2011-07-17 Meeting Minutes
The agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
Old Business
- Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU - Carried Forward
- micahg to find what Ubuntu-desktop does with java in restricted-extras - Carried Forward
GridCube to put together the "TOP 10" for Xubuntu
- start ML discussion on panels, reviews of current panels, launchers on panels, etc - Carried Forward
- All teams need to review website content - Carried Forward
insure http://xubuntu.org/contribute is up to date for each team
- send updates to the xubuntu-devel mailing list
- charlie-tca AT ubuntu DOT com
- post them and give us the URL
submit a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website
Team updates
Packaging & Development
- merge of the newer xfce4-indicator-plugin release that fixes transparency in progress
- firefox beta 1 is in Oneiric, beta 2 should get in next week
- pavucontrol and pastebinit need to be added to the defaults
- look at the possibility of adding midori as a second browser
Bug Triage & Testing
- Testing had no images to test this week
- Keep the bugs coming in, please
We are tracking the Oneiric bugs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot
Website & Marketing
- beardygnome brought up the ability to add the Xfce news feed to the Xubuntu website.
- This seems like a very good idea, since Xubuntu is based on Xfce, and it would help to keep us informed of any changes being planned.
- All teams need to review website content
insure http://xubuntu.org/contribute is up to date for each team
- we're testing the imgcapt plugin, please contact knome for information
- finished the compact xfwm4 theme (good as alternative for netbooks etc., 18px height instead of 24px)
- added full support for compiz (emerald and metacity themes)
- looking into gtk3 again in oneiric, will need to write a gtk3 specific version of the theme
- there's a git-repo for greybird
- can't themes be added to a ppa so when an update to the theme is done we can see it on the update manager?
- We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and update it.
- The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-07-25 at 19:00 UTC
- Important dates coming up:
- 10.04.3 Release: July 21, 2011
- We will not be releasing 10.04.3, but will be involved with testing Ubuntu.
- 11.10 Alpha 3: August 4, 2011
11.10 FeatureFreeze : August 11, 2011
- 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011
- UDS-P will be in Orlando, Florida the week of October 31 - Nov 4. Please apply for sponsorship by August 24.
UDS-P information at http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/07/15/ubuntu-developer-summit-sponsorship-now-open-2/
Any Other Business
- running other distributions and answering help requests in #xubuntu
- too many are now receiving answers of "I don't use Xubuntu, and can't really help with that"
- Xubuntu users will now use !behelpful on a line by itself to help notify those individuals that their comments are not appropriate.
- to subscribe to the xubuntu-devel mailing list, go to
Thanks to the efforts of AlanBell, we now have a bot to record the meeting
Action items for the 2011-07-17 meeting
GridCube to put together a top 10 FAQ for the website
GridCube and Unit193 to get screenshots for the website
GridCube to start a review on the xubuntu-devel ML for gimp
Xubuntu Governance
The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure
2011-07-17 Meeting Log
Meeting started by charlie-tca at 22:01:18 UTC. The full logs are available at http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-07-17-22.01.log.html
People present (lines said)
- charlie-tca (168)
- ochosi (62)
GridCube (44)
- beardygnome (25)
- micahg (18)
- meetingology (12)
- Unit193 (5)
- mr_pouit (5)
- ubottu (4)
Full Log
22:01:18 <charlie-tca> #startmeeting
22:01:18 <meetingology> Meeting started Sun Jul 17 22:01:18 2011 UTC. The chair is charlie-tca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.
22:01:18 <meetingology> Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.
22:01:50 <GridCube>
22:01:54 <charlie-tca> The full agenda for today's meeting is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
22:02:24 <charlie-tca> we will be following :
22:02:25 <charlie-tca> * Old business
22:02:28 <charlie-tca> * Team updates
22:02:30 <charlie-tca> * Packaging & Development
22:02:32 <charlie-tca> * Bug Triage & Testing
22:02:34 <charlie-tca> * Website & Marketing
22:02:36 <charlie-tca> * Artwork
22:02:38 <charlie-tca> * Documentation
22:02:40 <charlie-tca> * Announcements
22:02:42 <charlie-tca> * Governance structure
22:02:44 <charlie-tca> * Any Other Business
22:02:52 <charlie-tca> and, in the interests of being common, we will try
22:02:54 <charlie-tca> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.
