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Easiest thing might be to check dholbach's posts on the planet and pick out some things. And link to the open week wiki and logs. The first ever Ubuntu Developer Week was a rousing success. Session covered a wide array of topics like learning how to triage bugs, different packaging techniques, Ubuntu derivatives, MOTU processes, hosting code on Launchpad, and packaging Firefox 3 extensions. IRC logs and more details can be found at To read summaries of sessions from each day, see Daniel Holbach's blog:


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 79 for the weeks February 17th - February 23rd, 2008. In this issue we cover...

UWN Translations

In This Issue

General Community News

Hardy Alpha 5 Released

Another Hardy Heron pre-release is available for testing. Alpha 5 is the fifth in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Hardy development cycle. Alpha 5 includes several new features that are ready for large-scale testing. Please refer to for information on changes in Ubuntu and for changes in Kubuntu. Pre-releases of Hardy are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage.

Ubuntu 8.10 Interpid Ibex

Hardy is now past feature-freeze and it's time to start planning features that are being lined up for inclusion after Ubuntu 8.04 LTS is released in April. The release which is planned for October 2008, will be named "Intrepid Ibex", and will most likely be version 8.10. The desktop will once again be a focal point as the team works to re-engineer the users interaction model so that Ubuntu works as well on a high-end workstation as well as it does on a sub-notebook. A particular focus will be pervasive internet access, the ability to tap into bandwidth whenever and wherever you happen to be. The ability to move from the office, to the train, and home, staying connected all the way will be a top priority. Ubuntu 8.10 will be the ninth release, and the fourth anniversary of the first release - 4.10.


What is 5-A-Day? 5-A-Day is a blitz of the community to fix bugs. A simplified explanation, but if everyone pitches in a helps on just 5 bugs, think of the results. Not sure you have to ability to fix bugs, no problem. This program has been set up to let everyone contribute in some way. Follow the link to find out how "you" can help! And remember help to spread the news of this worth while bug blitz by adding it to your blog. Get busy, get involved, and help get rid of those pesky bugs.

Newly Approved LoCos

MarylandTeam - In less than a year, the Ubuntu Maryland LoCo Team has gone from a small group of Ubuntu enthusiasts to a large number of active members with a wide variety of technical expertise. The Team has already hosted a number of events, including install fests and presentations, as well as regularly scheduled meetings in-person and on IRC. Events include:

ColombianTeam - It has been a slow but steady path to bring together an active group of Ubuntu users in the Colombian Team. Free open source software does not have much visibility in local media and the governement, educational and private initiatives have only been gaining traction for the past few 2-3 years. Microsoft and other local lobbies are hard at work to stop any free software initiatives.



Advocacy and CD distribution

IndianaTeam - The Indiana LoCo Team was founded in early 2007 by SimonARuiz and MichaelSchultheiss, who had each been thinking independently about the idea of an IndianaTeam and were prompted to take a leadership role in its realization by the USTeams Project's declared goal to get an Official LoCo team in every U.S. State.

  • Indiana LinuxFest - They are working closely with Bloomington Linux User's Group (BLUG), Central Indiana Linux User's Group (CINLUG), and the Fort Wayne Linux User's Group (FWLUG) to establish an Indiana LinuxFest. The goal of Indiana LinuxFest is to bring together the existing Linux community in Indiana with the general public in order to facilitate the spread of Linux statewide. The idea to create an Indiana LinuxFest was formed when the leaders of BLUG, CINLUG and FWLUG got together at the Gutsy release party.

  • Work with area LUGs - They are working with the area LUGs to promote both Ubuntu and Linux in general, a specific example would be the aforementioned Indiana LinuxFest.

  • Local Advocacy & Education - They are using our influence with friends, family, and co-workers to spread Ubuntu. They also use our influence to spread Ubuntu to organizations in our area, such as libraries, schools, and government agencies. They have given talks and presentations promoting the use of Ubuntu and Linux and will continue to seek opportunities do so.

