
Differences between revisions 1 and 45 (spanning 44 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2011-11-08 05:39:05
Size: 8472
Editor: wxl
Revision 45 as of 2015-01-25 15:08:56
Size: 10320
Editor: wxl
Comment: linuxpadawan, family
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} Name || Walter Lapchynski ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} Email || carsrcoffins23 at yahoo dot com ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} Launchpad Profile || [[https://launchpad.net/~wxl23|Walter Lapchynski]] ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC ||wxl on IRC.freenode.net and elsewhere||
|| {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7171615/ubuntulogo_s.png}} Ubuntu Forums Profile || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=948925|wxl]] ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} Homepage || [[http://wxl.freeshell.org|wxl.freeshell.org]] ||
|| {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png}} Currently Using/testing || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu| Lubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot with all repos including backports & proposed]] ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} Name || ~+'''Walter Lapchynski'''+~ ||
|| {*} Wiki || [[wxl]] ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/mail}} Email || wxl at ubuntu dot com ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} Launchpad || [[https://launchpad.net/~wxl|wxl]] ||
|| {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC ||wxl on Freenode, OFTC, and elsewhere||
|| {i} Homepage || [[http://polka.bike|polka.bike]] ||
|| {{https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/wp-useragent/trunk/img/16/os/lubuntu-1.png}} Derivative || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu|Lubuntu]] ||
|| Contributions || {1} Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA<<BR>> {2} Oregon !LoCo Team Leader<<BR>> {3} PPC Point Of Contact ||
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== whoami ==
I'm a lifelong geek, having delved deeply into the many intricacies of my first computer, a Commodore 128, at 8 years old. I taught myself how to program BASIC immediately. Eventually, armed with a little experience from the CP/M mode (read: PC emulation) on said computer, I upgraded to MS-DOS on a new PC.
== About Me ==
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As a pre-teen, I made good use out of my 1200 baud modem, calling all over Ohio, much to the chagrin of my father. Soon I found the Cleveland FreeNet, the first free network, and with it discovered gopher, telnet, ftp, IRC, and ultimately, FreeBSD. === Computing ===
{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188802625/lpmugshot.png | my ugly mug | align=left}} I guess at my core, I'm a hacker: always tinkering, trying to figure out what various pieces do, experimenting. Linux is, for sure, the perfect platform for me.
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Meanwhile I kept loading up Windows on to my PC for those rare cases I might need it. I lived in the shell. One day, after upgrading to Windows 95, I went to my shell, typed some normal command, and was faced with "wrong version." The VER command revealed that Windows had truly taken over DOS. At that point, our relationship was over. ==== Programming ====
I've decided, thusly, to quit ignoring my calling and have went back to school to get my degree in IT, with an emphasis in software development. This way I can actually be getting paid for what I'll ultimately be doing on my own anyways. I've got experience with Bash, Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Lua (awesomewm!), Common Lisp, Clojure, to name a few.
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So began a long search for home. Slackware on a ThinkPad was wrought with difficulty, but I made it work, until the hard drive failed. At the time, replacing hardware on a desktop was fine and dandy with me, but I wasn't comfortable opening up a laptop, so I gave it away. ==== Mentoring ====
I've helped developed a distro-agnostic project called '''[[http://linuxpadawan.net|LinuxPadawan]]''' that is dedicated to helping Linux users become better users and hopefully, Linux contributors. If you need help in any particular area, whether is is technical or non-technical, beginner or advanced, this is where to get it.
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Since I was in college (for a degree in biology), I got a great discount on an Apple PowerBook G4 PPC (New World) I couldn't pass up. For a while, I had quite the love affair with it, but the more I used it, the more I found myself in Terminal and the more I did, the more I longed for a UNIX-like experience that wasn't quite so proprietary and funky. I was exploring various and sundry dark corners of networking and wanted a platform that would require less effort to get things done. Meanwhile I cut my teeth upgrading the computer, getting over that fear of repairing smaller-scale hardware. I even did some repairs on a tiny Palm Pre phone. Similarly, if you need help in general, don't hesitate to get in touch. I don't bite.
