Revision 9 as of 2010-03-09 12:13:06

Clear message

March 9th, 2010, 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from March 2nd, 2010

Standing Items

Action Items

  • To be added.


  • To be added.

Weekly Reports

Jamie Bennett (JamieBennett)

This Week

  • Worked on web office integration.
  • Preliminary look at the FTBFS, highlighted candidates to fix.
    • Produced a fix for fio to make if compile on ARMv7 and also make it SMP safe.
  • iMX51 image testing, nice new artwork Wink ;)

  • Some Canola investigations to determine if we are to make an effort to upload to universe this cycle. Still undecided.
  • Lots of machine bring-up after my laptop died last week and needed to be replaced Sad :(


  • More FTBFS work.

Paul Larson (plars)

This Week

  • Tested installing to SSD drive with imx51
  • spent a great deal of time investigating instability I've been noticing on dove
    • after much frustration, and noticing that others are not able to reproduce my problems, I ran memtester and it fails about 50% of the time. I now believe my issues may be hardware (possibly memory) related and specific to my system
  • Opened an ftbfs bug against moserial which ceased to build recently, this is now fixed and awaiting sponsorship
  • submitted merge request for suspend/resume testcases
  • did some bug triaging


  • Fixes and cleanups for suspend/resume tests that fell out of the merge request
  • bug triaging
  • mobile-bringup baseline testing
  • try to get my dove board fixed or memory replaced
  • debugging on audio problems I'm seeing

Alexander Sack (asac)

  • out of office for half of week for a mini-summit
  • thumb2 main rebuild
    • prepare list of not yet rebuild packages with Architecture != all
    • upload in two batches: 80 on monday, 240 on weekend
    • collect build failures and file bugs
    • fix libatomic-ops - lp:533629
    • fix and upstream libgnome-keyring - lp:533998
    • work on fixing klibc (no success) and libplist (success on armel)
  • review webservice office
  • get FFe for webservice office and email
  • review gnash update - next: sponsoring
  • weekly release team meeting and preparations

Meeting Log

 * To be added.