

Bem-vindo à Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Edição Número 41, para a semana de 13 a 19 de Maio de 2007. Nesta edição cobrimos o novo Time de Torrent, o progresso do Projeto "Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded", novos membros e LoCos aprovados, os encontros do Conselho Comunitário e do Conselho do Fórum, e colocamos o Time Xubuntu em destaque.

Nesta Edição

Notícias Gerais da Comunidade

Conselho Comunitário

The Community Council met to discuss agenda freezes, the Ubuntu Media Center, and approval of new members and LoCo teams. It was decided that the agenda will be frozen one day before meetings for general items and just before the meetings for LoCo teams and member candidates. The Ubuntu Media Center Team was approved and is responsible for creating software that will be installable on any Ubuntu based system and provide multimedia facilities like out-of-the-box support for remote controls, TV watching (including PVR capabilities), video/music on deman, X10 home control technology, and many other features. Read more at

Novos Membros Aprovados no Ubuntu

The last Community Council meeting approved a whole raft of new Ubuntu members. Read on for a quick bio on each.

Novo Time de Torrent

Andrea Veri has announced the creation of the MOTU torrent team, and they need your help! The torrent team will take care of and develop packages related to the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol, while working closely with upstream. It’s also the bug report contact for all torrent packages in Launchpad. They are currently interested in universe and main sponsorship and are looking for more packagers too, so if you are someone who is interested, ping Andrea Veri (bluekuja) on #ubuntu-motu-torrent on, or just apply to join the team in launchpad. As is the custom across Ubuntu you can keep an eye on them via their wiki page. Launchpad: Wiki:


Ubucon-Boulder is a free, all-day gathering of Ubuntu-related demos, talks, chats, to show each other what *buntu can do, and Google’s Boulder office is where all the proposed action is. Jim McMaster, a developer at Google and Leslie Hawthorn, of Google’s Open Source Program Office in California are the gracious hosts for the venue of this unconference-like Barcamp. Due to space constraints, it will be a small gathering of around 20 people, and registration is first-come, first-served. Read more at

Novo Endereço para Submissão de Histórias

The Marketing Team has created a new mailing list you can submit any idea or story relevant to any of the Marketing Team projects (UWN, Full Circle, The Fridge, etc). Send us your scoops to:

Notícias do Conselho do Fórum

The Forum Council met to discuss username changes, how to deal with problem staff members, staff renewals, and staff selections:

Projeto "Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded" a Caminho

Matt Zimmerman has announced more details about the Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project (UME). The purpose of UME is "to build a complete mobile OS based on Ubuntu, with all of the necessary components integrated into the Ubuntu package archive, ready to install and run, or to tailor for custom mobile applications." A mailing list has been created, along with the beginnings of some technical specifications and code.


For a more technical overview of UME, see

Notícias LoCo

Novos LoCos Aprovados

The Argentina Team has over 100 launchpad members and the most active LoCo forum. Among the many open source conferences the Argentina Team has taken part in, they organized and participated in the Flisol installfest where Ubuntu was set up on over 80 computers. Martin Albisetti will be giving two talks in the near future to local Linux conferences. The team also plans to help distribute ShipIt CDs locally and create videos aimed at Windows users to show how easy it is to use Ubuntu.

The Catalan Team has over 200 launchpad members and second most active community on Ubuntu Forums. A website has recently been started and the planet consists of two daily news feeds and 14 bloggers. The team supports translations teams and has translated the Education Department's Ubuntu tutorials into Catalan. While 50 members of media were notified of their recent Feisty party, the team has promoted Ubuntu on several different radio shows. The Catalan Team also boasts the first humour section on the wiki for a LoCo.

The DC Team has been active in promoting Ubuntu at many conferences and conventions. They also provide introductory computer classes in Spanish to Tenants and Workers United, as well providing labs for libraries. The team is in the process of organizing the Free/Open Source Software in Education conference and setting up more community computing centers with Edubuntu.

Na Imprensa

Na Blogosfera

Encontros e Eventos

Domingo, 20 de Maio de 2007

Encontro de Desenvolvedores Xubuntu

Encontro do LoCo Georgia US

Encontro do LoCo Catalão

Terça, 22 de Maio de 2007

Encontro do Comissão Técnica

Quarta, 23 de Maio de 2007

Encontro Edubuntu

Quinta, 24 de Maio de 2007

Encontro do Time de Desenvolvimento Ubuntu

Destaque da Comunidade

Time Xubuntu

The aim of the Xubuntu Team is to provide a nice Ubuntu desktop experience (even on older hardware) by using Xfce4 as the desktop environment and GTK+ 2 applications wherever possible. The Xubuntu team takes care of Xfce and other packages that are part of the default Xubuntu installation. The team's tasks include packaging, coding, artwork, documentation, translation and testing. To find out more on them or to join the team, check out:

Atualizações e segurança para 6.06, 6.10 e 7.04

Atualizações de Segurança

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 6.10

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 7.04

Estatísticas de Bugs

Como sempre, o Bug Squad precisa de mais ajuda. Se você quer começar a ajudar, por favor consulte

Veja as estatísticas de bugs:

Você sabia...

Did you know that Planet Ubuntu has a "Ubuntu Solar System" section where other Planets in different languages are featured? It's on the right side just below the "Subscribe" links. If you want to get your Planet on there, get in touch with us at the marketing team and we'll help you through the process

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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41/PtBR (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:55 by localhost)