
Revision 14 as of 2009-08-28 18:04:02

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Amber Graner

About Me

Hi ya'll! I'm an Ubuntu User, advocate and when and where ever possible I try and contribute and help others in the Ubuntu Community. I have only been involved in the Ubuntu Community since February '09. My blog is Just Me, Amber and there is probably more that you ever wanted to know about me there. Since being handed a "Linux for Human Beings" t-shirt and an Ubuntu Intrepid CD in February I am enjoying using Ubuntu and I am trying to be proactive in my involvement. My First Post about Ubuntu

Contact Info

Community Involvement

  • I am one of the team contacts for the NC LoCo team.

    • I help
      • organize events
      • gather SWAG
      • update wiki's
      • generally help out where ever I can.
    • I went to the Borders in Cary, NC and got them to include the latest release of Ubuntu in the Linux Section.
    • I went to the library in Rutherfordton, NC and asked then if they would display the latest release of Ubuntu and the Fliers, and they agreed to.
    • Suggested that everyone in the LoCo visit their local book stores and Libraries and see where we could display the CD's and Fliers.

    • Also, involved with helping the LoCo plan and execute events for Ubuntu Global Jam schedule for October 2-4, 2009.

  • I am a member of the Ubuntu-Women's team. Currently helping with the 'Women Behind Ubuntu" series of Interviews for Full Circle Magazine.
  • I help out when I can as an idea reviewer for Ubuntu Brainstorm, but haven't been as active as I want to be due to a move and limited technical abilities, but when and where I can I do try to help. Limited Brainstorm Activity

  • I have proposed an Ubuntu User Conference and posted a wiki with a rough outline of the event. I am currently gathering venue information and seeing what the cost of this event would be.

  • At SELF (Southeast Linux Fest)
    • I helped coordinate the effort of the Southeast LoCo Teams for involvement in SELF.

      • The Ubuntu Booth was staffed for the 4 Southeast LoCo's (FL, GA, SC, and NC).

    • I conducted 2 BoF sessions: 1 on personal involvement (Why Not, you?) and one on group involvement (FAQ's on Ubuntu LoCo's). My Blog of SELF, Pleia2's Blog, Mackenzie Morgan's Post

  • Scheduled to Attend BarCampRDU (August 8, 2009) and present a session on Community.
  • Scheduled to Attend Atlanta Linux Fest (September 19, 2009) and present a BoF session. Also, helping the organizers of ALF with overnight rooms and sponsorships.
  • I Blog about my experiences in the Ubuntu community, and with Ubuntu in general - A popular blog which led to me being a reviewer for Jono Bacon's newest book, The Art of Community, among other things. My Review of ''The Art of Community'' by Jono Bacon


JonoBacon: I have found Amber to be a conscientious, hard-working and inspired contributor to the Ubuntu community, and her contributions have not only had a positive impact on her work in specific areas but on many other community members too. I would certainly +1 her for membership.

Mackenzie Morgan: At SELF, Amber was doing it all. Staffing the Ubuntu table, handing out Ubuntu swag, getting people talking about how to be more effective contributors and grow the community... At the TriLUG meeting where we met in person the first time, folks were coming up to her ("the Ubuntu lady") to get CDs and stickers. I am beginning to suspect she doesn't sleep, since she's got her hands in everything. Definitely should be a member.

Dan Trevino: From a US LoCo teams perspective, in my time as a US Teams mentor, I've seen that Amber has been instrumental in helping the North Carolina team on their road to approval. She's always happy to share ideas and in doing so has had an impact well outside of North Carolina. Outside of the LoCo teams, her activity in the community has always been positive, engaging, and something I've personally pointed to as an example of how non-developers can contribute. Amber's hard work and positive energy are contagious and I heartily recommend her for membership.

Andy Whitcroft: Amber seems to have a way with words which she is using to the benefit of the Ubuntu community as a whole. She brings the eye of the regular user to the problems we face, managing to communicate to both sides for the benefit of all. The popularity of her blog speaks for itself. +1 for Membership.

Jorge Castro: Amber seemingly came out of nowhere and started to do a bunch of great things. Looking forward to her involvement with the LoCo Global Jam and Ubuntu Open Week. +1 with a warning to not take on too much at once, remember it's a marathon not a sprint! Down that road leads madness!

Jimmy Harris (pak33m) There are those within the Ubuntu Community who carry the banner high. Amber certainly is one of those. The enthusiasm that Amber has brought to the Ubuntu LoCo Teams has inspired and energised a good many. Of recent Amber coordinated Birds Of A Feather (BoF) Sessions during the South East Linux Fest which primarily focused on how to improve Ubuntu LoCos Teams. While there Amber created a forum where LoCo Team members from many states were able to engage in ways that were inspiring and productive. Amber has proposed and is in the planning stages for other similar events of which have never happened with the Ubuntu Community. There are a number of projects that Amber is involved in and/or has created in the advocacy of Ubuntu that reach out not only the Ubuntu Community, the North Carolina Team but directly within her community as well. As a former Army soldier I was particularly touched in her work to bring Ubuntu to the military families. There is so much more to come from Amber. Amber does all of this with a passion that I feel truly embodies the spirit of community. Amber gets my vote Smile :)

Laura Czajkowski Amber has been around a short time but has left her mark, she is a great voice of reason in the ubuntu-women channel and is extremely eager to participate wherever she can. She showed me her enthusiasm when she took part remotely at UDS and actively took part in the Ubuntu community on irc with us. Giving us more food for thought! +1 membership

Chris Crisafulli Amber is always upbeat, she is one of the most positive people I have met within our community. Her organizational skills are awesome. She has many good ideas on spreading ubuntu and how to make the community better. She is very dedicated, which was evident by her attendance remotely of at least 3/4's of the Community break out Sessions during UDS Karmic! She is quick to help others realize their goals by sharing with them ideas that combine what they are doing, with what works for her. I see really good things Amber has been doing, and I look forward to her future achievements, and feel she is highly deserving of her membership. -- itnet7 2009-07-15 23:26:02