  • inACCESS / School Advocacy and Support - Assist and encourage, whenever possible, the use of Ubuntu in Indiana School, especially with the [ inACCESS] program, which was started by the Indiana Department of Education to bring 1:1 computing environments to Indiana classrooms, and has spread Linux and open-source software through the school systems in Indiana. In fact, some of the IndianaTeam members work for schools, teaching in and supporting such 1:1 classroom environments.

Newly Approved Members

Eddie Martinez - Eddie created the agenda for the first Ubuntu-IL meeting, helped with the Ubuntu side of InstallFest at BarCampChicago, and helped represent the LoCo at FlorishConf 2007, a conference for FLOSS at a local university. He has helped create the agenda for several meetings of the Ubuntu-Chicago LoCo as well as acted as moderator for their mailing list. He launched the Ubuntu-Illinois CodeSprint for Feb. 9th, 2008 and is working with the -Ohio and -Michigan Teams to set up a TriLoCo meeting/collaboration. He is working with the LoCo on "Project Green", converting Christian Life College in Mt. Prospect, Illinois to 100% Ubuntu.

Leandro Gómez - Leandro started the Nicaraguan Ubuntu LoCo Team (approved in April) and since then his main efforts have been in improving the local team and helping Central America LoCo Group. He is actively participating in:

Eric Krieger - Eric is a member of the New Mexico LoCo Team and project lead for Endorphin Power Company Ubuntu Install and Support: which is dedicated to improving the lives of people, with special focus on the substance-dependent and homeless. Participated in the 2007 Software Freedom Day Team in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. He has also posted various "HOWTOs" on the Ubuntu Forums.

Andrea Colangelo - Andrea is part of the the Italian LoCo Team, and is involved in:

Greg Grossmeier - Greg is the Founder and Team Lead for the Michigan LoCo Team. Greg helped set up the first Packaging Jams:, and is part of LaunchPad, Beta Testers, Bug Squad and the Bug Control Team.

Nicolas Valcárcel - He is a member of the Peruvian LoCo Team(and council). He has given talks about the MOTU process, MOTU Development and how to get started. He has plans for 3 more talks for the next 2 months about ubuntu Developing. Nicolas also ran 2 sessions during Ubuntu Developer Week: He has also been active in bug fixing and bug triage.

Craig A. Eddy - Craig is an active contributor to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter since November 10, 2007. He is also a member of the Arizona LoCo Team and has been the reporter for the Arizona LoCo Team Newsletter since September 12, 2007. Also active submitting bug reports to LaunchPad, and assisting people on the Ubuntu Forums, Craig has quietly contributed to many Ubuntu projects which are the better for his participation.

Review of Open Week

The first ever Ubuntu Developer Week was a rousing success. Session covered a wide array of topics like learning how to triage bugs, different packaging techniques, Ubuntu derivatives, MOTU processes, hosting code on Launchpad, and packaging Firefox 3 extensions. IRC logs and more details can be found at To read summaries of sessions from each day, see Daniel Holbach's blog:

Interview with Nick Barcet, Ubuntu Server Product Manager

UWN: Who are you? What do you do at Canonical?

I'm Nick Barcet, an almost 40 years old geek that started programming on a TRS-80 quite a long time ago. I joined Canonical in September 2007 to fill the role of Ubuntu Server Product Manager. The role of a product manager is to be the interface between the technical team and the rest of the company. This implies

  • gathering the feedback and requests from our other department and their customers or partner,
  • putting in common word the technicalities of new implementation so that our sales and marketing team can understand them
  • proposing and participating in the definition of the product strategy and many other fun activities.

UWN: How long have you used Linux and what was your first distro? And how long have you been using Ubuntu?

I started with Linux with SuSE in 1998 as a hobby, which became handy when Novell bought SuSE while I was working there. I switched to Ubuntu end of 2005 on my Desktop and with Dapper on my servers (I had left Novell at that time).

UWN: Virtualization is in the news more and more nowadays. The Server Team has been focusing on KVM, and VMware has been in the commercial repository for almost a year, and OpenVZ was just added. How is the relationship with VMware progressing? What has been the reaction to JeOS? Are ISVs putting it to use? Is there any more planned collaboration?

