About Me
Rob Tongue
Systems Engineer, at Bi-Lo Holdings, LLC.
Ubuntu core channel operator
Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct on 2013-09-07
Contact Information
IRC: phunyguy on
Email: robtongue @ gmail dot com
I have been an Ubuntu user since 2007, and a Gentoo/Fedora user from 2002-2007, although I have only recently (within the past 2 years) started using IRC. Initially, I started online chatting in a program called Kali, in 1995, which was heavily modeled after IRC, and included support to tunnel IPX traffic over TCP/IP. This allowed the games of that time period to be played online, when they weren't initially designed to. That program has since died off (almost 20 years later!), and I started looking for other places to lurk, landing me on IRC.
I was instantly hooked in the support channels, as well in the offtopic channels. There is something about the culture that is nearly impossible to find anywhere else. What I mean is, family-friendly, safe-yet-entertaining, helpful, and good-natured chat, without all of the downsides to the not-so-friendly side of the Internet.
Suddenly I found myself going in to #ubuntu to ask for help on a specific issue I was experiencing, and not realizing that 2-3 hours had passed, I hadn't eaten, and my legs had gone numb. I love helping people, and I love the satisfaction that comes over me when I get the "Oh! It works now! Thanks, phunyguy!!!" It is a feeling that I can't explain, and I must have it, all the time.
I have spent the better part of the last year as an operator in the core channels, with focus on #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, and #ubuntu-server, with many months before that catalyzing without operator privileges. It has been a great experience for me, and it is time for me to take the next step in the community with membership.
Future Goals
In the near future I would like to focus on building an intricate knowledge of the insides of Linux, not restricted to Ubuntu, so that someday I may be more than just a desktop-support expert, but also a pro that can provide something real to the projects, like design ideas, ways to improve, and maybe even some code.
Note: This section is for people who aren't Ubuntu members to cheer or comments that aren't testimonials from existing members.
Not only is phunyguy a wonderful operator, he is also a very helpful and sociable member of the IRC community with or without his operator hat on. He's an important part of the team and he certainly should be an official Ubuntu member. -- JuhaSiltala 2014-10-26 (topyli)
Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application.
If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.
Rob is an excellent Ubuntu core op. As his mentor, I'm extremely pleased with his grasp of team norms and catalyzing. He has shown initiative to jump into discussions with good ideas, and is open to other peoples' points of view. I'm happy that he's applying for Ubuntu Membership, and give him an enthusiastic +1 -- rww 2014-10-21
Rob is a fantastic operator, and has put in a lot to the Ubuntu IRC team. I highly support his membership. -- JussiSchultink 2014-10-22
Robert provides an external and welcome fresh perspective to the Ubuntu channels and their managment. He is confident in stating his views and participating in discussions to make things better. He adds value from both a member/user of the channel and as an operator of the channels within the ubuntu name space. Granting someone like Robert membership should be a straight forward and positive decision to add value to the ubuntu project, along with any external project. I welcome and support his application. -- matt-darcy 2014-10-22
phunyguy (last edited 2014-10-26 15:38:22 by topyli)