
Revision 29 as of 2013-11-18 07:05:30

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LXLE Paradigm 12.04.3 LTS

Current stable release. Supported to April 2017.

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Torrents and Downloads

The LXLE website uses LibreAnte to conduct its downloads. This is not a tracking device, but rather a way to monetize downloads, without inflicting cost on the user. LibreAnte is a smart solution, developed by the LXLE team, to help balance out the problem of users who download FOSS without making donations nor contribution to the Linux community.

After Installation - Configuration

Selecting a Desktop Paradigm

Random Wallpaper

How to stop it at startup

Add your own wallpapers to randomizer

Setting the Clock

Setting Fast Forecast (add your location)

Inducing Arrowsnap

Arrowsnap is LXLE's Aero Snap like feature.

  1. Select the window you would like to move (either up, down, left or right)

  2. Hold Super Key (Windows key) and press an arrow on the keyboard in the desired direction.

  3. Repeat for the second window you would like to position.

Inducing the QuickStart Launcher

Changing the Timer for Update Reminder

  1. In your programs menu, select Terminal. This will open ROXTerm.

  2. Copy/Paste the command line snippet below into your Terminal (or enter by typing), and press ENTER:

    • pcmanfm ~/.config/autostart/

  3. Open the file updatereminder.sh using gedit (right click on it.)

  4. Adjust the time between reminders as you wish.

  5. Save and close

  6. The new script will be followed after the next restart.

Conky Configuration

Hide and Show

Network Activity

  1. Go to the programs menu > Accessories > ROXTerm

  2. Copy/Paste the following command line snippet into ROXTerm then press Enter:

    • gedit ~/.conkyrc

  3. Find All “eth0” without the quotes
  4. Change to your connection usually “eth0, eth1, wlan0, wlan1, wlan2”
  5. Also easily found in network connections
  6. Once changed just save and exit.

Stop at Startup


