- Jmak agreed to be 'artist-in-chief' for Feisty cycle.
JMak and TheSheep agree to work on Xubuntu artwork team
- Agreed that artwork team will contribute art to website
- Website: We're going to implement tabs at the top.
- Website: We're going to improve content in accordance of the mandate.
- Website: We're going to continue to work on improving the skin.
- Agreed to make some tweaks to "Getting involved" documentation to make getting involved easier.
- Cellofellow agreed to work with ubuntu-marketing to help promote Xubuntu.
Luzi and Cody Somerville (CodySomerville) agreed to help work on the documentation efforts.
Cody Somerville (CodySomerville) agreed to do a session in the upcoming Ubuntu Open Week, Wed 29th Nov at 21:00.
- Feisty Fawn and Dev-Roadmap topics deferred for a more dev-enabled meeting
- It was agreed that we'd write a spec on some customizations to default settings
- It was agreed that we'd try to have dev-meetings every 2 weeks.
Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2006-11-25 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:34:49 by localhost)