Xubuntu team report for June 2008
The xubuntu artwork team is hard at work on the new theme for Intrepid. Mock-ups for a some new artwork can be found here .
- Two community strategy meetings were held. These were the final meetings on the Xubuntu strategy document. The final strategy specification will be announced on or about July 1st.
- The membership status of Jim Campbell (jwcampbell) in the team Ubuntu
Members (ubuntumembers) was changed by Efrain Valles (effie-jayx) from Proposed to Approved. Jim is the Xubuntu Documentation Team Leader.
- Most translation issues that popped up in Hardy have been fixed (updates will make their way to users shortly)
Packaging & Development
- Several important security fixes were handled by members of the Xubuntu developers team (currently in progress)
- Bug #232364 was heavily investigated and a fix was found by Cody Somerville - an SRU will be done shortly
- bug was found and fixed where the Xubuntu session was not being completed correctly - this fixes several high visibility bugs and an SRU will be conducted shortly.
Intrepid Ibex Alpha 1 was released. The full release schedule may be seen here.
Xubuntu Testing is looking for a Team Leader. This is an important part of every release. Since we have already released Intrepid Ibex Alpha 1, the need for Test Leader is imperative. Please contact Cody Somerville if you are interested.
The website is in need of being reworked, if anyone is interested please contact Cody Somerville (CodySomerville).
I have created the page for Team Reports for July. If possible, please try to give a summary of what is being done.
Xubuntu/TeamReports/08/June (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:39 by localhost)