
Revision 20 as of 2008-05-05 06:15:13

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Who am I


  • Nickname: quadrispro

  • Age: 23

  • City: Aprilia, Italy

I'm currently studying Informatic Engineering at Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione of University of Roma Tre. I have several heterogeneous interests, from IT to music, which I love to listen to and produce.

I am an Ubuntu Italian Member from June 2007.

Ubuntu Related Activity


My experience with Ubuntu began with Dapper Drake and, since the first time, I was fascinated by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Few weeks later, I started to contribute to Italian Community growth in different ways, at the first giving support in technical boards of the italian forum and in IRC channels, then reporting bugs and writing and reviewing howtos for the Italian wiki. My work was appreciated by wiki administrators so I was appointed wiki "editor" in May 2007. Just in the same period I started to contribute to Italian translations (for software and documentation) and one month later I became an Ubuntu-it official member.

Now I'm an official translator, a moderator of Documentation board of Italian forum and an administrator of italian wiki, on which I work everyday. During this last period my attention is mainly focused on wiki structure refactoring and graphic restyling; in particular I'm really happy for the last work which I ended together with Leo Iannacone (another Ubuntu-it wiki administrator), about new macros development.

My hope is that Ubuntu will reach the largest number of people in the world and everyday I try to make it real, installing it on a lot of people's laptop and desktop and offering my support and my solutions free.


In the Italian LocoTeam:

International Activities:

Contact me

Plans and ideas for Ubuntu in the future


  • Organize a great Ubuntu Italian Party in Rome;
  • Create and mantain a package contaning all the italian comunity docs;
  • Continue to improving the translations of Ubuntu in Italian language;
  • Learn to package for Ubuntu;
  • Learn Gtk+.

Cheers for Ubuntu Membership

  • I would like to sponsor Alessio for his membership, he is a very hard worker and a good translator. His work on the Italian wiki is invaluable. -- Milo DateTime(2007-11-28T16:38:46Z) [:Milo]

  • Alessio is extremely active on the Documentation Team, he is member of the official Italian Translator Team and member of Italian Wiki Staff. -- PalmaSalvatore DateTime(2007-11-28T17:41:36Z)

* Alessio is a great volounteer that spends most of his time patrolling our wiki in search of pages that need to be updated. -- GabrielePostorino DateTime(2007-12-10T11:57:36Z)





