

  1. Newsletter


Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo Team - The Hottest LoCo on Earth


Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #8 for the week July 11 - July 17 , 2007.

  • Arizona Loco Newsletter
  • Eighth Edition
  • Powered by Ubuntu
  • Wednesday-July 11, 2007

Next meeting: Sunday July 15, 2007 9:00PM Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

We had 3 new members at the last meeting. Apple resides in flagstaff and is a recent convert to Ubuntu. He wants to help the team to promote Ubuntu and Open Source. Jacob is from Gilbertand goes to ASU. He works for Maricopa County as an accountant and is now the editor of this newsletter. t00na is a self professed linux addict who got a new machine just so he could run beryl the 3D windows manager. The team welcomes these new attendees at our IRC meetings and hopes to get to know them better as time goes by.

Now that Ian is back he has gotten right to work cleaning up my formatting on the wiki page I set up here: Team Approval Outline As usual, he has improved my work greatly and it is much appreciated. Ian also has the IRC stats back up and running and you can check them out here: IRC Stats Ian also is hosting gtetrinet on his server again, and all are welcome to come join in the fun, there are several of us that can give you the server address, so just ask in the IRC Channel and we will help you out.

For anyone interested, Vorian his hosting his own repository for Comp-Fusion with nightly builds. I have been using Comp-Fusion for about 2 weeks now and can report that it is fast and solid so far. We will need a graphics card and 3D direct rendering enabled to enable this extra. For those interested, I have Vorian repository address and the key necessary to enable it, so just ask. I'm sure Vorian would also answer any questions you might have when he is in the IRC Channel.

As I stated last week, Jacob has taken over the Newsletter Team and did a great job with the first edition. It is my sad responsibility to announce that Jacob has had a death in his family. I'm sure all of you will want to join me in saying that our thoughts and prayers go out to Jacob and his family in this their time of sorrow. It is at times like these that family and friends mean so much to those that have suffered the loss of a loved one.

br24 reported that the Education Team has made some updates to their wiki page here: Education Team Updates include Chat Clients, Virtual Machines and Web Browsers. Brian reports that soon to be added will be Audio/Video, Email Clients, BitTorrent Clients and FAQ for beginning users. He also asks that if anyone has any ideas to let him know. Good work Brian.

The C4K Team, headed by bluecat9 has done some reorganizing of their wiki page here: Comp4Kids He has trimmed it down to a more basic concept with the hope of building back to a useable framework for the team to use. bluecat9 has also been looking into securing donations the team might be able to use to underwrite some of our projects. This is an area we have been needing some help and we appreciate his due diligence in trying to secure funds for the team to use.

DX00 was a little late to the meeting, but reported that a new cdrom has been ordered for the server, and is hoping that it will come in this week. Once it is installed, he is optimistic that he will be able to get everything installed and running shortly thereafter. I know we all have a lot of ideas on how we can use the server, and it should be a busy time once everything is installed. Thanks DX00

Please don't forget to signup to help out on getting our Team Approval from Ubuntu. The wiki page explaining what our goals are is here: Team Approval Outline and the wiki page to volunteer for any portion of this project is here: Volunteer

We have noticed an increase in the number of people joining the IRC Channel in the last few days. It is always a pleasure to meet and greet all the new members. On a personal note, I want to thank all the current members who have gone out of their way to personally greet and help these new folks and make their first visit to our team channel a pleasant experience. Your attention to detail did not go unnoticed and I offer my personal thanks to all of you.

It was a great meeting and my thanks to all. Please remember to keep Jacob and his family in your thoughts this week, and I look forward to talking to you all at the next meeting if not before.

ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07July11 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:41 by localhost)