Meeting of June 24, 2007

Meeting Summary

  • Discussing posting methods
  • Using the tracker and bot


35 minutes


   1 Jun 23 20:00:04 <Jacob> Welcome to the 3rd (?) meeting. Yay...
   2 Jun 23 20:00:36 <Jacob> Nothing on schedule to talk about tonight other than the new system kidders wrote and ajmorris_ styled up
   3 Jun 23 20:00:42 <ajmorris_> agenda...?
   4 Jun 23 20:00:47 <Jacob> ^
   5 Jun 23 20:01:21 <Jacob> so basically, we're killing off uaresolved tagging as of the last meeting, right?
   6 Jun 23 20:01:42 <ajmorris_> that was my understanding
   7 Jun 23 20:01:47 <Jacob> ok, just making sure
   8 Jun 23 20:01:55 <madmetal_spyros> ok i missed last meeting :(
   9 Jun 23 20:02:07 <kidders> bad boy
  10 Jun 23 20:02:07 <Jacob> hehe no prob madmetal_spyros
  11 Jun 23 20:02:20 <Jacob> actually you were the only one remembering to put the tag in the posts lol
  12 Jun 23 20:02:27 <madmetal_spyros> yeap :P
  13 Jun 23 20:02:34 <reclusivemonkey> I did pop one in the other day...
  14 Jun 23 20:02:34 <madmetal_spyros> cause i was up to the idea :P
  15 Jun 23 20:02:39 <ajmorris_> LOL
  16 Jun 23 20:02:44 <Jacob> hehe
  17 Jun 23 20:02:52 <Jacob> yeah reclusivemonkey i saw you in here once
  18 Jun 23 20:02:54 <madmetal_spyros> so i will continue :P pfff
  19 Jun 23 20:02:57 <Jacob> lol
  20 Jun 23 20:04:00 <Jacob> madmetal_spyros: you still need a UA tracker account.. have you seen the system yet?
  21 Jun 23 20:04:06 <Jacob> http://ua.codechunk.net
  22 Jun 23 20:04:20 <reclusivemonkey> lol I meant a "uaresolved"... I agree its probably better to track "our" resolved threads outside the forums. Its probably only of interest to ourselves...
  23 Jun 23 20:04:22 <madmetal_spyros> yeap i just saw it ;)
  24 Jun 23 20:04:33 <Jacob> i agree reclusivemonkey ;)
  25 Jun 23 20:04:58 <Jacob> lol and once again kidders beat me to the chase
  26 Jun 23 20:05:03 <madmetal_spyros> Jacob kidders ajmorris_ i need an account :P
  27 Jun 23 20:05:05 <kidders> i did?
  28 Jun 23 20:05:08 <kidders> what did i do?!
  29 Jun 23 20:05:10 <Jacob> err.. hmm
  30 Jun 23 20:05:12 <Jacob> wait
  31 Jun 23 20:05:28 <Jacob> nvm.. that was the queue cron job speaking
  32 Jun 23 20:05:49 <Jacob> an error popped up when i was adding a user, from UF saying that there is a 15-second search barrier
  33 Jun 23 20:05:51 <madmetal_spyros> brb
  34 Jun 23 20:05:52 <reclusivemonkey> I think another idea for the website is to put a list of "official" HOWTOs that we can point people to for the more obvious answers, like http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty
  35 Jun 23 20:05:53 <ajmorris_> and don't for get to add the site to an rss live bookmark :)
  36 Jun 23 20:06:09 <kidders> Jacob, oh sorry... my fault
  37 Jun 23 20:06:11 <Jacob> ah ajmorris_ i forgot about that
  38 Jun 23 20:06:16 <Jacob> nah, no prob
  39 Jun 23 20:06:41 <Jacob> madmetal_spyros: i'm /msg'ing you your username and password
  40 Jun 23 20:07:43 <kidders> reclusivemonkey, Jacob & I were chatting about something related to that
  41 Jun 23 20:07:48 <kidders> ... i think it's a good idea
  42 Jun 23 20:07:51 <kidders> ... personally
  43 Jun 23 20:07:52 <Jacob> yeah
  44 Jun 23 20:08:17 <ajmorris_> hmm....
  45 Jun 23 20:08:19 <Jacob> i wasn't able to find the Beginners team responses.... i thought they were there, but apparently they aren't
  46 Jun 23 20:08:39 <ajmorris_> that is what the UF-BT is doing though... they are making wikis for more obvious answers
  47 Jun 23 20:08:39 <madmetal_spyros> back
  48 Jun 23 20:08:41 <reclusivemonkey> encouraging people to use the existing guides where appropriate can only be a good thing
