
Revision 29 as of 2008-07-24 18:21:04

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About Me

I'm [https://launchpad.net/~xander21c-ubuntu-pe Michael Garrido] (aka Xander21c). I live in Lima - Peru

Ubuntu user since Dapper. After Ubuntu get on my life I learned a lot of open source from technical to social issues.

My formation was as technician. I have basic knowledge of programing.

Ubuntu Contributions

LoCO Team: Ubuntu Peru

I have been very active in my LoCO Team since I started using Ubuntu, among may responsibilities to the team are:

Event Planing and Participation

Among my responsabilities Event planning and Participation in order cominities events is one of my favorites, because you face lots of people looking to get involve and learn.

Launchpad : Translations

The complete list of my [https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/~xander21c-ubuntu-pe translations]

Upcoming Events


  • Implement Workshops and Talks for Retail Vendors.
  • Implement On-Line Talks so many people across my country can assist.
  • Start my MOTU contribution.
  • Help with bugs and merge for the next Ubuntu releases.
  • Learn PHP.
  • Learn Python.
  • Keep organizing ubuntu events.

Not necessary in that order Smile :)


  • Xander21c has been very involved with the Peruvian LoCo Team since its starts. It is thanks to him that we have had such participation in many events as well as our own events, since he is the one who organizes them. He is the one in charge of Organizing the Events for the Peruvian LoCo Team and managing the Peruvian Resources. He also is a great contributor giving support on the Peruvian Ubuntu Forums, in the IRC Channel #ubuntu-pe, and administering the Mailing List with me. [https://launchpad.net/~andreserl RoAkSoAx]

  • Xander21c has been doing a great job in the Peruvian LoCo Team as website co-administrator, giving support on the ubuntu-pe forums, irc channel and mailinglist, planning and participating in events representing to Ubuntu PerĂº. He has a high spirit of collaboration, he is definitely an outstanding candidate for becoming an Ubuntu Member. -- DanteDiaz

  • Michael is doing an amazing work on the Peruvian LoCo team, he's the person in charge of the events and i have no complainings about his job, he always surprise us with more work and ideas. It's definitely +1 from me. [:Nxvl]
