Contents |
Where :
- When: September 22nd, 2007, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
- Why: because there will be food
- Who: all Ubuntu Utah members, their friends and or family
- What: pot-luck style.
Potluck BBQ
Please make a note of the item(s) you'd like to volunteer for the Team BBQ. We'll do this potluck style. If everyone brings a little we should end up with a lot.
Christer Edwards BBQ Ribs
Will Smith Potato Salad
Clint Savage BBQ (if I can find a truck or someone can help me from Orem), Hamburgers and buns.
Mike Basinger Building, Gas, soft drinks (Coke, CF Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite)
JimOlive cake and a gas grill
- Mike Teeples Bringing some chips and dip
Nick Brooks Cookies
Jared Bernard Bringing a Green salad and dressing
Trevor Sharpe Mt. Dew, vegetable platter, fruit platter
This event was called on account of rain.
UtahTeam/BBQ (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:48 by localhost)