  49 Jun 23 20:08:51 <kidders> yeah
  50 Jun 23 20:08:51 <Jacob> yeah
  51 Jun 23 20:09:02 <kidders> if we were to compile ourselves a list of good urls...
  52 Jun 23 20:09:17 <kidders> ... we could have the uatracker help us insert them into posts
  53 Jun 23 20:09:24 <reclusivemonkey> ajmorris_: yeah, I don't think the things that slip through will be *as* obvious
  54 Jun 23 20:09:41 <ajmorris_> kk
  55 Jun 23 20:10:04 <Jacob> kidders: the problem with having the tracking system insert them is account access for one thing
  56 Jun 23 20:10:15 <reclusivemonkey> once we have some results from the tracker, we can even spot things that might be asked frequently and add them to the appropriate wiki(s)
  57 Jun 23 20:10:39 <Jacob> i think we just need a page with them on it or a script (greasemonkey anyone?) to insert them
  58 Jun 23 20:10:45 <kidders> Jacob, i was thinking of something much more low-tech...
  59 Jun 23 20:10:53 <kidders> ... that would only be semi-automated
  60 Jun 23 20:10:56 <Jacob> ah
  61 Jun 23 20:11:04 <kidders> losing the personal touch to posting...
  62 Jun 23 20:11:07 <kidders> ... would be bad
  63 Jun 23 20:11:21 <Jacob> lol
  64 Jun 23 20:11:53 <kidders> but at the same time, it would be nice to be able to select howto URLs from lists, rather than having to search for them & type them manually?
  65 Jun 23 20:12:04 <Jacob> yeah i agree with that
  66 Jun 23 20:12:07 <kidders> reclusivemonkey, yep :D
  67 Jun 23 20:12:26 <Jacob> i think we could have a text file on the ua site with canned responses / links
  68 Jun 23 20:12:38 <Jacob> and then use a firefox greasemonkey script to fetch them on the reply form
  69 Jun 23 20:12:47 <kidders> Jacob, perhaps a firefox plugin that looks like a live bookmark...
  70 Jun 23 20:12:47 <Jacob> and put them as a select menu or something
  71 Jun 23 20:12:53 <Jacob> yeah
  72 Jun 23 20:12:59 <Jacob> something along those lines
  73 Jun 23 20:14:02 <kidders> i've been working on a uateam toolbar plugin...
  74 Jun 23 20:14:14 <ajmorris_> ooh :)
  75 Jun 23 20:14:19 <kidders> ...with a collection of gizmos in it that might be useful for the team
  76 Jun 23 20:14:27 <kidders> ...
  77 Jun 23 20:14:34 <ajmorris_> good idea kidders :)
  78 Jun 23 20:14:39 <Jacob> dang kidders you are doing everything ;)
  79 Jun 23 20:14:42 <kidders> hehe :)
  80 Jun 23 20:14:44 <kidders> sorry
  81 Jun 23 20:14:53 <Jacob> nothin to be sorry 'bout
  82 Jun 23 20:15:02 <kidders> heh
  83 Jun 23 20:15:07 <kidders> it just strikes me that ...
  84 Jun 23 20:15:16 <kidders> perhaps an embedded drop-down list that would let ...
  85 Jun 23 20:15:30 <kidders> people select good howtos...
  86 Jun 23 20:15:42 <kidders> and auto-insert the url into a post...
  87 Jun 23 20:15:46 <kidders> would be a nice addition
  88 Jun 23 20:16:00 <Jacob> yeah
  89 Jun 23 20:16:00 * kidders wonders if that made any sense
  90 Jun 23 20:16:06 <Jacob> i get ya
  91 Jun 23 20:16:07 <madmetal_spyros> yeap
  92 Jun 23 20:16:17 <reclusivemonkey> kidders: yep, that would certainly be helpful
  93 Jun 23 20:16:18 <Jacob> and greasemonkey scripts are able to accomplish that
  94 Jun 23 20:16:24 <kidders> :)
  95 Jun 23 20:16:55 <kidders> Jacob ... it's really only a matter of a few lines of javascript
  96 Jun 23 20:17:00 <kidders> ... thankfully
  97 Jun 23 20:17:01 <kidders> hehe
  98 Jun 23 20:17:09 <Jacob> the scripts are all javascript... all that is needed is a little JS + DOM + AJAX (to fetch the canned list)