22:02:56 <charlie-tca> again
22:03:19 <charlie-tca> [topic] === Old Business ===
22:03:19 <meetingology> TOPIC: === Old Business ===
22:03:44 <charlie-tca> * micahg to find what Ubuntu-desktop does with java in restricted-extras - Carried Forward
22:03:50 <charlie-tca> any change?
22:04:01 <micahg> nope
22:04:18 <charlie-tca> this week?
22:04:43 <charlie-tca> GridCube: go ahead and put together your best effort top 10, please
22:04:51 <micahg> charlie-tca: yes
22:05:14 <GridCube> ok will do it as soon as i get pass my exams
22:05:15 <charlie-tca> [ACTION] GridCube to put together a top 10 FAQ for the website
22:05:15 * meetingology GridCube to put together a top 10 FAQ for the website
22:05:38 <charlie-tca> * start ML discussion on panels, reviews of current panels, launchers on panels, etc - Carried Forward
22:05:39 <GridCube> (that be next week)
22:05:49 <charlie-tca> any action of the reviews?
22:06:04 <GridCube> charlie-tca, can i ask what "Carried Foward" means?
22:06:25 <charlie-tca> means we did not do it yet
22:06:33 <GridCube> oh, okay
22:06:52 <charlie-tca> ochosi: go ahead and remove app finder from the launcher. Seems to be the only change I know of
22:07:34 <charlie-tca> * All teams need to review website content - Carried Forward
22:07:36 <charlie-tca> * insure http://xubuntu.org/contribute is up to date for each team
22:07:38 <charlie-tca> * send updates to the xubuntu-devel mailing list
22:07:40 <charlie-tca> * charlie-tca AT ubuntu DOT com
22:07:42 <charlie-tca> * post them and give us the URL
22:07:43 <ochosi> charlie-tca: what exactly do you mean?
22:07:44 <charlie-tca> * submit a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website
22:07:46 <charlie-tca> Have done all the reviews?
22:08:11 <charlie-tca> you wanted a review of the launchers. Let's remove app finder from the launcher panel
22:08:29 <ochosi> ah ok, well but you're aware of the fact that appfinder and xfrun will be merged?
22:08:43 <ochosi> (or are already merged in fact iirc)
22:08:44 <charlie-tca> I don't know if anyone else uses it, but I find snapshot to be most helpful in the panel
22:09:01 <charlie-tca> what will that merge do?
22:09:04 <ochosi> https://wiki.xfce.org/design/appfinder
22:09:27 <charlie-tca> doesn't xfrun get run with Alt+F2?
22:09:29 <ochosi> i know it's a bit of a long read
22:09:36 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: what's snapshot? a screen capture app?
22:09:41 <charlie-tca> yup
22:09:48 <ochosi> yes, but now with alt+f2 you'll get something almost as cool as gnome-do
22:10:06 <ochosi> you can start apps with autocomplete and you can expand the small launcher to get categories
22:10:17 <charlie-tca> I have no idea what gnome-do is, so that didn't help
22:10:26 <beardygnome> ochosi: that's coming in xfce 4.10 right?
22:10:28 <ochosi> i already tried it here (think the separate git-branch recently got merged)
22:10:38 <charlie-tca> how is that going to matter if application finder is in the launcher panel?
22:10:57 <ochosi> beardygnome: well that's not really how xfce's release policy is working. they're doing individual components' releases now
22:11:24 <beardygnome> so the merged app will be in 11.10?
22:11:26 <ochosi> charlie-tca: it's just a bit of a different application now and i wanted to ask whether those doing the review where taking this into account, that's all
22:11:33 <ochosi> beardygnome: that's what i'd assume
22:12:08 <beardygnome> cool, i might then be able to ditch gnome-do....
