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thorwil's backgrounds
A Collection of Backgrounds in various stages of refinement. Most of them are meant to be in line with the briefing provided by Kenneth Wimer.
In short: inviting, progressive, balanced, refined, elegant. With a palette of mainly brown tones.
Possible sources of inspiration are the features coming with 9.04: the faster boot time, online services, the new notification system.
Everything shall be licensed as LGPL or CC BY SA (Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike) in any specific version as required
All my sources can be found at
Ready for use
Fast boot, jumping jackalope ...
SVG based on a rough Blender rendering.
Glass is probably not the best name, but has to do for now I took inspiration from a screenshot of the new GDM theme.
Scan of a rattan stool
People working together to make it happen ... Rough concept, although I don't intend to smooth it out all that much, as then the lack of (facial) features will seem odd.
Laola Frontal
Rough concept. Starting point was the idea of a "fast" tree. The tree stands for growth and nature.
Currently only a concept sketch. The butterfly is light-weight and fast (boot time). It embodies elegance.
Possible problems are ending up with it looking like a moth or too much contrast in the details.
I really liked the idea of this one so I attempted to refine it!
dzondlo 2009-02-15 21:04:43
Wood Block
Wood can embody elegance, warmth and a tie to nature.
As is, this scan has too many defects, of course. I will see what can be done here later on.
Wood Cut
Face side of a piece of wood. The cut resulted in an interesting pattern.
Wooden trivet
In no way elegant, I see this as possible additional background, for those who like a bit of dirt
Definitely these are the best I have seen, in my opinion. I even submitted some myself...and I like yours better. I like the Suede ones and the Laola one and of course the Wooden Trivet which I am currently using. I will probably switch to Laola after a couple of weeks. I like to keep my desktop fresh. Good job!!! -- duanedesign 2009-03-25 19:37:38
Scan of a fingertip, reveals a wonderful pattern. Certainly human, but might be seen as freaky.
I like it a lot; I was about to make a similar one but thought it may be too personal or maybe even inappropriate/offensive in other cultures? Anyway, I think is a great idea, but the fullsize picture looks blurry, very out of focus, for this concept to work a very high definition macro picture should be used. My 0.02€
- -- -- inigoalonso 2009-02-16 21:01:21 2009-02-16 21:00:43
inigoalonso: thanks! Regarding the quality, it's the best I can do with my equipment. If I scale it down to my screen resolution, it looks quite sharp, though
-- t-w- 2009-02-15 21:04:43
wakojakoo's Ubuntu perspective image
this is my first background, so plz leave comments!
got ideas from other people for the logo and the perspective and the gradient
I had to rename the file to have the .jpg at the end, as it won't be shown in the browser otherwise
Well, there's a rather strong consensus in the ubuntu-artwork community that the logo and Ubuntu label shouldn't take center stage. There's enough branding elsewhere and having this constantly in the background doesn't make us look confident. -- t-w- 2009-02-15 21:04:43
Vorcigernix Trivet remixes
Building a better world. I like trivet motive, so I tried to remix them with perspective building photo.
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Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Backgrounds (last edited 2009-05-10 11:01:34 by p50897606)