
Revision 19 as of 2006-02-11 07:28:36

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VenkatRaghavan (robotgeek)

I have been using Linux on and off since 2002. After the Hoary release, I replaced by OS X installation with Ubuntu on my powerbook and have since never looked back. Ubuntu is an operating system I was very impressed with. (I used to use Yellow Dog Linux and Debian before). It also has a very friendly community, and makes it pretty easy to ask questions and contribute back to Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Activities

I am a member of NewUserMentors and hence I spend about 5-6 hours on #(k)ubuntu everyday trying to answer questions that people might have. I also try to answer questions on the [ Ubuntu Forums].

I help clean up the wiki as a member of the [ WikiTeam]. The single most important contribution I think would be creation of the WifiDocs page. Since I use Kubuntu, I am a member of the [ Kubuntu Team]. I am currently working on the DocumentationTeam/KubuntuDesktopGuide and coordinate with other people, encouraging them to contribute to the guide.

I am also part of the [EasyUbuntu] developers team. My main motivation is that projects like this will always exist, so it might be better to influence them by contributing to them (code-wise), instead of cribbing about how unsafe they are, as new users will definetly not care.

Future Plans

  • I am currently learning to package the "right" way. I would like to build packages for [ pyro], and am currently coordinating upstream for all the dependencies of pyro robotics. One of my targets is to become a MOTU sometime.

My contact information

* Homepage : []

== Academic ==

I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. My research interests are robotics and control systems. I and am currently looking for a job.

Wiki Pages I've contributed
