updates, discussion from mailing list, wiki edits, BugJams - Scott Evans VK7HSE
- are we comfortable with current input?
is everyone happy that things haven't been moved to the Archives unneccesarily? Jared Norris - head_victim
what is the general consensus on the new front page layout? Jared Norris - head_victim
- are we comfortable with current input?
AustralianTeam/Proposed-Council-Structure (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Proposed-Council-Structure) - jellyware
Report on the free Lucid mailout to update the team on how it is going - Jared Norris - head_victim
AustralianTeam/Meetings/2010june8 (last edited 2010-06-09 01:18:19 by 124-168-137-155)