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After being blown away by the state of Ubuntu, but not entirely liking its bloat, I kept searching. Xubuntu was good but not enough, though I did find myself liking XFCE. I went through all sorts of things, including a rather good long run with Arch (mainly from the XFCE connection though I like their "keep it simple" philosophy). Finally Lubuntu came out with a PPC release. I got it going on the PowerBook and loved it. When I again got a hold of a ThinkPad that needed a little hardware help, I immediately loaded it up with Lubuntu. I also have a PowerBook G3 PPC (Old World) that has proven quite challenging to get anything on easily. It will eventually be Lubuntized. Lastly, when I get a new phone, I plan on loading up Lubuntu on my Pre. ==== Unicode ====
Also, in case it's not obvious, I ♥ Unicode! ☺
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I guess at my core, I'm a hacker: always tinkering, trying to figure out what various pieces do, experimenting. Linux is, for sure, the perfect platform for me. === Family ===
I'm blessed with a lovely wife and daughter that keep me quite busy. The latter is a hardcore swimmer and Minecraft/Terraria fanastic. She has a laptop that I refurbished with Lubuntu on it. The former is an [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/christina_lapchynski/|amazing artist]] and is truly the yang to my yin (even though she prefers OS X/iOS)!
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I've decided, thusly, to quit ignoring my calling and have went back to school to get my degree in IT, with an emphasis in software development. So far, outside of doing JavaScript, we've done little in the way of programming, but it's right around the corner. We'll be focusing on Java, which I already know to some degree. Meanwhile, I've been working on teaching myself C, Python, and Ruby slowly. This way I can actually be getting paid for what I'll ultimately be doing on my own anyways :D === Cycling ===
I'm an everyday cyclist and bike commuter and my primary employment is selling handcrafted folding bicycles to an international audience at [[http://bikefriday.com|Bike Friday]]. I also do various and sundry information services tasks for them.
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=== Music ===
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I host an occassional electronic music radio show broadcast with my own Icecast server using Mixxx to DJ exclusively free Creative Commons-licensed tunes. ==== Radio ====
I host an electronic music radio show broadcast with my own Icecast server (called [[http://thereexists.us|∃ radio]]) using Mixxx to DJ exclusively free Creative Commons-licensed tunes.
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Also, on the other end of the spectrum, I have two more avant-garde/experimental projects that work in the loosely described genre of noise, Brownian Motion and The ERNIE 4, the latter being a collaboration with Jon 7/President Blair. Traditionally they have involved taking some source material and manipulating it with the Apple-specific product Audio Hijack Pro. Often, there's a subtle commentary on the nature of intellectual copyright and what exactly is "free" in not only the implementation but the selection of sources. It is ironic then, to not use free software. I'm proud to say that future works will be using Lubuntu, jack, jack-rack, and eventually puredata. It is also likely that some generative video will be created via either puredata or processing. ==== Production ====
I have several avant-garde/experimental projects, including [[http://discogs.com/artist/Brownian+Motion|Brownian Motion]] and [[http://discogs.com/artist/ERNIE+4,The|The ERNIE 4]]. Most of this work is produced with open source software. I also have an interest in doing livecoding. My friend and I are working on a little project in [[https://overtone.github.io/|Overtone]] (Clojure + supercollider).
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There is also a likelihood that an electronic music project (likely breakcore) will come into existence care of the Sunvox tracker. ==== Netlabel ====
Much of my work and the work of artists I enjoy is available through my Creative Commons-licensed netlabel [[http://brownianemotions.bandcamp.com|Brownian e/Motion(s)]], where every release is available for as much or as little as you like to pay.
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== w == === Science ===
I have an honors degree in biology from the [[http://www.uoregon.edu/ | University of Oregon]]. Though I find academia to be contrary to the development of science, my interest remains. Bioinfromatics and computational biology may be in my future.
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=== Bugs ===
Mainly focusing on Lubuntu-specific ones, my activity can be found on [[https://launchpad.net/~wxl23/+karma |Launchpad]]
== (L)Ubuntu and I ==