22:12:12 <charlie-tca> right now, to take a screenshot, you open Menu -> Accessories -> Screenshot. I find it much more convenient to click a launcher on my panels
22:12:34 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: what about "Print Screen"?
22:12:38 <charlie-tca> ochosi: you never sent the email to the ML for the review
22:13:01 <charlie-tca> I can never remember the keypresses I want. I guess screenshot is fine the way it is
22:13:15 <ochosi> charlie-tca: yeah sorry, forgot about that
22:13:21 <charlie-tca> * start ML discussion on panels, reviews of current panels, launchers on panels, etc - Carried Forward
22:13:33 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: "Print Screen" opens screenshot for me
22:13:37 <charlie-tca> well, then we are doing the review, right/
22:13:55 <beardygnome> which is quicker than a panel button imo
22:14:18 <charlie-tca> without knowing all the ins and outs of the chagnes, and referring to something I never use, it is really hard to discuss intelligently.
22:14:53 <charlie-tca> I do remember something about xfrun gonna be more like gnome-do, now. IT made as much sense then as it does now.
22:15:06 <charlie-tca> without knowing gnome-do, that was a pretty worthless message to me
22:15:30 <ochosi> charlie-tca: i don't mind if the majority thinks appfinder should be removed from there. i just wanted to let you know about the changes and if you (or those who are doing the review) want to know the details i guess it'd be best to read the wikipage i linked to
22:15:35 <charlie-tca> any other changes we want to make to the panels?
22:16:19 <charlie-tca> any questions so far?
22:16:31 <charlie-tca> ochosi: sounds like it is all good
22:16:38 <ochosi> k
22:16:46 <charlie-tca> Has everyone reviewed the website?
22:17:07 <GridCube> no, not really
22:17:20 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: are there plans to add more news items?
22:17:24 <charlie-tca> Let's get that done this week, please
22:17:39 <charlie-tca> yes, if someone writes them, beardygnome
22:18:07 <beardygnome> could we pull in news from xfce or ubuntu, for example?
22:18:15 <charlie-tca> We would like all the content there now reviewed, to make sure it is up-to-date and pertinent
22:18:47 <charlie-tca> We won't pull from Ubuntu, since that is alll on the planet feed already
22:18:58 <charlie-tca> pleia2: around?
22:19:05 <charlie-tca> knome: here?
22:19:18 <GridCube> I wonder, would that "up to date" be LTS or 11.04?
22:19:25 <charlie-tca> we will make a note to get an answer, beardygnome
22:19:42 <charlie-tca> I think pulling from Xfce would be interesting, myself.
22:19:49 <charlie-tca> both, GridCube
22:20:05 <charlie-tca> They apply to different audiences, but both would be current
22:20:06 <GridCube> ok
22:20:16 <GridCube> that makes sense
22:20:22 <Unit193> As has been noted, we need new screenshots for upgrades
22:20:33 <GridCube> i still use 10.04
22:20:42 <charlie-tca> Can anybody get us good screenshots?
22:20:56 <charlie-tca> looking for a volunteer here...
22:21:00 <GridCube> i can give you screenshot of 10.04 whit greybird
22:21:04 <Unit193> I don't know about "good", but I can do one in a VM
22:21:14 <ochosi> charlie-tca: what kind of screenshots do you want/need?
22:21:14 <beardygnome> do they have to be stock xubuntu?
22:21:27 <charlie-tca> yes, since that is the product
22:21:54 <charlie-tca> ochosi: replace bluebird on the website?
22:22:01 <GridCube> oh, whats the "stock" theme for 10.04?
22:22:11 <GridCube> albatros?
22:22:12 <ochosi> charlie-tca: where exactly?
22:22:12 <charlie-tca> I don't know
22:22:24 <charlie-tca> where ever pleia2 wants them
22:22:32 <ochosi> hm, i think i already did that tbh
22:22:39 <ochosi> greybird is on the front-page and the tour
22:22:50 <ochosi> those are the screenshots that pleia2 requested back then
22:22:51 <GridCube> i can do a few screenshots of 10.04 whit standard themes, and whit up to date greybird too
22:22:56 <beardygnome> I could do some screenshots from a vm, but my installs are pretty customised
22:23:33 <charlie-tca> Unit193: any idea?
