
Differences between revisions 46 and 47
Revision 46 as of 2008-08-09 11:28:07
Size: 5082
Editor: 220-253-49-100
Revision 47 as of 2008-08-09 11:44:35
Size: 5759
Editor: 220-253-49-100
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 {*} I am on IRC mostly giving help on weekends but appear at other times also.
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 {*} I have become an ubuntero [[https://launchpad.net/~ajmorris/+codesofconduct]] ==== Short Summary ====
I contribute to the Ubuntu Forums whenever i can, as leader of the Unanswered Posts Team and member of the Beginners Team. As the Beginners Team IRC focus group co-leader, i also try to contribute on IRC. Wherever possible, i also promote Ubuntu at my school.
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 {*} Member, and mentor, of the Ubuntu NewUserNetwork
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You may also like to see my two tutorials on the Ubuntu Forums. They contain some handy information for users new and old to ubuntu:
[[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=842307|HowTO Ubuntu System (Tutorial of the week, in week 1 of August 2008)]]
[[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=880664|HOWTO Ubuntu Networking]]
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==== Other ====
 {*} I have become an ubuntero [[https://launchpad.net/~ajmorris/+codesofconduct]]

 {*} Member, and mentor, of the Ubuntu NewUserNetwork

==== My Hopes for the Future ====
 {*} Become and Ubuntu Member

 {*} Be more involved in the ubuntu wiki/docs

Andrew Morris

Contact Details


Email address: ajmorris@netspace.net.au


Ubuntu Forums: ajmorris


Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~ajmorris


IRC Nick: ajmorris @ freenode


IRC Nick: Undzan @ freenode


IRC Nick: Dishmop @ foreverchat

Contact Details Cont.


MSN: ajmorris@netspace.net.au


Yahoo: ajmorris1041


AIM: ajmorris6


Skype: ajmorris_


OpenPGP key: 08E26374 (NOTE: depricated unless i can find my private key)


OpenPGP key: 1F02BB13

About Me


Well basically i am interested in linux, computers, HTML, CSS, Python, PHP, basketball and table tennis. Linux user since late 2006 (Ubuntu). I am currently in my last year of high school, and next year i plan to go to university, to do a degree of Mechatronics Engineering.

Short Facts

Age: 17

D.O.B: 23 July 1990

location: Australia


OSs that I have used/tried

I don't know why, but i just felt like listing the OSs i have tried.

  • Windows ME
  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7 (Vienna)

Ubuntu Ubuntu - Dapper, Feisty, Hardy, Intrepid (Still use intrepid to date)

  • Gentoo - 2007.0, 2007.1, 2008.0(beta) (still use 2008.0 to date)
  • Fedora Core - 7, 8, 9 (still use 9 to date)
  • Arch - 2008.03, 2008.06 (still use 2008.06 to date)
  • CentOS - Server edition (still use to date)
  • Open Suse
  • OzOs

  • Wolvix
  • PuppyLinux

  • DSL
  • OS/X
  • Mint
  • Red Hat
  • Slackware

My contributions

Short Summary

I contribute to the Ubuntu Forums whenever i can, as leader of the Unanswered Posts Team and member of the Beginners Team. As the Beginners Team IRC focus group co-leader, i also try to contribute on IRC. Wherever possible, i also promote Ubuntu at my school.

Ubuntu Forums

I am active on the UbuntuForums (over 1000 posts)

You may also like to see my two tutorials on the Ubuntu Forums. They contain some handy information for users new and old to ubuntu: HowTO Ubuntu System (Tutorial of the week, in week 1 of August 2008) HOWTO Ubuntu Networking


Launchpad Teams


My Hopes for the Future

  • Ubuntu Become and Ubuntu Member

    Ubuntu Be more involved in the ubuntu wiki/docs


ajmorris (last edited 2009-09-11 01:09:37 by squid1)