We do have a great relationship with VMWare, which is progressing very well. As you have noticed, we also started working with Parallels (ex SWSoft) and they are providing OpenVZ in Universe, which is another great option to Ubuntu users. As each of these technologies are providing answers to different use cases, I think that we are starting to have a great virtualization story on Ubuntu Server Edition.

JeOS has generated a lot of attention and the number of Virtual Appliances built on it are growing every day. JeOS is updated to work also with KVM in version 8.04, and we've also improved the VMWare ESX support. This will certainly increase the momentum that we are already observing. We're confident that 8.04, will see numerous ISVs certify on it and bringing many more options, both virtualised or not, to Ubuntu users.

UWN: Are there plans to get involved with "cloud" computing, similar to how RHEL is directly available on Amazon's EC2 services?

Ubuntu Server Edition works very well on EC2 already and there are quite a few how-to published on the subject, pre-built images posted by the community [1] and even virtual appliances available, such Paul Dowman's "EC2 on Rails" [2]. As you know, Canonical's business model is to sell Technical Support, not to sell the "maintenance" as other distribution do. We're watching the RH/Amazon tie up and it is definitely an interesting way of delivering the server product to the market. As we only charge for support and not maintenance we would have to deliver it a different way but it is too soon to talk about specifics or any deals.

As a side note, there is currently quite a bit of confusion in what is support and maintenance. What I refer to as maintenance is the is the commitment Ubuntu has on providing security updates for the packages that are defined in seed whatever dependencies are necessary to make them work. More precisely our commitment is to provide free maintenance for Ubuntu products as follow:

  • Ubuntu Desktop, Kubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server: security updates and select bug fixes (18 months)
  • Ubuntu Desktop LTS: Security updates and select bug fixes (3 years)
  • Ubuntu Server LTS: Hardware compatibility updates (until next LTS), Security updates and select bug fixes (5 years)

As you see, this is quite different from support, where this only covers the activity to provide various types of answers to customer over the phone, web or email which Canonical offers for a fee.



UWN: Many businesses use Active Directory or some form of LDAP extensively. How is the Windows AD integration coming along for Hardy and what are the future plans?

Thanks to the great work from Jerry Carter producing likewise-open, and of Rick Clark packaging it in Ubuntu, the package has been uploaded just before Feature Freeze. On Ubuntu desktop, it provides a graphical interface to integrate into AD, while on Ubuntu Server Edition a single command line will allow the joining. Once this is done, all authentications are seamlessly redirected to AD.

It looks good at fulfilling its promise of very easy integration into an AD domain, but it now needs some extensive testing before 8.04 is released. If you have access to an AD domain and can run a few tests with Hardy, now is the right time to do so and it is a great way to contribute to Ubuntu Server Edition.

UWN: Landscape is systems management tool provided by Canonical with a support contract. What does it do? Are there other applications provided at the commercial level?

Landscape is a systems management tool that provides grouped management, inventory, user management and monitoring of multiple servers in a centralized way. With Landscape it is possible to simultaneously request and installation, update or removal of a package on all or some of your managed at the same time. The same can be done for users. You also get a very clear summary of resources consumption on you servers over time with very smart graphs grouping the info for multiple servers. More information and screen shots are available on Canonical's web site [1].

Landscape is the only application we provide specifically for commercial support users right now. We intend to improve and expand it over time to become more even valuable to them as it is a compelling reason to use our support. These customers are also encouraged to use Launchpad and Bazaar if appropriate. I don't know if we will add more applications for commercial customers. We will where and when it make sense.


LoCo News

New in Hardy Heron

Launchpad News

Launchpad 1.2.2: faster PPA builds, enhanced bug subscriptions and more karma!

It's time for another Launchpad release and this is one with something for just about everyone!

