Specifications for this cycle :

Default Image Viewer

EOG isn't included in this test, it has many deps, including GNOME ones (even if they're shared with other apps, let's see if we can find a compromise with the three above apps before adding one more GNOME-dep in our desktop). It's also because I remembered about EOG when half the spec was written.


The image viewer is used for displaying images, quicker than image editors or browsers.

Release Note

Not applicable until a choice of application has been made. At the discretion of the release manager (or the drawer of the spec, once approved by the developers team).


Gpicview has always been lacking a few features, such as thumbnail bar and slideshow. Also, it is good to check wether there are alternatives with a better feature / ressource usage ratio. We're going to check the state of two other apps : Ristretto because it is maintained by our upstream, XFCE; Geeqie because it has many features, so it's good to see what other similar apps can do (but it's more an image browser than viewer).

Use cases

The specification

Integration / Coherence





Geeqie's pan view





Full size

Full size

Full size

Full size


Performances / Ressource usage

Apps that have image preloading and RAM cache options had them disabled for the test, since the application will likely be shipped with RAM conservative options in Xubuntu.


Main features

Advanced features

Only Geeqie has notable extra features compared to the others, making it a great choice for people who want advanced browsing.

Though, Ristretto has the following feature that it's the only one to provide :

Features worth compared to the rest

Extra maintenance work after the spec / Quality of relationship with upstream

Issues that need solving for the app to be used as default


By the Xubuntu team


Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Karmic/DefaultImageViewer (last edited 2012-03-25 16:46:42 by nblzone-227-162)