
2011-09-11 Meeting Minutes

The agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

[TOPIC] === Old Business ===

  • charlie-tca to get FFe filed for xubuntu-meta to add blueman to seeds
  • micahg or mr_pouit to do FFe for blueman - Done
  • Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU - Carried Forward
  • madnick to look into building a lightdm greeter - Postponed until LTS
  • charlie-tca to start a release checklist page for Xubuntu - Carried Forward
  • drop ristretto if it can not do what we need to photos - Carried Forward to LTS
    • Consumes too much memory bug has been fixed
  • activate the "maybe-ubiquity" option for LTS - Carried Forward

[TOPIC] === Team updates === [TOPIC] ==== Packaging & Development ====

  • uploaded some bugfix for xfce4-session, xfdesktop4, xfce4-indicator-plugin
  • fixed build failure of tumbler
  • fixed plymouth script for xubuntu-logo
  • xterm/uxterm was hidden from the menu also
  • some memleak fixes for ristretto
  • micahg has been investiguating bluetooth and some recents debian uploads (if/which ones we need to sync)
  • maco fixed the printer dialog issue
  • Launchpad bug 831488 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu Oneiric) "gnome-bluetooth should Recommends gnome-control-center" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/831488

[TOPIC] ==== Bug Triage & Testing ====

  • With the gnome upgrades coming in, we need to hit the images hard to make sure they work. All tests need to be done this week, and again Saturday/Sunday.
  • Keep the bugs coming in, please

[TOPIC] ==== Website & Marketing ====

  • thanks to knome for the updated logos
  • Website draft has been forwarded to IS; now awaiting their decision.
  • Possible plugin to wordpress to translate the website actively
  • We need to be telling people they can submit articles anytime they want.

[TOPIC] ==== Artwork ====

  • Lightdm greeter theme might make it into Oneiric

[TOPIC] ==== Documentation ====

  • We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and update it.

[TOPIC] === Announcements ===

  • The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-09-19 at 19:00 UTC
  • Important dates coming up:
    • We are now in UI Freeze
    • 11.10 Beta2 freeze: September 15
    • 11.10 Beta2: September 2
    • 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011
  • We need to update the Team Reports this week.
  • gnome updates will be dropped on September 19. Since that is so close to beta2, it is vital we get the images on the 17th and 18th. If the upgrade to gnome makes the images unusable, we will use the last known good image.

[TOPIC] === Any Other Business ===

  • the final Firefox and Thunderbird builds for oneiric will be landing after beta 2 due to the upstream schedule
  • discussion about the message to form a Xubuntu group in linedin
  • Blueprints
    • We should blueprint at least for default applications and have one uds session for default apps
    • it would eliminate the time gap we have now deciding what is going to stay and what is going to change
    • This could be a single blueprint; specifying goals for Xubuntu for the release cycle
  • to subscribe to the xubuntu-devel mailing list, go to
  • Meeting log

    • The meeting scheduled for 2011-09-05 was cancelled

Xubuntu Governance

Action items

  • None

2011-09-11 Meeting Log

The full logs can found in original form at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/09/11/%23xubuntu-devel.txt


People present (lines said)

  • charlie-tca (92)
  • micahg (31)
  • knome (28)
  • mr_pouit (15)
  • meetingology (3)
  • madnick (1)

Full Log

#title #xubuntu-devel Meeting

Meeting started by charlie-tca at 22:01:54 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-09-11-22.02.moin.txt

Full Log

  • 22:02:40 <charlie-tca> #startmeeting Xubuntu

    22:02:40 <meetingology> Meeting started Sun Sep 11 22:02:40 2011 UTC. The chair is charlie-tca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.