=== *nix Beginnings ===
<a href=http://polka.bike/ubuntu/lenny_bike.png><img src=http://polka.bike/ubuntu/lenny_bike.png alt="Lenny on a bike" width=150 align=right></a>
}}} I taught myself programming at age 8 on a Commodore 128. Telecommunications via 1200 baud modem introduced me to the Cleveland !FreeNet and subsequently FreeBSD. Later, on a PC, frustration with a limited terminal in Windows 95 led me to find something else. After trying Red Hat on a work computer, Slackware on an old !ThinkPad that died, I was in search for an OS for my PPC machine.

=== Lubuntu is the Future ===
That's when I found Lubuntu 12.04. I came for support and I fell so in love with the community, I just stayed and eventually became a contributor. Even after I moved to a normal PC, I installed Lubuntu. Now every machine in the house (and there are many, including a little mini-ITX server and a Raspberry Pi) has some Debian-based distro on it, mostly Lubuntu.

== Contributions ==

My main focus is on Lubuntu in the following areas:
 1. '''Testing/QA''' on both virtual and real hardware.
 1. '''Bug Triage''' on [[https://launchpad.net/~wxl/+karma|Launchpad]].
 1. '''Support''' on [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lubuntu|#lubuntu]], the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/lubuntu-users|mailing list]], and [[http://askubuntu.com/users/237241/wxl|AskUbuntu]].
 1. '''Documentation''' on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/|Lubuntu Wiki]] but also general pages where relevant.
 1. '''Marketing''', where I helped create and help administer the [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/lubuntu.official|official Facebook group]].

I also serve as the Team Leader/Point Of Contact for [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-or/|Oregon LoCo]].
== Teams ==

It has now got to the point that I have too many teams to list here. See all of them [[https://launchpad.net/~wxl/+participation | here]], but a choice selection follows.
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Ubuntu + LXDE - Gnome - miscellaneous bloat. What Xubuntu wanted to really be. Whether you're looking for a simple, lightweight, graphical distribution for aesthetic reasons or economic reasons, Lubuntu is the right one. Truly not a crippled offering, Lubutu can do everything Ubuntu can do, even run Compiz if you want. ;) You can find more [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu|details about Lubuntu]]. This is great for the computer recycler, which we could use a lot more of. Not only can it provide new toys, it can help out your local charity and bodes well for Linux advocacy as you can find cheap/free computers and set them up for the curious to try. I am a member of the Lubuntu mailing list, and am a true believer in their goals.    * [[https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-packaging|Lubuntu Packages Team]]
   * [[https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-product-managers|Lubuntu Product Managers]]
   * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing|Lubuntu-QA]]
   * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam|Lubuntu Comms]]
   * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationTeam|Lubuntu Wiki and Docs Team]]
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=== IRC ===
As I am a user of Lubuntu I can be found at '''#lubuntu'''. If you do not have your IRC set up then you can click [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lubuntu|LubuntuIRC]] As we now have an offtopic channel, you can just pop in for a chat at '''#lubuntu-offtopic''' ([[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lubuntu-offtopic|LubuntuOfftopic]]) though I rarely frequent it.
=== Community ===
   * [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-or/|Ubuntu Oregon LoCo]]
   * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership|Ubuntu Leadership]]
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=== Ubuntu Forums ===
Though I much prefer IRC when it comes to needing support, the forums are useful as well. I have a few posts up there but I'm certainly not a frequent user. That being said, signing up on [[http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php|Ubuntu Forum]] is something I would recommend.
== Goals ==
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=== Wiki ===
I focus my efforts on Lubuntu, especially adding to their [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp|documentation]].
=== Ubuntu Oregon LoCo ===
Short term, I've got some work ahead of me to unite and grow the beautiful State of Oregon's !LoCo, spreading the word of Ubuntu throughout the land!
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== ps && atq == === Lubuntu ===
I'm working on expanding Lubuntu QA to be sort of full stack and handle proper bug triage. I'm always trying to build up the PPC team.
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=== Current ===
I'd like to be a full-fledged member of the Lubuntu team, starting with bug reporting, documentation and testing, which ultimately I'm doing anyways.
=== Stretch Goals ===
Long term, I want help with packaging and development of Lubuntu and ultimately be able to do a better job in the areas I already contribute to.
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=== Future ===
To further help myself while helping the community, I'd really like to get up to speed on the languages I need to know to help with the development of Lubuntu.
== Presentations ==
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Also, when we do get a publicly accessible PPC build of Lubuntu again, I'd like to offer my instructions on how to get it working. I could suggest installing Ubuntu, then the lubuntu-desktop package, and then removing all the unnecessary stuff, but my experience is that it results in a substandard solution. === UOS 1411 ===
 * [[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22341/latest-developments-in-lubuntu-development/|Latest Developments in Lubuntu Development]]
 * [[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22372/community-1411-ubuntu-us-oregon/|Ubuntu Oregon LoCo meet and greet and planning]]
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== pwd ==
I owe a great deal of thanks to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw|Phill Whiteside]] for taking the time to set up his own page on which this one was modeled.
=== EUGLUG ===
 * [[http://files.meetup.com/8125762/big%20linux%20noise.pdf|Making a Big Noise With Linux]] - kind of an overview of audio in Linux, various audio utilities, and leading to livecoding (part 1 of 2).
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In case it's not obvious, I decided to be a little geeky about the headings. They're all Linux commands. `whoami` is pretty obvious. `ps && atq` is "current processes and scheduled jobs," which refers to current projects and future goals. `w` is "who's logged on and what are they doing" which is to refer to my involvement in the Ubuntu community. `pwd` is "present working directory," i.e. about this page. == Testimonials ==