22:23:44 <ochosi> i just looked through the website a bit and i can
22:23:51 <ochosi> 't find any not up-to-date screenshots
22:24:11 <beardygnome> do you want comments to the ML?
22:24:15 <charlie-tca> I think they removed a few, because they were so out of date, but I tend to stay away
22:24:19 <charlie-tca> beardygnome: for?
22:24:24 <charlie-tca> yes
22:24:28 <beardygnome> the website?
22:24:43 <Unit193> charlie-tca: http://xubuntu.org/getubuntu will tell you how to upgrade with old screenshots
22:24:44 <charlie-tca> as posted above, I will put the ways to send comments in the minutes, too
22:25:05 <charlie-tca> GridCube: apparently, not 10.04
22:25:22 <charlie-tca> ochosi: note Unit193's comment?
22:25:26 <ochosi> Unit193: hm, true. yeah i guess those should be replaced (even if it's not a usability isse)
22:25:31 <GridCube> as said i can screenshot the update manager asking me to update to 10.10
22:25:46 <charlie-tca> It does reflect on the project, overall, though.
22:26:09 <Unit193> If you want 10.10 > 11.04, I can install it in a VM
22:26:48 <charlie-tca> I think 10.10 to 11.04, since that is the current release
22:27:06 <charlie-tca> or shoot both and let pleia2 decide what to use
22:27:24 <charlie-tca> [ACTION] GridCube and Unit193 to get screenshots for the website
22:27:24 * meetingology GridCube and Unit193 to get screenshots for the website
22:27:41 <GridCube> oh, also im on a spaƱish setup :/ don't know if that changes things
22:27:48 <charlie-tca> only the words
22:27:58 <GridCube> oh, well then i will do it
22:28:33 <charlie-tca> Any other discussion / questions on anything covered so far?
22:28:34 <Unit193> Bug #784158
22:28:36 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 784158 in Xubuntu Website "xubuntu.org/getubuntu has old screenshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/784158
22:28:59 <GridCube> i want to ask something to ochosi regerding the themes
22:29:20 <charlie-tca> old business or new?
22:29:25 <GridCube> new
22:29:34 <charlie-tca> let's hold it for artwork then, okay?
22:29:37 <GridCube> ok
22:29:56 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] === Team updates ===
22:29:56 <meetingology> TOPIC: === Team updates ===
22:30:08 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Packaging and Development
22:30:08 <meetingology> TOPIC: Packaging and Development
22:30:15 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: your turn, please
22:30:29 <mr_pouit> eh, so nothing new this week
22:30:44 <GridCube> o/
22:30:45 <mr_pouit> waiting on some uploads to happen (x11-common)
22:30:52 <charlie-tca> GridCube: go ahead
22:31:07 <GridCube> can we change gimp to something smaller/simplier?
22:31:13 <mr_pouit> (merge of the newer xfce4-indicator-plugin release that fixes transparency in progress)
22:31:44 <charlie-tca> That's important!
22:31:48 <ochosi> mr_pouit: i'm also looking forward to the new session-menu/action-buttons merge
22:32:12 <charlie-tca> GridCube: you can send that one to the mailing list with suggestions as to what to use?
22:32:23 <GridCube> oh okay
22:32:33 <GridCube> i propose gnu paint
22:33:07 <charlie-tca> ML - SUBJECT possible change from gimp
22:33:16 <GridCube>
22:33:24 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: go ahead
22:34:37 <mr_pouit> sorry, that's all :p
22:35:03 <charlie-tca> I will say thank you to both micahg and mr_pouit for all their work getting Oneiric together.
22:35:13 <charlie-tca> This is going to a fun ride...
22:35:14 <GridCube> i second
22:35:46 <micahg> mr_pouit: well, we're down to 1 rdepend on libnotify1, which should get sorted this week (transmission -> 2.32)
22:36:01 <charlie-tca> Thank you, mr_pouit.
