photo wallpaper
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Photo Wallpaper
how about sort of artsy photo wallpapers ? do we have to stick to all digital art or can we target a wider audience
photo wallpapers of a more applesk nature
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I love these pictures, they are amazing. How can we use those in the ubuntu artwork? - sealview
First off being new to this i am not sure if i put this in the right place. I have been using ubuntu for 2 years +. I also have a mac and windows machine.I notice that mac and windows both include wallpapers that are logo images, but also include photo wallpapers that are nice to look at. (Some operating systems have nicer photos then others.) ubuntu "out of the box" has only wallpapers including logos so i was thinking of adding some that are logo free, and nice to look at. possibly to help encourage usage of ubuntu by a wider variety of people. after all ubuntu has a lot of advantages over windows and mac OS but there is still a lot to be utilised as far as novice usability goes, including "eye candy". - jackwhite21
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Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/photo wallpaper (last edited 2009-04-02 02:41:45 by bb-151-34)