If you have something nice to say about me, please add it below:


Walter is, as stated above, a very motivated and 'hands-on' person in all areas that he is involved in. For the testing cycle he went far beyond any call of duty. This continues apace with the chasing of outstanding bugs and the re-write of test cases for PPC. He is not limited to PPC and helps out on all areas. He is a wonderful example of the Ubuntu ethos, I strongly support his application for full Ubuntu membership. [[phillw]] 28th Oct 2012

'''update''': I've had the extreme pleasure of working with wxl for several years now. He's very good at what he does, and is always willing to help and share his knowledge with others.
He's been very helpful in many areas especially with the support and testing side. It is through his fantastic work that each cycle lubuntu has enough people to test PPC and AMD64+Mac images.
His work with the Lubuntu Team has always been above and beyond the call of duty. He has now taken the mantle of TL for testing and is also now a release manager with duty of checking milestone ISO's are either a 'GO' or 'NO-GO' for acceptance.
He's also always ready to answer any questions concerning where Lubuntu and F/OSS in general is heading. He is active with the areas of advocacy and being the Team Leader for lubuntu testing, liaises well with others and also with lubuntu's other sub-teams. I ask that you look favourably upon his application. [[phillw]] Sat 12th July 2014

Walter not only helped us with the testing task on QA Team. He spent hours trying to solve those called ''minor problems'' from unexperienced users on Lubuntu's IRC channel, editing and correcting wiki pages or even managing media resources like Facebook to spread the word. I highly recommend his membership application. -- [[rafaellaguna]] <<DateTime(2014-07-11T23:16:46Z)>>

For me as CEO of Lubuntu marketing it's essential to have to have reliable sources that support me and my work. And for me, Walter is such a source. Whenever I need information or support on short notice, I can always count on Walter. He has the ability to make even the most difficult tech stuff understandable for Linux novices like me. And on top, he is patient... Someone willing to explain the same procedure 3 times in a row if necessary. And that's what the community really needs in my eyes. [[silverlion]] on Tue 5th August 2014

I've known wxl on IRC for a while now, and I'd say he is an intelligent, helpful person in terms of support and is the current release manager for Lubuntu. I fully support his application to become an Ubuntu member. -- [[unit193]]

https://launchpad.net/@@/person Name

Walter Lapchynski

Ubuntu Wiki


https://launchpad.net/@@/mail Email

wxl at ubuntu dot com

https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico Launchpad


https://launchpad.net/@@/language IRC

wxl on Freenode, OFTC, and elsewhere

(i) Homepage


https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/wp-useragent/trunk/img/16/os/lubuntu-1.png Derivative



(1) Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
(2) Oregon LoCo Team Leader
(3) PPC Point Of Contact

About Me


my ugly mug I guess at my core, I'm a hacker: always tinkering, trying to figure out what various pieces do, experimenting. Linux is, for sure, the perfect platform for me.


I've decided, thusly, to quit ignoring my calling and have went back to school to get my degree in IT, with an emphasis in software development. This way I can actually be getting paid for what I'll ultimately be doing on my own anyways. I've got experience with Bash, Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Lua (awesomewm!), Common Lisp, Clojure, to name a few.


I've helped developed a distro-agnostic project called LinuxPadawan that is dedicated to helping Linux users become better users and hopefully, Linux contributors. If you need help in any particular area, whether is is technical or non-technical, beginner or advanced, this is where to get it.

Similarly, if you need help in general, don't hesitate to get in touch. I don't bite.


Also, in case it's not obvious, I ♥ Unicode! ☺


I'm blessed with a lovely wife and daughter that keep me quite busy. The latter is a hardcore swimmer and Minecraft/Terraria fanastic. She has a laptop that I refurbished with Lubuntu on it. The former is an amazing artist and is truly the yang to my yin (even though she prefers OS X/iOS)!


I'm an everyday cyclist and bike commuter and my primary employment is selling handcrafted folding bicycles to an international audience at Bike Friday. I also do various and sundry information services tasks for them.


I'm also a music geek and a free culture junkie. These two often go hand in hand.


I host an electronic music radio show broadcast with my own Icecast server (called ∃ radio) using Mixxx to DJ exclusively free Creative Commons-licensed tunes.