22:36:10 <charlie-tca> any questions for development?
22:36:46 <mr_pouit> micahg: yay
22:37:18 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing
22:37:18 <meetingology> TOPIC: Bug Triage & Testing
22:37:33 <charlie-tca> Testing had a bad week, since there were images until Thursday
22:37:51 <charlie-tca> We will try to pick up again this week
22:38:38 <charlie-tca> I am going to skip Website and Marketing for now
22:38:44 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Artwork
22:38:44 <meetingology> TOPIC: Artwork
22:38:55 <charlie-tca> ochosi: your the person!
22:38:55 <ochosi> hmkay, guess it's my turn
22:39:05 <ochosi> last week was pretty productive
22:39:13 <ochosi> i tackled a few things on my todo-list
22:39:17 <ochosi> mostly window-manager related
22:39:44 <ochosi> * finished the compact xfwm4 theme (good as alternative for netbooks etc., 18px height instead of 24px)
22:40:01 <ochosi> * added full support for compiz (emerald and metacity themes)
22:40:23 <ochosi> i also looked into gtk3 again in oneiric, have a working install here now. but tbh it's still pretty much a mess
22:40:34 <ochosi> the unico engine seems unfinished and buggy
22:40:47 <ochosi> i guess i'll postpone doing a real gtk3 port of greybird to some later stage
22:41:08 <charlie-tca> ochosi: nice news post
22:41:17 <GridCube> very nice indeed
22:41:33 <ochosi> i also wrote a short blog article on shimmerproject.org
22:41:51 <ochosi> if xubuntu.org gets easier to handle i can crosspost those kinds of articles there as well
22:42:08 <charlie-tca> We still have hopes
22:42:13 <ochosi>
22:42:16 <micahg> ochosi: keep in mind that ideally for release, we should have a GTK3 theme so that we have a uniform look for all the apps (GTK2 & GTK3)
22:42:35 <ochosi> micahg: it's hard to not keep that in mind if you're really testing oneiric
22:42:37 <charlie-tca> Will we have to ship two themes, then?
22:42:50 <ochosi> charlie-tca: no, it'll all be in the greybird-folder/package
22:43:04 <charlie-tca> we are washing out some of the plugins in the panel, now
22:43:06 <micahg> charlie-tca: no, the desktop team has a gateway that can use a GTK3 theme in GTK2
22:43:13 <ochosi> charlie-tca: but on a technical level, yes, it will be two different themes (doubling the maintenance work for me )
22:43:16 <charlie-tca> timer, clipman
22:43:21 <micahg> ochosi: no, it shouldn't
22:43:32 <ochosi> micahg: a gateway?
22:43:39 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: washing out? 22:43:39 * micahg forgets what it's called
22:43:50 <charlie-tca> making them invisible again, beardygnome
22:44:01 <micahg> ochosi: some type of theme proxy
22:44:14 <ochosi> micahg: well, let me know about this, it sounds interesting (but also a bit scary)
22:44:16 <beardygnome> so they appear in the indicator plugin instead?
22:44:26 <ochosi> micahg: can't really imagine something like this will 100% work
22:44:29 <charlie-tca> they don't appear, just take up space
22:44:53 <charlie-tca> ochosi: I did see something on that. I just don't remember where
22:44:55 <micahg> ochosi: well, the desktop team needed it since not everything will be ported to GTK3
22:45:15 <ochosi> micahg: but they have a working gtk2 theme which they're porting to gtk3, so they can easily ship both
22:45:38 <micahg> ochosi: the plan is to have 1 GTK3 that GTK2&3 apps use last I checked
22:46:03 <ochosi> micahg: ok, interesting. i can ask luca about that. at the moment they're still shipping both
22:46:12 <charlie-tca> We are keeping in mind that we are staying in gtk2 for this release, right?
