Project meeting 09/08/2010
- Whether to continue with Lucid edition 2 or move straight on to Maverick
- Whether it is practical to continue to wait for the collaboration meeting with the Docs/Learning team before writing more content
- Documenting the release process more publicly and in more depth
- Detailing the process for translations
- Website
- Website Content
- Bug Form
- Forum or not ?
- Practicality of Scheduled Meetings
- brandonj
- dutchie
- jenkins
- thishumphreybc
- Muscovy
- c7p
- semioticrobotic
- godbyk
- flan
- vdquynh
Lucid-e2 or Maverick
It was decided to get the Lucid-e2 release out of the way as soon as possible to allow work to begin in earnest on the Maverick edition. A date of Monday the 16th of August was decided and this schedule was agreed on.
Clarification of the release process
After some initial confusion as to what was meant, it was decided that a checklist of things to do when releasing the manual would be useful to make sure everything is done. dutchie is to write up an example wiki page here for feedback in the next meeting.
Website discussion
Some new mockups by humphreybc (link to flickr set) were shown and generally ooh'ed and ahh'ed at. The lack of web developers to assist our currently very busy one was noted.
The bug form here was also brought up. It's currently quite slow, and could do with a performance enhancement. There is a document accessible via for feedback.
Whether the project needed a dedicated forum was briefly discussed, and unanimously decided not to be needed.
Regular meetings
It was decided that we should have a meeting every 2 weeks to keep project momentum up.
Next meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Sunday the 22nd of August at 2000 UTC.
ubuntu-manual/Meetings/archive/meeting-2010-08-09 (last edited 2010-08-20 19:57:20 by 87-194-39-9)