
Revision 67 as of 2011-03-17 00:48:28

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Bulletin Board

Team IRC Channel: #ubuntu-youth on chat.freenode.net.
News: Click here for the latest news regarding Ubuntu Youth.


Ubuntu Youth - Introduction

Welcome to the Ubuntu Youth project! We are a team of youths who want to use Ubuntu and continue using it. We prove you dont need to be super nerdy to run Linux/ Ubuntu, It just takes dedication! Ubuntu Youth is the best youth-based team on Ubuntu! This is because this is the only youth based team here. Use the links at the top to navigate around our pages/wiki.

This team works towards guiding young Ubuntu Users concerning their efforts and contributions to the Ubuntu Community. The main focus areas of this team are based in four main areas, the two main wikis, system documentation, and the Ubuntu Forums:

Ubuntu Forums - The Ubuntu Forums are pretty much just that, a website that is the official support forums for the Ubuntu/Linux Distro.
Ubuntu Team Wiki - This wiki is now used for organizational work, proposals and all materials not belonging to main wiki.
System Documentation - This is the documentation that comes with Ubuntu, information on it can be found at the link. It's no more involved than doing work on the wiki, don't let the name scare you.
Help.Ubuntu/Community - The main community wiki for help documents for Ubuntu. Please see New Users section for a list of resources and steps to getting started.

About Us

We aim at:

  • Giving other young Ubuntu users support in a friendly peer environment.
  • Helping in Mainstream Ubuntu teams and Contributing to the Ubuntu Community!
  • Helping young people who wish to be devs through their "baby"-steps.

View more information over on the UbuntuYouth Structure page.

View our Mission Statement on the Mission Statement page.

Current Tasks

Currently we are in the process of revamping the team's project(s), goals, and direction. When all is decided, the tasks and projects will be listed here.


The group has meetings on a regular basis, all members should attend if they can. Guests are also welcome to sit in upon the meetings.

You can view more information about the meetings, including the upcoming meetings agenda and logs of past meetings over at the Meetings page.

Team Leadership

Team Leader: zkriesse

Joining the Team

Check out the links in the header. (At the top of this page.) Pay particular attention to the membership page. Any questions should be directed to zkriesse.
