
Revision 3 as of 2007-04-10 12:45:30

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(Traducción en proceso). Bienvenido al boletín semanal de Ubuntu, nº #35, semana del 1 de Abril al 8 de Abril, 2007. En este número, cubrimos la salida inminente de Feisty Fawn y la cancelación de Herd6. Launchpad se ha relanzado con una nueva interfaz en beta pública, y hablamos sobre el cambio en la licencia de la documentación comunitaria tan largamente esperada.

UWN Translations

En Este Número

  • Feisty Herd 6 Cancelado
  • Feisty cerrada para la preparación de la version RC
  • Decisión sobre la licencia de la documentación del Wiki
  • Launchpad abierta para BetaTest

  • Migrar desde Windows todavia más fácil

Noticias Generales de la Comunidad

Feisty Herd 6 Cancelada

Tollef Fog Heen, Manager de nuevas versiones de Ubuntu, ha anunciado que no abrá Herd 6 ya que el kernel se cerrará pronto y la versión candidata estará disponible el dia 12 de Abril. Puedes leer más aqui:

La licencia de la Documentación del Wiki discutida

Matthew East del Equipo de Documentación ha anunciado, despues de largas discusiones con el Consejo Comunitario, que la licencia del Wiki de Ayuda de Ubuntu será la Creative Commons By Attribution Share Alike 2.5 license. Debe tomarse en cuenta que ésto no incluye al wiki normal en, sino méramente el wiki de ayuda en Si quieres ponerte en contacto sobre el cambio de licencia, por favor, contacta con el consejo comunitario en Puedes leer más en o

Problemas con la Archivación de las listas de Ubuntu

Debido al alto volumen de tráfico en las listas de ubuntu-bugs y desktop-bugs mailing lists, el sistema de archivación está teniendo problemas para hacer copias de seguridad del resto de la lista de correo. Por ahora, ubuntu-bugs y desktop-bugs no serán archivados, asi podrán copiarse el resto de listas en Canonical le gustaría saber si los subscriptores de ubuntu-bugs y desktop-bugs estan interesados en sus respectivos archivos y por qué razón, ya que todos están ya disponibles en Launchpad. Puedes leer más en

Novedades en Feisty Fawn

Feist Cerrada para la Preparación de la version Candidata

Colin Watson, ha anunciado que el código base de Feisty se ha "congelado" para la preparación de la versión candidata del 12 de Abril, y su salida final el día 19. Aunque el repositorio de Universe está todavia abierto, sólo los bugs criticos para la salida serán aceptados en los repositorios principales. Los problemas principales de Feisty pueden ser monitorizados en Puede leer más en

Soporte Ext4 eliminado de Feisty

The sistema de ficheros ext4 no será incluido en Fiesty. Aunque no corrompa ficheros, no se vé muy estable todavia. Se ha anunciado en:

Notas de salida de NetworkManager discutidas

Han habido algunas discusiones sobre los problemas encontrados por los usuarios de Edgy que tienen redes configuradas a mano, y han actualizado a Feisty. Mientras que el manager de redes de Feisty se instala por defecto y debería ignorar cualquier configuración manual, las interfaces deberían ser configuradas como "automatic". Esto será documentado en las notas de salida. Puedes leer más en:

Noticias de Desarrollo

Se necesita ayuda con bugs de

Se necesita un nuevo miembro en el equipo de bugs de OpenOffice para unirse al nuevo projecto de OpenOffice en el Launchpad. El miembro debe poseer un login en el bug tracker de, por lo que los bugs que sean tomados como importantes puedan ser informados adecuadamente. Lee más en:

Experimental Feisty+1 Toolchain Packages

The toolchain packages have been updated for Feisty+1 and should install on top of a current Feisty chroot/installation. The updates involve gcc, glibc, and gcj. There is a performance drop when switching to the new gcc libraries which is known and accepted by the gcc developers. Warning: The toolchain packages are very experimental and installation will likely cause most systems to become unstable. Read more at

BugHelper Reports

BugHelper reports contain bug information and bugs that you can help fix. They are updated hourly and available at Clue files are used to search for bugs fitting pre-defined patterns. Documentation for writing and adding clue files are available at Read more at

Launchpad News

Canonical has started public beta testing of Launchpad 1.0. Launchpad is a web application that helps track communications between many free software communities. With the tool, its possible to coordinate and collaborate work among projects that have shared code. Launchpad features an interface that allows branding and emphasizes current activity of projects. Launchpad allows for team management, tracking bugs, hosting code, translations, feature and ideas tracking, and community support. Besides Ubuntu, well known projects like Zope, SilverCMS, and Jokosher use Launchpad. Read more: (official press release), (Mark Shuttleworth's blog)

In The Press

Bill Bennett, in The Sydney Morning Herald, talks about the result of running Ubuntu alongside Windows XP for months. He explains how Linux can revive an old computer and that Ubuntu runs faster and smoother on his two-year-old PC compared to Windows XP and Vista. Read the full article:

Marius Nestor, at Softpedia News, writes about the beta version of Feisty. He includes many screenshots along with discussions of the migration assistant, restricted drivers manager, network manager tool, Beagle, the redesigned help center, codec installation, and plug and play network sharing with Avahi. A quick overview on the new features introduced in Feisty. Read the full article:

Michael Stutz, in CIO, talks about what enterprises need to look for when selecting a Linux distribution. Stutz says that Ubuntu has been a success on the desktop and the partnership with Sun will win over a few clients. The full article at:

Marius Nestor, at Softpedia News, comments on what he loves and hates about Ubuntu. Marius suggests creating an Ubuntu+Kubuntu LiveCD and making the GNOME desktop more Windows-user friendly. Read the full article:

William West, at, discusses how Ubuntu derivatives can help parents protect their children from offensive content on the Internet while providing all the tools to do their homework. West covers web filters and Open Office, along with how to customize Ubuntu. While West talks about specific Ubuntu derivatives, all the filtering tools can be installed on any standard Ubuntu installation. Read the full article:

In The Blogosphere

John M. Reese, from, has a detailed overview with screenshots of the Gnome enhancements in Feisty. He covers network settings, restricted drivers, desktop effects, HPLIP toolbox, sessions, and themes. It's been dugg over 1000 times.

Sarah, at, talks about the ease of using Ubuntu. She mentions the simplicity of installing by using the LiveCD and how Synaptic makes installing applications very easy. Sarah says that average people like her mom and dormmates have used Ubuntu successfully and can find help quickly on the Ubuntu Forums and wiki. Read more: talks about transitioning from Windows to Ubuntu. The site discusses why a user would want to move to Linux, why Ubuntu, how to install Ubuntu, and Linux equivalents of common Windows applications. Read more:

LoCo News

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo at Flourish Conference

The Ubuntu Chicago Local Community recently represented at the Flourish Conference held at the University of Illinois - Chicago campus. With a strong showing at the conference, the team passed out over two hundred Ubuntu CDs. The team also participated in a "Battle of the Distros," an event where guests talked about the various distributions and what set them apart. Richard Johnson has an extensive write up on his weblog:

Meetings and Events

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Technical Board Meeting

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Edubuntu Meeting

Launchpad Users Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 2007

MOTU Meeting

Development Team Meeting

Ubuntu Development Team Meeting

  • Start: 21:00
  • End: 23:00
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting

Friday, April 13, 2007

Forum Council Meeting

Community Spotlight

Ubuntu Case Studies

A great way to promote anything is by showing people it actually works in the real world. Ubuntu has grown a lot in a very short time, and it is being given many different uses we probably can't even imagine. This is why we are trying to collect success stories around the world, and present them as "Use Cases". Any way you use Ubuntu in your school or workplace might be interesting and useful to someone else. The main Ubuntu website has a special place for these at: We would like to encourage you to participate sending your story to, using as a starting point.

Easier Migration from Windows to Ubuntu

The Windows Migration Wizard is a new migration tool which imports all your Internet Explorer favorites, Firefox bookmarks, desktop wallpaper, AOL IM contacts and Yahoo IM contacts. This offers easier and faster migration for new users of Ubuntu and individuals wanting to run a dual partition. In addition to single accounts, you can migrate several users' settings in Ubuntu. This has been added in Ubiquity, Ubuntu's installer, and it shows the commitment to making Linux as easier to use as possible. You can read the specification at:

Ubuntu Marketing Team - Spread the Word

The Marketing Team is responsible for promoting Ubuntu and every single way possible. Ubuntu Bug #1 is their inspiration and its final bugfix is their final goal. Spreading all Free Software is within the interest of the Team, and Ubuntu among that is its main focus. All Ubuntu users are/can be a part of its marketing effort. The Marketing Team is behind projects like "The Fridge", "Ubuntu Weekly News", "Case Studies", "Ubuntu Counter", "Ubuntu Video" and many more. You can join them in IRC in #ubuntu-marketing, in our mailing list, or read more about what they do at:

Actualizaciones y seguridad para 6.06 y 6.10

Actualizaciones de Seguridad

Actualizaciones para Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Actualizaciones para Ubuntu 6.10

Estadísticas de Bugs

  • Abiertos (26920) +1137 # que la semana pasada
  • Críticos (24) +5 # que la semana pasada
  • Sin confirmar (12966) +800 # que la semana pasada
  • Sin asugnar (19533) +1042 # que la semana pasada
  • Todos los bugs alguna vez reportados (91582) +3021 # que la semana pasada

Como siempre, el Bug Squad necesita más ayuda. Si quieres empezar, por favor dirigete a

Chequea las estadísticas de bugs en:

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Gracias por leer el Newsletter Semanal de Ubuntu.

¡Nos vemos la próxima semana!


El Newsletter Semanal de Ubuntu es traído a Uds. por:

  • Martin Albisetti
  • Nick Ali
  • Corey Burger
  • Audrey Deutschmann
  • And many others

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