My Contact Info
Alvaro Barahona G.
Santiago, Chile
<arvaro AT arvaro DOT org>
arvaro on #Ubuntu-cl
Ubuntu Forums
Personal Site:
About Me
I'm Ubuntu user since 2005 and I have been participating with the Chilean LoCo Team since 2009. I'm part of the Chilean LoCo Council
Santiago, Chile
Ingeniero en informatica
A cargo del grupo marketing desde 06 junio 2009
Miembro del Concilio de Ubuntu-cl desde el 2010
My contributions to Ubuntu
Projects and Activities which I've involved
FernandaMorales and i are in charge of the finantial topics of ubuntu-cl
FernandaMorales and i are in charge of marketing management of ubuntu-cl, we are in the comunity stand everytime we can travel to this events. I don't even doubt it in disguise my self of tux to promote ubuntu.
Website: FernandaMorales, my brother CristianBarahona and I worked in a new design and concept for ubuntu website. Now we still working for introduce new functionalities, post contents and integrate all areas of our community.
Charity Actions (Acciones Solidarias): FernandaMorales and I, created a Charity system, to collect money whit the gold to finance the material and pay the inscription of the LoCo Members to differents events.
Ubuntu OpenTour Valparaiso: Cristianvirtual and i Organized a city tour for the audience and speakers to the "Encuentro Linux 2009" around to the beautiful city of Valparaiso. It was a very good experience, in the activity participated people from diferent countries and cities of Chile.
New Logo for LoCo Team FernandaMorales and i, are the organizer of the diffusion and election of new logo for LoCoTeam
FLISOL (Santiago)
stand, installer
Jaunty Jackalope Party (My House)
party wujuuu!!
Junta Ubuntera (Santiago)
Día del software Libre (Curico)
stand, installer
Día cultural del software Libre (Quintero)
JRSL (Santiago)
stand, speaker, installer
Encuentro Linux 2009 (Valparaiso)
stand, installer
Encuentro Linux Universidad Autonoma de Talca (Talca)
stand, speaker, installer
GobForge 2.0 (Santiago)
Encuentro Linux Puerto Montt (Puerto Montt)
stand, speaker
Encuentro Linux 2010 (Concepcion)
Encuentro Linux 2011 (Puerto Montt)
Gnome Day 2011
Magic Show
Charlas Ubunteras 2011
stand, speaker
FLISOL 2012 (Santiago)
If you can write something about my contributions to ubuntu community, it will be appreciated!
Alvaro is one of the best members we have in our LoCo Team, he works in the Marketing team and its responsible for distributing all the material for the conferences in our Country, also Alvaro is the person you'll see at the Ubuntu booth at every single Free Software Event in Chile. If someone deserve to be an Ubuntu member that's him the guy is a Rockstar. -- PedroVillavicencio
I have seen Alvaro working in our community for a long time in either Marketing or as speaker in the 99% of the open source conferences, even I saw him once using a tuxedo just like tux. His amazing work and dedication in the team deserves without a doubt his ubuntu membership badge. In addition to all the said before I would like to add that he has many other abilities like doing magic tricks that he usually show in our stand in order to get the attention of our attendees, just outstanding. -- VictorVargas
AlvaroBarahona (last edited 2012-05-09 02:59:22 by pc-159-141-163-190)