    22:02:40 <meetingology>

    22:02:40 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    22:03:05 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Agenda for today's meeting:

    22:03:31 <charlie-tca> #topic Agenda for today's meeting:

    22:03:36 <charlie-tca> Oh goody

    22:03:55 <charlie-tca> * Old business

    22:03:57 <charlie-tca> * Team updates

    22:03:59 <charlie-tca> * Packaging & Development

    22:04:01 <charlie-tca> * Bug Triage & Testing

    22:04:03 <charlie-tca> * Website & Marketing

    22:04:05 <charlie-tca> * Artwork

    22:04:07 <charlie-tca> * Documentation

    22:04:09 <charlie-tca> * Announcements

    22:04:11 <charlie-tca> * Governance structure

    22:04:13 <charlie-tca> * Any Other Business

    22:04:15 <charlie-tca> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.

    22:05:13 <charlie-tca> The agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

    22:05:15 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] === Old Business ===

    22:05:35 <charlie-tca> * charlie-tca to get FFe filed for xubuntu-meta to add blueman to seeds

    22:05:50 <micahg> o/

    22:05:55 <charlie-tca> With this, I notified the release manager we will need FFe's to get this done, and they will be accepted

    22:06:03 <charlie-tca> go ahead, micahg

    22:06:29 <micahg> are we sure we need this? bluetooth seemed to work fine, but I have to verify it again after I restore a more default configuration on my armel laptop

    22:07:10 <micahg> ..

    22:07:19 <charlie-tca> If you can verify it works without gnome-control-center, we don't need blueman

    22:08:07 <micahg> ok, will keep you advised

    22:08:22 <charlie-tca> yes, we will, because blueman can take the place of gnome-control-center which causes a crash report if it is not installed and bluetooth is clicked when you have no devices

    22:08:28 <mr_pouit> I think it works, except that you're unable to configure it

    22:08:53 <charlie-tca> So, for configuration purposes, we need blueman

    22:09:00 <micahg> I still seemed able to configure with the indicator

    22:09:12 <micahg> but I might have had some extra packages installed

    22:09:19 <charlie-tca> yup

    22:09:34 <charlie-tca> Please do verify if it works without g-c-c

    22:10:02 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] === Team updates ===

    22:10:17 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] ==== Packaging & Development ====

    22:10:25 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: your turn, sir

    22:11:19 <mr_pouit> uploaded some bugfix for xfce4-session, xfdesktop4, xfce4-indicator-plugin; fixed build failure of tumbler; fixed plymouth script for xubuntu-logo.

    22:11:36 <mr_pouit> oh, xterm/uxterm was hidden from the menu also

    22:12:00 <mr_pouit> (some memleak fixes for ristretto)

    22:12:37 <mr_pouit> and micahg has been investiguating bluetooth and some recents debian uploads (if/which ones we need to sync)1

    22:12:46 <mr_pouit> investigating?

    22:12:49 <mr_pouit> meh

    22:12:51 <mr_pouit> ..

    22:12:53 <charlie-tca> You been busy again! Thank you very much for your hard work.

    22:12:56 <micahg> o/

    22:13:06 <charlie-tca> Thank you, micahg also. It is very much appreciated

    22:13:11 <charlie-tca> go ahead, micahg

    22:13:19 <micahg> maco fixed the printer dialog issue

    22:13:21 <micahg> ..

    22:13:30 <charlie-tca> Yes! and it works, too

    22:13:48 <mr_pouit> (indeed, sorry, I forgot this one too)

    22:14:15 <charlie-tca> as to syncs, I hear Dutch translations are being pushed out by Xfce, so if possible, we want those

    22:14:51 <micahg> yep, will keep an eye out, Thu Sep 29 is final freeze for images though

    22:14:58 <charlie-tca> There are supposed to be at least 10 packages upgraded this week

    22:15:17 <charlie-tca> Sept 15 is beta2 freeze

    22:15:28 <mr_pouit> yeah, I told Pjotr to see upstream for the translations, and he pushed a bit Nick, so we might have new bugfix releases in the next few days

    22:15:51 <charlie-tca> May as well get them in.

