Juan Manuel "Z37A" Zele
My personal Blog (All in Spanish, sorry): http://zele.biz << Sorry, it's currently offline! >>
Hello, I stand between Ubuntu-AR in a few years ago (about 3 years), beginning with the release partys and other things that I like and well here I am!
I am a computer technician, working for a technology company as a technician / consultant, I specialize in Linux / UNIX / NetWare in the enterprise, and install servers and other gadgets that I like! Also from time to time I get to see the occasional printer will not print. Start using Linux in the enterprise and good looks which will spread to some comrades who every day are migrating to Ubuntu.
As a member of Ubuntu-AR participate in several meetings, release partys, Global Jam's, "Fabrica de Fallas" and various events.
Below I will comment on some events in which I participate:
September 2010, I helped to organize the event at the "Escuela Técnica 36 D.E. 15 - Alte. Brown" (ENET36, in Spanish), where I join the group along with some teachers and former teachers to organize the annual event that makes a conference on Linux and free software. Then attach a certificate issued by way of thanks the authorities of the "Escuela Técnica 36 D.E. 15 - Alte. Brown":
October 2010, I will comment also participate in the UbuCon 2010 that was held in Argentina, which for me was a success. My participation was as a speaker giving a talk with EuzkoArima on cluster of virtual machines with KVM. Participating in coordinating the talks (I was annoying with the cute little sign of "Game Over" to warn when the talks ended! LOL). Here I give you a link to a note I wrote in my blog on UbuCon with photos and everything http://zele.biz/?p=201 (in Spanish)
January of 2011 I made a note as a user of Ubuntu for one of the country's most important means of technology, I was asked to do a short interview as a user of Ubuntu for the publication of "Red Users", which gave Ubuntu 10.10 to one of the most important technologies of the year. Here I give you a link for those interested who want to read the note: http://www.redusers.com/noticias/lo-mejor-de-ubuntu-10-10-es-la-comunidad-que-esta-detras/ (in Spanish)
March of 2011 I participated in the "PirateFest" a series of talks and participate both days InstallFest where the event was covered by local newspapers, in fact, by chance left in the photo of one of these local newspapers (lol)!
In late August and early September 2011 to organize and participate again in the Days of the ET36 "Alte. Brown" where people convene in the world of free software and coordinate the series of talks, in turn, also gave a talk at this same cycle, they were filmed, not entirely because of time and simultaneity (it came to give talks in parallel), in any case the event was covered and videos available on YouTube, links and some descriptions, along presentations in Spanish are detailed on my personal blog and the wiki accordingly.
September 2011 to participate for two days in the CISL, working with the Ubuntu-AR stand and the install-fest.
September 2011 I was approved as an Ubuntu-Member, thanks to all!
September 2011 I participated in the "Software Freedom Day 2011" with two talks (avalaibles here in my blog) in the "Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires"
April 2012 I participated in the "Flisol" in Villa Madero - Buenos Aires. Here's a link to "my blog" with more info about this event.
June 2012 I participated as an organizer, as well also as speaker at the UbuConLA 2012, at the Universidad Austral. First UbuConLA made, was made in fixed throughout between Ubuntu-AR and Ubuntu-UY.
April 2013 I participated in the "Flisol" in Villa Madero - Buenos Aires.
June 2013 I participate as a speaker in the UbuConLA 2013, Montevideo - Uruguay.
April 2014 I participated in the "Flisol" in Lujan - Buenos Aires. Here's a link to "Diario BAE (Local newspaper)" with more info about this event.
October 2014 I Participated in the "UbuCamp - Colonia", a little reunion with Ubuntu-UY members in Colonia del Sacramento - Uruguay.
October 2014 I Participated as an organizer, in the Ubuntu 14.10 Release Party in CABA - Argentina.
In the near future:
- I going to participate in the organization of UbuConLA 2015.
Well I hope this site will motivate more members to be able to make a small step self-presentation and that will motivate more involved in the group.
z37a/english (last edited 2014-11-17 20:15:28 by juanzele)