

Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo Team - The Hottest LoCo on Earth!

Contact Information


My name is Merrill but commonly known as "quietstorm" and have no preference on name. I am 45 and started my journey into open source about 10 years ago by experiementing with Red Hat 9. I quickly became frustrated and discountinued using it. My first experience with Ubuntu was with Warty Warthog and also joined Ubuntu Forums, Being a beginner and longing for more than the windows experience, I was ever so frustated with the standard "RTFM" response from the forums so yet again, I dropped from the forums and Ubuntu. I took this time to begin to find my own answers about Linux and started going to "www.linuxsurvival.com" to teach myself. This is a site that I recommend for beginners.

It's when I discovered the local users group and the their IRC channel "#Ubuntu-US-AZ" I was relieved to find great people that are more than willing to help you with Ubuntu without the annoying reference to the manual. I believe this to be the truest expression of "humanity to others" philosophy. I've learned and continue to learn that open souce software is more than "free". It's a mindset and principle of freedom. I still struggle with problem with Ubuntu but feel confident that I am not alone in learning and leaning away from my current O/S to embrace a greater freedom. Every member is my mentor and forever grateful for their contribution.

All this aside, I am a student of the University Of Phoenix majoring in information technologies. Currently on disability due to a stroke, my goal is to return to the workplace. I never cared for the label of "disabilty" let alone the implication that we are less than what we are. I enjoy movies (science fiction) and technology. In my spare time, I build, repair and maintain computer systems for the economically disadvantaged. I believe that a computer shouldn't be limited to people who can afford them. I also advocate the use of Linux in legacy systems that can be provided to econimcally disadvantaged. It's a great way to promote open source and reuse hardware that would normally be less viable in modern O/S's.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and if I don't know the answer, I will put you in contact with the resources that will. My goal is to provide a atmosphere of trust and support while new members acclimate themselves to Ubuntu. There is no manual, just caring people and that is what makes open source work

Team Memberships

Ubuntu Arizona LoCo Team

My Goals With Ubuntu

  • My Short Term Goals
  • My Long Term Goals - ongoing

If you wish to describe any of my contributions to the Ubuntu Community please do so. Thank You.


General Testimonials

Testimonials for Ubuntu Membership

quietstorm (last edited 2010-07-26 21:44:03 by 97-117-143-90)