    22:16:08 <charlie-tca> They are planning to push the latest gnome upgrades in on Sept 19

    22:16:21 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] ==== Bug Triage & Testing ====

    22:16:21 <micahg> so, right after beta 2 would probably be the time to land those new upstreams

    22:16:45 <charlie-tca> no, if we can, we need them in beta2 to get them tested as much as we can

    22:16:58 <micahg> freeze for that is thursday Smile :)

    22:17:01 <charlie-tca> yup

    22:17:43 <charlie-tca> Testing is hit and miss this week

    22:18:03 <charlie-tca> With the gnome upgrades coming in, we need to hit the images hard to make sure they work

    22:18:22 <charlie-tca> All tests need to be done this week, and again Saturday/Sunday.

    22:18:42 <charlie-tca> If gnome breaks things, we will revert to the last working images for Beta2

    22:19:13 <charlie-tca> Seeing quite a few bugs coming in, we picked up a couple more bug reporters with beta1

    22:19:40 <charlie-tca> Any questions?

    22:20:01 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] ==== Website & Marketing ====

    22:20:21 <charlie-tca> pleia2, knome : any updates?

    22:20:28 <knome> pending on canonical IS

    22:20:29 <charlie-tca> I know it is waiting for IS now, too.

    22:21:00 <knome> yeah, nothing else happening now

    22:21:01 <charlie-tca> knome: thank you for the updated logos

    22:21:12 <charlie-tca> We got them into beta1, even!

    22:21:13 <knome> np

    22:21:18 <knome> good to hear that

    22:21:24 <knome> they are fine?

    22:21:42 <charlie-tca> They are from my view, yes

    22:21:47 <knome> good

    22:22:27 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] ==== Artwork ====

    22:22:38 <charlie-tca> ochosi, madnick : Any news?

    22:23:01 <madnick> I dont have any

    22:23:19 <knome> probably no updates then, haven't seen ochosi much lately

    22:23:37 <charlie-tca> We are looking very good right now. Artwork is in good shape, and people are happy with what they see.

    22:23:46 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] === Announcements ===

    22:23:52 <mr_pouit> (Lightdm greeter theme might come, maybe)

    22:24:17 <charlie-tca> That would be great if we can make it happen.

    22:24:34 <charlie-tca> I do have the bug yet, and am still pushing

    22:24:39 <charlie-tca> * The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-09-19 at 19:00 UTC

    22:24:41 <charlie-tca> * Important dates coming up:

    22:24:43 <charlie-tca> * We are now in UI Freeze

    22:24:45 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Beta2 freeze: September 15

    22:24:47 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Beta2: September 2

    22:24:49 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011

    22:24:51 <charlie-tca> * We need to update the Team Reports this week.

    22:24:53 <charlie-tca> * gnome updates will be dropped on September 19. Since that is so close to beta2, it is vital we get the images on the 17th and 18th. If the upgrade to gnome makes the images unusable, we will use the last known good image.

    22:24:57 <charlie-tca> We really need to be on top of the testing this week, please!

    22:25:23 <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] === Any Other Business ===

    22:25:41 <charlie-tca> This is a good time to bring up any thing you want to discuss...

    22:25:54 <charlie-tca> Are there any questions?

    22:26:09 <charlie-tca> going once...

    22:26:10 <micahg> o/

    22:26:15 <charlie-tca> go ahead, micahg

    22:26:40 <micahg> just an FYI, the final Firefox and Thunderbird builds for oneiric will be landing after beta 2 due to the upstream schedule

    22:26:53 <micahg> We'll be shipping version 7 of each

    22:26:59 <micahg> ..

    22:27:00 <charlie-tca> Very minimal chance of breaking things, right?

    22:27:04 <micahg> yep

    22:27:11 <micahg> we'll have the final beta for beta 2

    22:27:19 <charlie-tca> Kind of scared of the gnome upgrades, myself

    22:27:42 <charlie-tca> going... 2

    22:28:11 <charlie-tca> Thank you all for participating in the meeting. It is always great to see so many interested in shaping Xubuntu, as a project!@

    22:28:26 <micahg> o/

    22:28:31 <charlie-tca> Go ahead

    22:28:48 <micahg> heh, about the e-mail WRT the linkedin group, is that something the project wants?

