
Differences between revisions 18 and 19
Revision 18 as of 2011-04-19 23:42:19
Size: 1510
Editor: adsl-75-25-30-108
Revision 19 as of 2011-05-07 17:48:20
Size: 2641
Editor: solidwall
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 * Member of CA LOCO: i help wherever is necessary, and use this group as a way to find other people who use Ubuntu and together promote it as a successful operating system
 * Helped run a booth at SCALE9X
 * Helps to organize, run and promote a Ubuntu Hour in San Diego, California
 * I have been a member of California LoCo for about a year and a half: I help wherever is necessary, and use this group as a way to find other people who use Ubuntu and together promote it as a successful operating system
 * Helped run a booth at SCALE9X: this consisted of me handing out a pack of fifty CD's that i burned and packaged, running live CD's on peoples computer demonstrating just what Ubuntu can do for them.
 * Helps to organize, run and promote a Ubuntu Hour in San Diego, California: I organize the outreach, logistics and planning for The hour we run once a month. I am known for carrying around flyers for the Ubuntu hour and passing it out to people i know who I think might be interested in attending. I email the list a few days before the event again just as a reminder of what is coming up and look for possibly having more people come out if possible. When planning an event of this goes. location is critical. thats why i have picked some of the locations we have held the event at, therefor I can scout out good seating a hour to half hour in advance in order to ensure enough seats for as many visitors as possible
* Active in IRC. i have lately been helping in the #ubuntu channel and occasionally I visit the #ubuntu-beginners channel. aside from these I always try my best to be at every meeting on the #ubuntu-us-ca channel that is held, even if i have nothing to important to say.

I have been using Ubuntu full time since 7.10 and have enjoyed it tremendously

Contact Information

Ubuntu launchpad:

Ubuntu Ubuntuforums:



  • I have been a member of California LoCo for about a year and a half: I help wherever is necessary, and use this group as a way to find other people who use Ubuntu and together promote it as a successful operating system

  • Helped run a booth at SCALE9X: this consisted of me handing out a pack of fifty CD's that i burned and packaged, running live CD's on peoples computer demonstrating just what Ubuntu can do for them.
  • Helps to organize, run and promote a Ubuntu Hour in San Diego, California: I organize the outreach, logistics and planning for The hour we run once a month. I am known for carrying around flyers for the Ubuntu hour and passing it out to people i know who I think might be interested in attending. I email the list a few days before the event again just as a reminder of what is coming up and look for possibly having more people come out if possible. When planning an event of this goes. location is critical. thats why i have picked some of the locations we have held the event at, therefor I can scout out good seating a hour to half hour in advance in order to ensure enough seats for as many visitors as possible

* Active in IRC. i have lately been helping in the #ubuntu channel and occasionally I visit the #ubuntu-beginners channel. aside from these I always try my best to be at every meeting on the #ubuntu-us-ca channel that is held, even if i have nothing to important to say.


Phil has been an active member of the San Diego Ubuntu Loco contingent since we started it in November 2010. He's a good supporter of Ubuntu and the Community! --kdub [KevinDuBois]

I was very impressed with Philip when I met him at SCaLE9x where we worked together at the Ubuntu booth. His charismatic nature makes him easy to work with and for him to convey the Ubuntu spirit. He is a perfect communicator that worked well with any visitors coming to the Ubuntu booth. He is also active in IRC, rarely missing a team meeting, and helps run the Ubuntu Hour in San Diego. I am working with him to possibly set up another Ubuntu Hour in Claremont, CA (location of five major universities). As always, I look forward to working with Phil and together helping spread Ubuntu! -- [ iheartubuntu ] 03/28/2011


philipballew (last edited 2014-12-15 18:29:08 by 192)