Source Technology

Selena Chavis reports For The Record, that the push for electronic health records in healthcare organizations and physician practices has people looking at open source software for a practical solution. VistA, originally created by the Veterans Administration as Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture and in use for 2 decades, is such a solution. Both commercial software-as-service and open source versions are available, including WorldVistA, which is the only open source version to be approved by Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT). Implementing a proprietary version of VistA for a 300 bed hospital would cost from $18 - $30 million, while choosing an open source solution like WorldVistA would only cost $3.25 - $4 million. A potential savings of up to $26.75 million!

Change Wallpapers, Mega Ultra GUI.

DoctorMO has posted information on the Ubuntu Forums that will be of interest to people running Gnome who like to change their wallpapers. The package consists of a GUI and crontab python libs. This will put a menu entry in your System > Preferences folder for configuration. The system's debs can be downloaded from his Personal Package Archive [1], or from the forum.


Computers offered free to students

Free IT Athens and the Clark County School District, in Georgia, are working together to furnish free computers to students. In an effort to get computers into the hands of those who need them but don't have access to them, Free IT Athens is refurbishing old computers and installing Linux and open source software. With 130 already done, they intend to do 600 this fall and another 1,200 next year.

Comcast Gives Cold-Shoulder To Non-Profit School Running Linux

In Lake City, Florida, the new Generation private non-profit school moved from Windows XP to Ubuntu Linux in their computer lab. But when the internet went down, and the owner of the school, Mrs. Gorman, called Comcast, the tech didn't want to help her because the computers were running Linux. Their claim was that they only support Windows, Mac OSX, and UNIX. It took telling the tech that Comcast was discriminating against a customer based on their choice of operating system to even get him to supply a case number.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Community Council Meeting

Ubuntu Server Team Meeting

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

QA Team Meeting

Platform Team Meeting

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

Ubuntu Desktop Team Meeting

Ubuntu Java Team Meeting

Friday, August 22, 2007

Ubuntu MOTU Meeting

Saturday, August 23, 2007

Xubuntu Community Meeting

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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Glossary of Terms

  1. GUI - Graphical User interface
  2. MD - Medical Doctor
  3. MS - Master of Science degree
  4. VAR - Value Added Retailer


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue104 (last edited 2008-08-17 21:21:10 by cpe-76-176-113-176)