    22:28:55 <micahg> ..

    22:29:17 <charlie-tca> I answered that I don't use it, any one have an opinion on it? 22:29:37 * micahg uses linkedin, it's nice for networking

    22:30:25 <charlie-tca> seems to be a very limited thing Sad :(

    22:30:41 <knome> why would one need Xubuntu *Users* in linkedin?

    22:30:56 <mr_pouit> I've an account there as well, but I don't go there very often...

    22:30:56 <charlie-tca> The email was to devel only, I thing

    22:31:00 <charlie-tca> The email was to devel only, I think

    22:31:07 <knome> but it was about users group

    22:31:14 <knome> in linkedin

    22:31:25 <knome> and the guy asked for official approval

    22:31:28 <micahg> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-September/007970.html

    22:31:34 <knome> can anyone of us even give that? 22:31:53 * micahg would think that's up to charlie-tca as project lead

    22:32:00 <charlie-tca> What do you call groups in linedin? I suspect the "users group" is a generic term there

    22:32:14 <micahg> you can have a group for anything you want

    22:32:20 <knome> but, he asks "to be recognized by *Canonical*"

    22:32:23 <mr_pouit> shouldn't we forward it to $random community manager?

    22:32:23 <micahg> it's a way to network, ask questions

    22:32:31 <knome> which i think is correct

    22:32:32 <mr_pouit> (jono? jcastro?)

    22:32:36 <knome> they need to ask Canonical

    22:32:41 <knome> jono prolly

    22:32:47 <micahg> why? xubuntu's a community project

    22:32:57 <charlie-tca> Um, Canonical is not involved in Xubuntu, but I will go hunt down either jono or jorge and ask them about it

    22:33:20 <knome> what i'm kind of thinking is

    22:33:25 <charlie-tca> I don't believe Canonical will care either way, other than use of trademarks

    22:33:25 <knome> who is administrating the group?

    22:33:37 <mr_pouit> yeah, but canonical owns *buntu trademarks, so maybe they want to administer the linkedin group?

    22:33:48 <knome> if it's an official, canonical/xubuntu recognized group, shouldn't one of them/us be the admin?

    22:33:50 <charlie-tca> I can ask

    22:34:08 <micahg> it would probable be an open group anyways

    22:34:15 <knome> i'm not on linkedin myself, so i don't know much about the system

    22:34:37 <knome> micahg, but the admin can change it to closed anyday, and make some unwanted changes there?

    22:34:45 <charlie-tca> and if we are not members on linkedin, we can't actually be admins there either

    22:34:56 <knome> micahg, and he'd get all of the joined people in a puddle of mud?

    22:35:02 <knome> charlie-tca, exactly.

    22:35:15 <knome> charlie-tca, that's another reason why jono/jcastro might come in handy. Smile :)

    22:35:22 <micahg> well, then the users of the group would be notified and have the option to leave

    22:35:42 <knome> micahg, well of course, but that would still be bad for xubuntu, in a way

    22:35:43 <charlie-tca> I expect it is similar to a group on indenti.ca, twitter, facebook, etc

    22:36:01 <micahg> yup

    22:36:13 <knome> imo, any group that is called "official", should be something that a xubuntu developer is an admin in

    22:36:24 <charlie-tca> The only difference is this person dared to ask for permission 22:36:33 * micahg could be an admin if charlie-tca wanted

    22:36:51 <knome> charlie-tca, yeah, that makes it "official" Smile :)

    22:36:53 <charlie-tca> I will bring the discussion up to jono or jorge and get a reading

    22:37:07 <charlie-tca> Any thing else to discuss?

    22:37:14 <knome> yeah, let's ask jono &/ jorge first Smile :)

    22:37:18 <charlie-tca> Let's go to work

    22:37:28 <charlie-tca> #endmeeting

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Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-09-11 (last edited 2011-09-12 18:54:45 by 71-209-42-171)