  • Karma
    • Karma fiends take note: registering branches and linking branches to bugs or blueprints now earns you karma!
    • Faster PPA builds: we've cut the time it takes to build packages in PPAs. The moment you upload your source, Launchpad starts building.
    • More bug notifications: now you can subscribe to get bug mail about any milestone, project, package or distribution.
    • Savannah bug watches: keep an eye on bugs tracked at and
    • Improved branch registration page: it's now easier to register a branch in Launchpad.
  • Package management and PPA's
    • PPA build times have been cut by up to an hour. Now, the build process starts as soon as you upload a package.
    • Packages in PPAs now have a changelog and details of the resultant binary packages.
    • Ubuntu's unapproved package queue is now visible to all Launchpad users.
    • Rejecting language packs from the upload queue previously caused a UI OOPS or queue-tool crash. This is now fixed.
    • If a package fails to build because of dependency that is not available, DEPWAIT will now retry the build only if it can fulfil all dependencies from a compatible component.
    • Packages synced from Debian are now automatically overridden to the correct Ubuntu component.
  • Launchpad Code
    • An overhaul of the "Register branch" page to makes it easier and quicker to register a new branch.
    • You can now propose a merger between two branches that are tracked by Launchpad.
    • More karma! Registering branches and linking branches to bugs or blueprints now adds to your karma.
    • When browsing a branch's recent revisions, the name of a revision's author is now linked to that person's Launchpad profile page.
    • When searching for a branch, to create a bug-branch link, you can now search for the full unique name of the branch
  • Bug Tracker
    • Staying informed of the latest bugs associated with something that interests you is now supremely easy.Simply click "Subscribe to bugmail" in the Actions menu on the overview page of a milestone, project, distribution package or a distribution itself.
    • Using the bug tracker's email interface? Now you can attach files to a bug report without having to use the web interface.
    • Bug notification emails have two new headers:X-Launchpad-Bug-Private and X-Launchpad-Bug-Security-Vulnerability.
    • Launchpad logs unexpected errors as "OOPS reports". Now, if such an error occurs, Launchpad will email you with the OOPS report #.
  • Translations
    • It's now easier to browse someone's translations, which is useful if you're evaluating their work.
    • Launchpad supports up to four plural forms in each language. We are working to extend that to six.
    • In languages with multiple plural forms, omitting one or more forms from a translation previously caused an error.
    • Searching translations will now also search for parts of words.

Ubuntu Forums News

Ubuntu Forums Interviews

Please read the following interviews, and accept our apologies for the delay reporting them to the UWN:

Tutorials Of The Week

Here are the tutorials that have been selected for the past few weeks:

In The Press

  • Dell adds new notebook to Ubuntu lineup - Usually, the North American computer giants introduce their latest and greatest products to the U.S. market first, with Europe an afterthought. Not this time. Dell is bringing its latest Ubuntu-powered laptop, the Inspiron 1525, to the Europeans first. Americans will need to wait until later in February for Dell's newest Ubuntu Linux computer. The Dell Inspiron 1525 was introduced in January as the smaller, lighter and cheaper cousin of the popular Dell 1520. At just under 6 pounds, with a choice of eight colors and four optional design patterns, and with pricing that's expected to start at $499, this laptop is attractive to both the eye and the wallet. The laptop is built around the single-core Intel Celeron 540 processor. This chip runs at 1.86GHz and comes with a 533MHz FSB (Front Side Bus). With only 512MB of RAM, don't even think of running Vista, but it's more than enough for Ubuntu 7.10.

In The Blogosphere

  • Cheap is good, but free is better - Using OpenOffice as a replacement for Microsoft Office is a great, free program, that does everything Office does. There are so many open source alternatives to most commercial programs, that an educated consumer may never have to purchase software if he knows where to look. Here are some alternatives to all sorts of expensive software programs:

    • Change your Operating System by switching to Ubuntu (oo-BOON-too) instead of using XP or Vista. It is an operating system similar to Windows but is based on linux. It comes loaded with most all the applications that most people need such as a Web browser, Open-Office, instant messaging and other programs. Ubuntu requires much less "horsepower" to run than Windows XP and Vista, making it an ideal choice for older systems. If you are familiar with Windows, you will find the transition to Ubuntu easy.
    • GIMP (an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program) is similar to Photoshop Elements or Paintshop. While not quite as powerful as its commercial counterparts, Gimp is free. Get it at
    • CutePDF ( is an excellent substitute for Adobe Acrobat Professional for creating PDF documents. The free version lacks some of the advanced features, but most users would not miss those features. If you do need advanced features, you can upgrade to CutePDF Pro for $49.
    • Untether your iPod from iTunes with Songbird ( Think of Songbird as the Firefox of MP3. According to its Web site, Songbird is a "desktop media player mashed-up with the Web. Songbird is committed to playing the music you want, from the sites you want, on the devices you want ..."
    • Turbocash ( touts itself as one of the first fully-featured open source accounting packages for small business and individuals. It's an alternative to Microsoft Money and Quickbooks/Quickpay

  • 5 Things I Don’t Like About Ubuntu 7.10 - Matt has made the decision to move to Ubuntu away from the world of Windows, which he has used with for over 10 years. There are a lot of great things with Ubuntu Linux and a few things that well he doesn't like. The default themes and wallpapers that come with Ubuntu are just ugly! The screen saver selection and the wallpaper selection are in two different places? They should be in one easy to find menu. Innovate file management. While there is nothing wrong with the current setup, there is nothing special about either. Ubuntu, for some reason, doesn’t find my iMac on the network and it’s kind of an annoyance. He also hates the terminal! Make it easier to do things and maybe be able to do it with a GUI.

In Other News

Dell machines

Dell has increased the availability of their systems. Now you can purchase the same machines in Canada as in USA and for these areas, a new machine is available: the Inspiron 1525 (available in a very handsome Espresso Brown Smile :-) as well as several other beautiful colors). To keep up to date on all the Dell/Ubuntu offerings, bookmark: - this is the Ubuntu page for everything Dell/Ubuntu and will be updated as new products become available.

Canonical to resell IBM DB2 Express-C as software, virtual appliances

LONDON, February 21, 2008 - Canonical Ltd, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, today announced the availability of IBM DB2 Express-C 9.5 as software through the Ubuntu Partner Repository and as a virtual appliance running on VMware. IBM DB2 Express-C is a no-charge edition of the DB2 database server. Ideal for small businesses and multi-branch companies, DB2 Express-C can be set up quickly, is easy-to-use, and includes self-managing capabilities. "IBM DB2 Express-C is a great example of how we are bringing business-class applications to the Ubuntu community. Users have more access than ever before to the tools they need," said Mark Murphy, alliances manager, Canonical. Canonical is also making an annual support contract for IBM DB2 Express-C available to its users through This announcement marks the first time that Ubuntu users will be able to buy an annual subscription service directly from the company. "Allowing for the purchase of annual subscriptions directly from Canonical is also part of a larger commitment to mid-size enterprises that we will continue to build upon this year."


Zebuntu: - is a new Xfce-based Ubuntu distribution with heavy Zeta influences. Bernd Korz explains the goals of Zebuntu in the project's announcement: (in German): "Our goal is to use BlueEyedOS to offer a new platform for our former Zeta customers. In the future, Zeta, BeOS, as well as any future Haiku applications, will run natively on Zebuntu. This also offers a distinct advantage for developers for these platforms; they can use Zebuntu to develop for their platforms while utilising the performance and versatility of Linux." In other words, run BeOS applications on Linux.

Meeting Summaries

Ubuntu Studio

  • Continuing to manage/merge seed changes.
  • Artwork is 75% complete.
  • Continue testing and fixing bugs.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Florida Team Rocks the Florida Linux Show

The Florida LoCo Team joined together for the 1st Annual FLorida Linux Show. At our exhibit booth we had tremendous traffic, and provided support for both installation and application issues as they arose. It was refreshing to the team to see how many people were actively using ubuntu, and to listen to their experiences both positive and negative. The Florida LoCo team gained some new members and spent some time getting to know each other better in RL. See pics of Florida Loco Team Events

Updates and Security for 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, and 7.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 6.10 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats

'Note: To stats for HARDY, not Gutsy'

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining string to translate in Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron", see more at:

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • John Crawford
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms


If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth appearing on the UWN, please send them to This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page ( If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue79 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:31 by localhost)