Name: |
Mark Cox |
Launchpad: |
Email: |
markthecarp _at_ gmail _dot_ com |
Ubuntu Forums: |
IRC: |
_marx_ |
About Me
My name is Mark Cox. I started using GNU/Linux around late '98. I my first distro was Redhat 6.0. I experienced the infamous "rpm hell" one too many times and installed Debian around 2000. At that time I was limited to a dialup connection so I only downloaded the boot floppy images (yes those old 1.4 meg things) and after booting through three floppies installed the rest over that dialup connection. It only took a week!
I started using the "markthecarp" handle or nickname because I've been a carpenter for many years. So the "carp" part of that stands for carpenter, not the nasty fish. In the last year I've earned my RHCT and am continuing to study for further Linux certifications.
I have and still do run many distros; both physical and virtual machines. When I heard about Ubuntu I was running Debian unstable on my desktop. I tried Ubuntu with the 5.04 release and haven't looked back.
Ubuntu Participation
North Carolina Local Team
I am a member of the North Carolina LoCo team council.
Ubuntu User Days
I am a member of the Ubuntu User Days team. I was an instructor for the Command Line Basics class.
Ubuntu Hour
Working with the NC team we've started an Ubuntu Hour in Winston-Salem, NC.
markthecarp (last edited 2010-07-25 15:03:19 by cpe-071-076-231-233)