22:46:29 <micahg> yes, but some of the shared desktop apps will be GTK3
22:47:48 <ochosi> tbh if i have a working gtk2 theme and i port it to gtk3 i won't drop the working gtk2 theme for some "proxy"-solution, at least not in the short run
22:48:02 <ochosi> it'll hardly look the same anyway
22:48:03 <charlie-tca> Thank you
22:48:10 <micahg> ochosi: it should look the same, that's the goal
22:48:44 <ochosi> micahg: well unless it uses the pixmap engine it's hard to believe for me, but i'm open for good surprises
22:49:05 <ochosi> but anyway, if anyone hears any details on this, please let me know
22:49:18 <charlie-tca> okay, can we move on and discuss this when we get actual references to look at?
22:49:32 <charlie-tca> GridCube: did you have a question about art?
22:49:37 <GridCube> My question was this, can't themes be added to a ppa so when an update to the theme is done we can see it on the update manager?
22:50:32 <charlie-tca> ochosi: ??
22:50:51 <ochosi> sry, i'm back
22:50:56 <charlie-tca> is it a lot of work adding themes to the ppa?
22:51:13 <ochosi> yeah, well actually this is planned already
22:51:18 <ochosi> mr_pouit ^
22:51:26 <GridCube> oh okay
22:51:33 <ochosi> it seems we just haven't gotten round to it
22:51:49 <GridCube> and then what about my whislist bug 800918
22:51:50 <ochosi> and when i say "we", i mean the "royal we" (== mr_pouit)
22:51:50 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 800918 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Some wallpaper/backdrops ideas" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/800918
22:52:18 <charlie-tca> We need to add these kind of bugs to the bug list
22:52:43 <ochosi> GridCube: i read and second that bugreport, but i think it should be done upstream or at least in coop with upstream
22:52:53 <ochosi> GridCube: and it needs a coder (which i am not)
22:53:08 <charlie-tca> Any bugs we want to be able to track easy, regardless of priority can be added to
22:53:10 <charlie-tca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot
22:53:32 <GridCube> well i just wanted to bring that up again
22:53:44 <ochosi> k, one last word on artwork, then i'm done:
22:53:47 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit has been busy just trying to get us sessions working
22:53:57 <charlie-tca> ..
22:54:37 <ochosi> it's possible that the gtk-theme will change again slightly as soon as i start to work seriously on the gtk3 port. in my opinion it's really important that they look the same, so it's possible i need to change some things again
22:54:50 <ochosi> so please be open for discussion and friendly about it
22:56:14 <charlie-tca> (..) ??
22:56:18 <GridCube>
22:56:31 <ochosi> that's it. that's all
22:56:42 <charlie-tca> Thank you, ochosi
22:56:54 <charlie-tca> You have been very busy this last week!
22:57:10 <charlie-tca> Any other questions for Artwork?
22:57:28 <GridCube> not from me
22:57:38 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC]
22:57:38 <meetingology> TOPIC:
22:57:44 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Announcements
22:57:44 <meetingology> TOPIC: Announcements
22:58:03 <charlie-tca> I have a feew things here, so I will try to go too fast
22:58:22 <charlie-tca> * The next meeting will be on Sunday, 2011-07-25 at 19:00 UTC
22:58:24 <charlie-tca> * Important dates coming up:
22:58:39 <charlie-tca> * 10.04.3 Release: July 21, 2011
22:58:53 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Alpha 3: August 4, 2011
22:59:07 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 FeatureFreeze : August 11, 2011
22:59:10 <beardygnome> charlie-tca: shouldn't the next meeting be on a monday?
22:59:23 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011
22:59:31 <beardygnome> i thought we were alternating?
22:59:40 <micahg> 7-25 is a monday
22:59:42 <charlie-tca> That is monday
23:00:13 <charlie-tca> * The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-07-25 at 19:00 UTC
23:00:17 <charlie-tca> * UDS-P will be in Orlando, Florida October 31 - Nov 4. Please apply for sponsorship by August 24.
23:00:19 <charlie-tca> * UDS-P information at http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/07/15/ubuntu-developer-summit-sponsorship-now-open-2/
23:00:48 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business
23:00:48 <meetingology> TOPIC: Any Other Business
23:01:07 <charlie-tca> This is the chance to bring up all the stuff we haven't brought up yet
23:01:25 <GridCube> again, nothing from me
23:01:38 <micahg> is Firefox 6 in oneiric interesting?
