
Meeting information

Meeting summary

Items carried on

  • Open action items from previous meeting (15:03)

    • ACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week

    • ACTION: mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later

    • ACTION: skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so

  • Strategy Document reviewing (15:04)

  • Ideas for using the project money (15:05)

    • IDEA: live-usb sticks with xubuntu on it (either as a give-away, or even for some very cheap price that's about what the usb stick would cost) (ochosi, 15:06)

    • IDEA: order some trial tshirts from international vendors (pleia2, 15:08)

    • ACTION: knome to see designing a white-bg t-shirt

Team updates

  • Xubuntu restricted extras to not carry chromium codecs (Ubuntu just added it to theirs)
  • review of saucy docs is about 80% complete.
  • the desktop of the week team has been in touch with some desktop screenshotters for the licenses that where missing, we are starting to get some responses but not so fast as we would wish
  • ACTION: micahg to review ochosi's gmb patch


  • micahg unavailable Sep 19-21 and 26-28
  • Jack Fromm (jjrfv8) is the new Xubuntu Documentation lead. Congratulations!

New ang emerging items

  • Schedule next meeting (15:39)

    • Next Xubuntu community meeting: Tuesday, September 17 at 15UTC

Action items, by person

  • knome
    • knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week
    • knome to see designing a white-bg t-shirt
  • mr_pouit
    • mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later
  • ochosi
    • micahg to review ochosi's gmb patch
  • skellat
    • skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so

People present (lines said)

  • knome (111)
  • micahg-work (25)
  • pleia2 (25)
  • ochosi (17)
  • GridCube (11)

  • lderan (10)
  • meetingology (8)
  • smartboyhw (8)
  • jjfrv8 (5)
  • mr_pouit (0)
  • skellat (0)

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2013-09-12 (last edited 2013-09-12 17:52:08 by nblzone-227-162)