Xubuntu Xenial Xerus Beta 2

This milestone release is NOT recommended for:

This milestone release is recommended for:

Milestones represent only a fixed snapshot in time of the image. In the days following the release of a milestone, packages are updated, bug fixes land. It makes sense in the time between milestones to use daily images available from the ISO tracker.

Known Issues

The existence of a bug in these notes does not imply they will affect everyone. Some appear in specific circumstances

Common known issues can be found on the Ubuntu Release Notes. NOTE: The fglrx driver is now deprecated in 16.04, and it is recommended to use its open source alternatives (radeon and amdgpu).

Upgrade Issues

(1555237) Upgrade from 14.04.4→ 16.04 dies midway taking out the session.

Further information can be found on a recent Xubuntu Devel mail.

Installer Issues

General Issues

Xubuntu-specific Issues

Reported during Milestone Testing

Reported outside Milestone testing

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

As Xenial Xerus (16.04) is intended to be the next LTS, enhancements and bug fixes include those seen in intervening releases.


Major application versions

Other Application Versions

XenialXerus/Beta2/Xubuntu (last edited 2016-03-25 08:58:50 by flocculant)