
Revision 16 as of 2009-05-06 23:54:35

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Current Specifications

These specifications are likely to be included in an upcoming Ubuntu release.

Ongoing blueprints...

  • X/TestingInfrastructure - Develop components for improving the effectiveness and repeatability of X QA checks and routine testing

  • X/OptionsEditor - GUI interface for editing xorg.conf settings (i.e. "Advanced Mode" for Screen Resolution) - See xorg-edit-kxgenerator for inspiration

Completed Specifications

Incomplete Specifications

These specifications need further discussion and drafting, but could be acceptable for future Ubuntu releases if this is done.

Duplicate/Obsolete Specifications

These X-related specifications are either superseded by other specs, have already been implemented, or are otherwise no longer relevant and need to be marked as such:

Historical Specifications

  • XRoadmap - Xorg 7.0, discusses the X modularization and XKB work (for Warty?)

  • XRoadmapDapper - Plans for continuing maintenance of X, Mesa packaging in Dapper