  99 Jun 23 20:17:11 <Jacob> yeah
 100 Jun 23 20:17:24 <kidders> yup
 101 Jun 23 20:18:03 * ajmorris_ feels out of place..... the only code i know ATM is HTML and CSS
 102 Jun 23 20:18:04 <ajmorris_> lol
 103 Jun 23 20:18:09 <Jacob> hehe
 104 Jun 23 20:18:25 <ajmorris_> and soon php....
 105 Jun 23 20:18:25 <Jacob> python python python python python python python python python
 106 Jun 23 20:18:30 <Jacob> :-D
 107 Jun 23 20:18:33 <ajmorris_> lol....
 108 Jun 23 20:18:38 <kidders> snack snack snack snack snack
 109 Jun 23 20:18:46 <Jacob> yum yum yum yum yum
 110 Jun 23 20:18:47 <ajmorris_> will find a tutorial on w3c if i can for python so i can learn it
 111 Jun 23 20:18:53 <ajmorris_> LOL
 112 Jun 23 20:19:04 <Jacob> python isn't on the w3c ;)
 113 Jun 23 20:19:05 <ajmorris_> uab snack snack snack snack
 114 Jun 23 20:19:06 <uab> huh?
 115 Jun 23 20:19:09 <madmetal_spyros> ajmorris_ i am far away than you are :P
 116 Jun 23 20:19:12 <Jacob> http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html
 117 Jun 23 20:19:15 <madmetal_spyros> uab code
 118 Jun 23 20:19:16 <uab> what?
 119 Jun 23 20:19:19 <ajmorris_> lol
 120 Jun 23 20:19:22 <Jacob> hehe
 121 Jun 23 20:19:25 <ajmorris_> thanks jacob
 122 Jun 23 20:19:45 <ajmorris_> what sort of stuff is made in python?
 123 Jun 23 20:19:57 <kidders> absolutely everything
 124 Jun 23 20:19:57 <madmetal_spyros> deluge
 125 Jun 23 20:19:58 <Jacob> everything, from web apps to applications
 126 Jun 23 20:20:00 <madmetal_spyros> :P
 127 Jun 23 20:20:01 <kidders> blender
 128 Jun 23 20:20:05 <Jacob> tons of ubuntu apps are in python
 129 Jun 23 20:20:07 <kidders> gimp
 130 Jun 23 20:20:14 <ajmorris_> wow.....
 131 Jun 23 20:20:17 <ajmorris_> this is awesome
 132 Jun 23 20:20:21 <Jacob> heck, ubuntu.com used to be all python before they switched to Drupal
 133 Jun 23 20:20:21 <kidders> scientology
 134 Jun 23 20:20:24 <Jacob> lol
 135 Jun 23 20:20:25 <reclusivemonkey> kidders: gimp is in python?
 136 Jun 23 20:20:26 <kidders> (lol)
 137 Jun 23 20:20:32 * ajmorris_ bookmarks the page to learn python after the meeting
 138 Jun 23 20:20:36 <kidders> reclusivemonkey ... its plugins are
 139 Jun 23 20:20:38 <Jacob> gimp is in C i think... but it has Python extensions
 140 Jun 23 20:20:41 <reclusivemonkey> ah
 141 Jun 23 20:20:51 <Jacob> ugh I hate C and C++
 142 Jun 23 20:20:56 <kidders> hehe
 143 Jun 23 20:21:03 <kidders> they're a necessary evil
 144 Jun 23 20:21:04 <Jacob> C lets you shoot off your foot
 145 Jun 23 20:21:13 <madmetal_spyros> i bookmarked the page to learn python after summer :P
 146 Jun 23 20:21:14 <reclusivemonkey> I know a little HTML/CSS/XML/XSL/VBA/bash scripting
 147 Jun 23 20:21:14 <kidders> i like that in a language!
 148 Jun 23 20:21:22 <Jacob> C++ makes it harder, but if you do manage to it will take off your whole leg
 149 Jun 23 20:21:31 <kidders> roflmao
 150 Jun 23 20:21:39 * kidders ponders
 151 Jun 23 20:21:48 <kidders> ... so that's why i've been finding it so hard to walk lately
 152 Jun 23 20:21:51 <Jacob> lol
 153 Jun 23 20:22:36 <Jacob> ooh... fresh bait in the ua join queue
 154 Jun 23 20:22:47 <kidders> ?
 155 Jun 23 20:22:49 <kidders> lol
 156 Jun 23 20:22:52 <Jacob> lol
 157 Jun 23 20:23:03 <Jacob> someone applied to the group
 158 Jun 23 20:23:03 <ajmorris_> how many members we at now?
 159 Jun 23 20:23:20 <Jacob> idk
 160 Jun 23 20:23:25 <kidders> let's all be sure to tell the poor soul what Jacob thinks of him, eh?