23:01:41 <charlie-tca> I am seeing a rather disturbing thing happening in #xubuntu
23:01:45 <charlie-tca> sure, micahg
23:02:05 <micahg> beta 1 is in, beta 2 should get in next week
23:02:08 <micahg> s/next/this/
23:02:12 <GridCube> whats whit firefox numbering?
23:02:26 <ochosi> charlie-tca: what are you seeing in #xubuntu?
23:02:33 <charlie-tca> too many are now receiving answers of "I don't use Xubuntu, and can't really help with that"
23:02:47 <micahg> GridCube: similar versioning to Chromium, major bump every 6 weeks
23:02:55 <charlie-tca> If a user is coming to #xubuntu, they should expect to get xubuntu support.
23:03:03 <micahg> charlie-tca: why are those people idling in #xubuntu then?
23:03:12 <charlie-tca> any suggestions how to deal with this, other than flat out banning those users?
23:03:24 <GridCube> yes i've seen that once or twice
23:03:25 <charlie-tca> I am wondering the same things
23:03:28 <beardygnome> o/
23:03:34 <charlie-tca> go ahead
23:03:39 <charlie-tca> beardygnome:
23:03:47 <beardygnome> whenever some says that, we could ask them why they are in the channel
23:04:13 <beardygnome> and suggest to them that it is not helpful to other users to state that they can't help
23:04:21 <charlie-tca> good suggestion
23:04:33 <beardygnome> they *may* have a valid reason for idling in the room
23:04:35 <ochosi> charlie-tca: you could add a bot-action for that
23:04:42 <charlie-tca> I would like to see the channel ops watching for that, also
23:04:42 <ochosi> that would make it easier
23:04:45 <GridCube> yes we could have an ubottu responce for that too
23:04:51 <charlie-tca> good idea
23:05:11 <beardygnome> they shouldn't get involved if they have nothing to add
23:05:30 <GridCube> something like "if you are not an xubuntu user, please don't advertise it on this channel"?
23:05:33 <charlie-tca> let's add one, since those users seem to speak up often now
23:06:10 <charlie-tca> more like "Please do not disrupt the channel with off-topic subjects. If you are using Xubuntu, you are not helping this user." ?
23:06:50 <charlie-tca> I don't really know how to word it, but I think it is quite serious.
23:06:53 <GridCube> >if you are *not* using
23:07:14 <GridCube> i agree charlie-tca
23:07:16 <charlie-tca> well, yeah, *not*
23:07:17 <beardygnome> +1
23:08:02 <charlie-tca> Okay, name for that?
23:08:10 <charlie-tca> maybe ! notxubuntu?
23:08:23 <GridCube> maybe !nothelping
23:08:32 <GridCube> because they are not
23:08:33 <charlie-tca> sure, I like that
23:08:36 <beardygnome> +1
23:08:45 <charlie-tca> anyone else?
23:09:19 <GridCube> nope
23:09:19 <ochosi> yeah, just don't make it a very strong suggestion to shut up
23:09:46 <charlie-tca> well, it gets them banned in #ubuntu
23:10:04 <charlie-tca> !topic
23:10:04 <ubottu> Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
23:10:14 <charlie-tca> I can't remember what it is now
23:10:23 <charlie-tca> !offtopic
23:10:23 <ubottu> #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!
23:10:42 <charlie-tca> anyway, are we okay with the suggestion, then?
23:10:55 <beardygnome> i am
23:11:09 <charlie-tca> if they continue, I suggesting calling ops and having them removed for offtopic discussions, myself.
23:12:07 <charlie-tca> Okay, then. Any other discussions?
23:12:36 <charlie-tca> Thanks for attending the meeting.
23:12:44 <GridCube> thank you
23:12:51 <charlie-tca> Your inputs are always welcome, whether in person or by email
23:12:57 <charlie-tca> #endmeeting
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