I have several avant-garde/experimental projects, including Brownian Motion and The ERNIE 4. Most of this work is produced with open source software. I also have an interest in doing livecoding. My friend and I are working on a little project in Overtone (Clojure + supercollider).


Much of my work and the work of artists I enjoy is available through my Creative Commons-licensed netlabel Brownian e/Motion(s), where every release is available for as much or as little as you like to pay.


I have an honors degree in biology from the University of Oregon. Though I find academia to be contrary to the development of science, my interest remains. Bioinfromatics and computational biology may be in my future.

(L)Ubuntu and I

*nix Beginnings

Lenny on a bike

I taught myself programming at age 8 on a Commodore 128. Telecommunications via 1200 baud modem introduced me to the Cleveland FreeNet and subsequently FreeBSD. Later, on a PC, frustration with a limited terminal in Windows 95 led me to find something else. After trying Red Hat on a work computer, Slackware on an old ThinkPad that died, I was in search for an OS for my PPC machine.

Lubuntu is the Future

That's when I found Lubuntu 12.04. I came for support and I fell so in love with the community, I just stayed and eventually became a contributor. Even after I moved to a normal PC, I installed Lubuntu. Now every machine in the house (and there are many, including a little mini-ITX server and a Raspberry Pi) has some Debian-based distro on it, mostly Lubuntu.


My main focus is on Lubuntu in the following areas:

  1. Testing/QA on both virtual and real hardware.

  2. Bug Triage on Launchpad.

  3. Support on #lubuntu, the mailing list, and AskUbuntu.

  4. Documentation on the Lubuntu Wiki but also general pages where relevant.

  5. Marketing, where I helped create and help administer the official Facebook group.

I also serve as the Team Leader/Point Of Contact for Oregon LoCo.


It has now got to the point that I have too many teams to list here. See all of them here, but a choice selection follows.




Ubuntu Oregon LoCo

Short term, I've got some work ahead of me to unite and grow the beautiful State of Oregon's LoCo, spreading the word of Ubuntu throughout the land!


I'm working on expanding Lubuntu QA to be sort of full stack and handle proper bug triage. I'm always trying to build up the PPC team.

Stretch Goals

Long term, I want help with packaging and development of Lubuntu and ultimately be able to do a better job in the areas I already contribute to.


UOS 1411



If you have something nice to say about me, please add it below:

Walter is, as stated above, a very motivated and 'hands-on' person in all areas that he is involved in. For the testing cycle he went far beyond any call of duty. This continues apace with the chasing of outstanding bugs and the re-write of test cases for PPC. He is not limited to PPC and helps out on all areas. He is a wonderful example of the Ubuntu ethos, I strongly support his application for full Ubuntu membership. phillw 28th Oct 2012

update: I've had the extreme pleasure of working with wxl for several years now. He's very good at what he does, and is always willing to help and share his knowledge with others. He's been very helpful in many areas especially with the support and testing side. It is through his fantastic work that each cycle lubuntu has enough people to test PPC and AMD64+Mac images. His work with the Lubuntu Team has always been above and beyond the call of duty. He has now taken the mantle of TL for testing and is also now a release manager with duty of checking milestone ISO's are either a 'GO' or 'NO-GO' for acceptance. He's also always ready to answer any questions concerning where Lubuntu and F/OSS in general is heading. He is active with the areas of advocacy and being the Team Leader for lubuntu testing, liaises well with others and also with lubuntu's other sub-teams. I ask that you look favourably upon his application. phillw Sat 12th July 2014

Walter not only helped us with the testing task on QA Team. He spent hours trying to solve those called minor problems from unexperienced users on Lubuntu's IRC channel, editing and correcting wiki pages or even managing media resources like Facebook to spread the word. I highly recommend his membership application. -- rafaellaguna 2014-07-11 23:16:46

For me as CEO of Lubuntu marketing it's essential to have to have reliable sources that support me and my work. And for me, Walter is such a source. Whenever I need information or support on short notice, I can always count on Walter. He has the ability to make even the most difficult tech stuff understandable for Linux novices like me. And on top, he is patient... Someone willing to explain the same procedure 3 times in a row if necessary. And that's what the community really needs in my eyes. silverlion on Tue 5th August 2014

I've known wxl on IRC for a while now, and I'd say he is an intelligent, helpful person in terms of support and is the current release manager for Lubuntu. I fully support his application to become an Ubuntu member. -- unit193

wxl (last edited 2020-10-14 22:08:22 by wxl)