 161 Jun 23 20:23:26 <kidders> hehe
 162 Jun 23 20:23:28 <Jacob> never really counted :-D
 163 Jun 23 20:23:31 <Jacob> lol
 164 Jun 23 20:23:49 <Jacob> http://ubuntuforums.org/showgroups.php
 165 Jun 23 20:23:58 <Jacob> we're at the bottom, with the exception of ubuntu-geek
 166 Jun 23 20:24:13 <kidders> it's biiiiiig!
 167 Jun 23 20:24:19 <kidders> (our list)
 168 Jun 23 20:24:24 <Jacob> hehe, it is
 169 Jun 23 20:24:29 <Jacob> and one is about to be added
 170 Jun 23 20:25:23 <ajmorris_> 37 +1 for the new person :)
 171 Jun 23 20:25:27 <Jacob> 'ere he is: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=35362
 172 Jun 23 20:25:41 <kidders> yeeks
 173 Jun 23 20:25:54 <kidders> a bloody cat!
 174 Jun 23 20:25:57 <Jacob> lol
 175 Jun 23 20:25:58 <kidders> hehe
 176 Jun 23 20:26:07 <reclusivemonkey> we should see if we could keep a count of the unanswered posts and see if we can track the %age over time...
 177 Jun 23 20:26:07 * kidders doesn't much care for cats
 178 Jun 23 20:26:29 <Jacob> reclusivemonkey: it's hard to count them though... i think the search caps off at 25 pages
 179 Jun 23 20:26:31 <kidders> reclusivemonkey, the %age that go unanswered?
 180 Jun 23 20:26:51 <kidders> my "unlucky" user finder effectively does that
 181 Jun 23 20:26:51 <kidders> ...
 182 Jun 23 20:26:53 <kidders> sort of
 183 Jun 23 20:26:57 <Jacob> yeah
 184 Jun 23 20:26:58 <reclusivemonkey> Jacob: Ah, that would explain the constant 250!
 185 Jun 23 20:27:01 <Jacob> hehe
 186 Jun 23 20:27:08 <Jacob> was it 250 pages?
 187 Jun 23 20:27:16 <kidders> (interesting idea, reclusivemonkey)
 188 Jun 23 20:27:41 <reclusivemonkey> It would be nice to see it going down =]
 189 Jun 23 20:27:45 <kidders> sure would
 190 Jun 23 20:27:55 <Jacob> yeah
 191 Jun 23 20:28:01 <reclusivemonkey> 250 posts I think...
 192 Jun 23 20:28:02 <kidders> that'd be the *real* measure of our success
 193 Jun 23 20:28:30 <kidders> reclusivemonkey, i'll add a graph of the numbers of unanswered posts to the ua site
 194 Jun 23 20:28:49 <Jacob> yeah 250 results
 195 Jun 23 20:28:50 <reclusivemonkey> kidders: That would be great!
 196 Jun 23 20:29:03 <kidders> :D
 197 Jun 23 20:29:06 <Jacob> the rest of them are thrown into the void of lost searches
 198 Jun 23 20:29:15 <kidders> yeah :(
 199 Jun 23 20:29:17 <Jacob> kidders, awesome
 200 Jun 23 20:29:30 <reclusivemonkey> If we could break it down into unanswered posts per forum / total posts per forum that would be more accurate
 201 Jun 23 20:29:32 <Jacob> (about the graphs, not the posts)
 202 Jun 23 20:29:38 <Jacob> yeah
 203 Jun 23 20:29:40 <kidders> lol
 204 Jun 23 20:29:44 <kidders> yep reclusivemonkey
 205 Jun 23 20:29:59 <kidders> (my gizmo stores enough data locally to do that, i think)
 206 Jun 23 20:29:59 <Jacob> we'll see if we can make u-g forefit the data on that ;)
 207 Jun 23 20:30:18 <Jacob> or if kidders method works anyway
 208 Jun 23 20:30:26 <kidders> i don't mind
 209 Jun 23 20:30:34 <kidders> :P
 210 Jun 23 20:30:46 <reclusivemonkey> kidders seems like the man who can =]
 211 Jun 23 20:30:51 <Jacob> hehe
 212 Jun 23 20:30:52 <kidders> lol not really
 213 Jun 23 20:33:30 <kidders> erm... am i still connected?
 214 Jun 23 20:33:39 <ajmorris_> yep
 215 Jun 23 20:33:45 <reclusivemonkey> ask uab ;-)
 216 Jun 23 20:33:46 <uab> quit rambling, reclusivemonkey
 217 Jun 23 20:33:49 <kidders> hehe kewl... everything went so quiet!

UnansweredPostsTeam/Meetings/20070624 (last edited 2013-12-02 17:32:51 by li424-21)