
Meeting started by ochosi at 18:01:13 UTC. Meeting ended at 18:49:44 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-01-09-18.01.log.html.

Meeting summary

Team updates

  • Packaging and Development
    • mr_pouit has applied some long-standing patches from bugzilla.xfce.org to xfdesktop for precise (ochosi, 18:04:56)
    • since it isn't maintained upstream at the moment (devs are waiting for the desktop to become a thunar-extension) it makes sense to patch it for xubuntu downstream (ochosi, 18:05:32)
    • among the patches is e.g. (rudimentary) thumbnail-support for the desktop (ochosi, 18:06:04)
  • Bug Triage, Testing and Documentation
    • testing is ongoing, charlie-tca tests the images daily. it would be nice to have more people involved in that (ochosi, 18:12:31)
    • LINK: Results are always posted at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds (ochosi, 18:13:00)

    • maybe-ubiquity will land on images tomorrow, testers note: please check if everything looks as should (knome, 18:13:30)
    • Xfce have launched new documentation in a wiki (docs.xfce.org) (ochosi, 18:16:35)
    • From Xfce 4.10 onwards the help-button will point there, which will also mean no docs for people who are offline (ochosi, 18:17:07)
    • LINK: the docs are already accessible at http://docs.xfce.org/ (ochosi, 18:17:52)

    • it would be nice if people from Xubuntu could also contribute (ochosi, 18:18:08)
  • Marketing, Artwork and Website
    • we're going to hold off on completing every single content update before going live (pleia2, 18:18:44)
    • there are still some struture things knome is working through, once those are done we should be in a position to launch the new wordpress site (pleia2, 18:19:11)
    • ACTION: pleia2 to review outstanding structure issues and follow-up with knome (pleia2, 18:23:32)

    • ochosi plans to do a sprint to port finish porting Bluebird to gtk3 in early february (ochosi, 18:24:35)
  • General updates
    • Xubuntu LTS plan forwarded to Technical Board (knome, 18:27:39)


  • maybe-ubiquity has landed in Precise Pangolin images, thanks to cjwatson. Testers: Please test all the images ASAP and see if everything looks okay. (knome, 18:29:31)

Other business

  • Review blueprints that need community approval (knome, 18:29:49)
  • Discussion and guidance on other blueprints (knome, 18:45:55)
  • Open action items from previous meetings (knome, 18:47:46)
    • ACTION: GridGube to gather a list of problems with QA tracker and get back to knome/QA tracker responsibles (knome, 18:48:03)

    • ACTION: micahg or mr_pouit to confirm xfce package versions in precise as soon as possible (knome, 18:48:10)

    • ACTION: micahg to look at the thunderbird button issue (knome, 18:48:19)

    • ACTION: ochosi to investigate some cherry-picking from xfce upstream to ubuntu (knome, 18:48:26)

Action items, by person

  • GridCube

    • GridGube to gather a list of problems with QA tracker and get back to knome/QA tracker responsibles

  • knome
    • knome to keep on investigating stuff under constant evaluation - if it proves to be a bit too much work, vote again
  • micahg
    • micahg or mr_pouit to confirm xfce package versions in precise as soon as possible
    • micahg to look at the thunderbird button issue
  • mr_pouit
    • micahg or mr_pouit to confirm xfce package versions in precise as soon as possible
  • ochosi
    • ochosi to investigate some cherry-picking from xfce upstream to ubuntu
  • pleia2
    • pleia2 to review outstanding structure issues and follow-up with knome

People present (lines said)

  • knome (55)
  • ochosi (53)
  • meetingology (27)
  • pleia2 (8)
  • micahg (6)
  • mr_pouit (4)
  • Unit193 (4)
  • madnick (2)

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2012-01-09 (last edited 2012-01-09 19:07:04 by nblzone-227-162)